Elves of the Swarm (Budget)

Standard multimedia

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Post Rotation Thoughts —Sept. 3, 2015

Standard rotation happens one month from now. All Theros block and M15 cards will no longer be able to be used in Standard decks. This deck loses a lot at rotation, but also has quite a few just as good replacements for cards that are rotating.

Elvish Mystic is the biggest loss for this deck. This could likely mean the last 1 drop green unconditional mana elf for a while. Currently the only 1 drop mana elf we have is Gnarlroot Trapper and Trapper is black. This deck really needs a green 1 drop elf, hopefully one is in Battle for Zendikar. Mystic's current replacement is Leaf Gilder.

Chord of Calling and Obelisk of Urd are rotating, leaving Standard without a green creature tutor instant or sorcery spell or an artifact anthem for creatures. The convoke mechanic is leaving Standard. This is sad because convoke was so good with this deck.

Collected Company will replace Chord. Using Company will require changes to the deck, limiting elves other than Sylvan Messenger to casting cost 3 or less. Moving bigger elves to the sideboard such as Gilt-Leaf Winnower.

Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen will replace Obelisk. Dwynen is an elf lord and gives all elves +1/+1 which is not as much as Obelisk, but is still good. Sylvan Messenger can find Dwynen and it can't find Obelisk, this is a plus.

Thoughtseize is rotating, but fortunately there are two nice alternatives in Duress and Despise. I foresee both these cards playing a large role main deck and sideboard in this deck after rotation.

Reclamation Sage is another big loss; currently Sage is the only elf that can destroy an enchantment or artifact. If Sage isn't reprinted or a similar elf or creature with a casting cost of 1-3 is in Battle for Zendikar then this deck will have to use Caustic Caterpillar or Naturalize out the sideboard for this effect.

Hero's Downfall is leaving Standard. Losing Downfall is a huge loss because it was the only unconditional instant removal spell that can kill both creatures and Planeswalkers in colors black and green. Thankfully, Ruinous Path has been revealed from Battle for Zendikar, it will take the place of Downfall.

The manabase for this deck is not going to change much. Temple of Malady is rotating out, but Jungle Hollow can just take its place. The new dual lands in Battle for Zendikar have been revealed, but unfortunately they are of allied color pairs; no G/B dual land. We will have to wait until the next set if at all to get enemy colored dual lands, which will really help the mana base of this deck.

First Version deck:post-rotation-messenger-elves/

I think Despise will be an important card in the new Standard because it can take Hangarback Walker, Siege Rhino, as well as the new Battle for Zendikar cards: the new Gideon Gideon, Ally of Zendikar, colorless Eldrazi creatures and Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger are going to be everywhere.