Separate nation states ruled by barbarian clans make up the Southern hemisphere, of which is dominated by robust mountain chains. While each clan's domain acts as its own country, these people have united under a single banner. While divided in race, the barbarian clans are united in solitary rage. They march northward.

The base of this deck, is to overwhelm the opponent quickly by playing cheap Barbarians and providing multiple anthem effects. The idea is to play MTG as a themed RPG, and to be played in a pod of 4 with like built decks:

Flavor of game story excerpt:

Borg meet man from north. Gold hair, pretty like woman. Borg take, maybe give to cousin Tarr for bride. Tarr like pretty men who look like woman. Man in black armor come meet Borg. Want Borg axe for fight, kill northman, burn land. He say Borg's people get lots of land, many farms, pick of north women for bed and marriage. He scares children, Borg think liar. Borg kill man, bleed black, throw in dirty river.

More black armor men come, want kill Borg and his people. Borg likes fight. Borg likes kill. Borg likes blood. Borg kill ten men. Throw them in dirty river. Tell last man, "You tell master, Borg has axe. Borg come to kill you. Borg likes kill!" Man runs away. Borg drinks with other clans. Ask for war. Clans like war. Borg likes war. Borg lets pretty lady man go. Say he help North in war. Tarr is sad. He like lady man, lady man like Tarr. Tarr go with lady man north, show he is brave and strong and want help.

Dwarf come to meet Borg. Dwarf is small, strange man, live in cave, live underground. Look funny. Borg is big man, strong muscles, pick up dwarf with one hand. Laugh real loud, dwarf laugh too. Borg like dwarf, dwarf is friend. Dwarf like war, make bags that make big fire for killing. Borg likes big fire for killing. Dwarf agrees to war with Borg and Borg's clan.

Many clan want to war with Borg. Many clan want Borg leader. Make Borg new axe, big axe, make Borg use two hand. Borg likes. Borg lead clans to glory of war. Clans roar. Bring sword, bring lance, bring bow. Borg bring big axe. Borg like new axe. Borg like kill. Borg like blood. Borg like war.


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Revision 1 See all

(9 years ago)

+1 Altac Bloodseeker main
+1 Ancient Ziggurat main
+1 Arena main
+1 Banefire main
+1 Banners Raised main
+1 Barbarian Ring main
-1 Blood Moon main
+1 Brawler's Plate main
+1 Butcher's Cleaver main
+1 Contested War Zone main
+1 Dead-Iron Sledge main
+1 Dwarven Hold main
+1 Dwarven Ruins main
-1 Dwarven Strike Force main
+1 Faithless Looting main
+1 Fireshrieker main
+1 Flame Slash main
+1 Forgotten Cave main
+1 Grappling Hook main
+1 Hall of the Bandit Lord main
and 44 other change(s)
Date added 9 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

1 - 0 Mythic Rares

24 - 0 Rares

23 - 0 Uncommons

30 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.18
Tokens Morph 2/2 C
Folders To play
Ignored suggestions
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