Wildgrowth Walker

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Wildgrowth Walker

Creature — Elemental

Whenever a creature you control explores, put a +1/+1 counter on this creature and you gain 3 life.

PuritanPuree on Amalia the Explorer

1 year ago

BioProfDude Thanks for checking out the deck!

I was actually just checking out the results of a big pioneer tournament that happened this past weekend to check how Amalia combo decks did and to compare lists. It actually did really well, taking 3rd and 4th, and it had a winning record against the winning deck, Izzet Phoenix. It was interesting to see that the most successful versions didn't even use Fiend Artisan at all (though a couple that made top 32 did), which was a bit surprising to me. Their sideboards also had a much more varied sideboard toolbox of 1-off creatures, which didn't surprise me too much, but I'm bad at sideboards, so I let other people figures those out, haha.

As for the suggestions, Selfless Savior actually did show up in basically all of the lists, usually as a 1-off. I was using Tamiyo's Safekeeping as a similar effect, but I'll happily trade them out for a good boy if that's the move. Selfless Spirit is a bit too tricky to play with in this deck since accidentally giving Wildgrowth Walker indestructible while trying to protect the combo while it's going off will draw the game, which is obviously not ideal. All of the top decks were also running Return to the Ranks, which I also found mildly surprising since I just assumed it'd find more use in a self-mill variant of the deck, which I'm not using, but they for sure know better than me. I'm assuming that Rally the Ancestors doesn't see any play both because of the sac clause, and because Return only costs 3 if I only need to get back 1 thing.

Thanks again for checking the deck out! I'll likely be editing the deck to reflect some of the changes from the tournament results shortly.

RebelGenius on Next Stop: The Exploration Station

1 year ago

Fablab awesome, I'll have to check that out.

I agree that both of those would require me to shift more towards lifegain than explore. I personally like the explore option more because it helps me dig for the combo pieces and can trigger the Wildgrowth Walker regularly. I'll try out Heliod, he seems like a decent fit overall.


zapyourtumor on Blue/Green Merfolk

3 years ago
  1. I'd definitely cut Wildgrowth Walker if you only have 2 jadelights and 2 path of discoverys. If you put in 4x Merfolk Branchwalker and 2 more jadelights then it might be worth keeping.

  2. Hands down bad cards: Storm Sculptor , Sworn Guardian , Shaper Apprentice , Jade Guardian , Deeproot Warrior

I see all your cards look like ixalan cards. If you want to make this into a modern deck, there are tons of good, budget merfolk outside of ixalan that you should definitely include.

GerryAvalanche on Please help upgrading my Golgari …

5 years ago

Xica Yeah you're right, I think I'll stick with Shriekmaw for now. Its versatility fits the deck better, plus I get to use it even more often due to the graveyard spells and it opens the gate for Winding Constrictor and Wildgrowth Walker to swing in for the kill while being kind of hard to block itself.

manuati on Muldrotha the Desecrater

5 years ago

Nothing in here explores. Why the Wildgrowth Walker s?

Murphy77 on Simic Climb

5 years ago

I have found the quickest way to get +1/+1 counters on your creatures is to play Biomancer's Familiar with Growth-Chamber Guardian and Incubation Druid . This means almost instant flipping of Hadana's Climb  Flip. Jiang Yanggu, Wildcrafter and Simic Ascendancy then help to create back-up win conditions, while Nissa, Who Shapes the World gives you all the mana you could want.

I would keep Pelt Collector and Roalesk, Apex Hybrid , but Siren Stormtamer is so much easier to cast and almost as effective as Frilled Mystic and the explore package (12 cards) may actually slow you down.

My recommendations for this deck would be:

-2 Nissa, Who Shakes the World , +2 Jiang Yanggu, Wildcrafter

-4 Frilled Mystic , +3 Siren Stormtamer , +1 Stony Strength

-4 Jadelight Ranger , +4 Biomancer's Familiar

-4 Merfolk Branchwalker , +4 Simic Ascendancy

-4 Wildgrowth Walker , +3 Evolution Sage , +1 Stony Strength

This combination should give you super-rapid growth of your creatures power with +1/+1 counters and an alternative win-con with the effect of Simic Ascendancy . I would look to have Sylvan Awakening in the side-board to be able to swing with an army of 2/2's after using Nissa's ultimate effect.

I suppose that we could design the sideboard so that we could swap out the adapt and the explore themes, but I would prefer some control options.

plakjekaas on Feather's Tricks

5 years ago

I'm also having a lot of fun with Feather, and Gird for Battle makes for some really explosive plays in my experience. I only run it as a 2of, it's not always good, but t2 Dreadhorde Arcanist into t3 Tenth District Legionnaire lets you hit with a 3/5 and a 6/6 on turn 3, and in the great amount of red decks running around, there's not many of them equipped to deal with threats like that.

I do run some Shock / Lightning Strike main deck though, because Reckless Rage can be a dead card in your hand if your creatures do get removed and you don't draw any new ones. Shocking your Legionnaire with Feather out still will pump it, and you will get the shock back to hand. It's not something you want to do a lot, but it's a niche use for playing very good t1/t2 removal spells (I still run into Wildgrowth Walker from time to time). They also provide reach by going to face, twice even if you have your Dreadhorde Arcanist . Even though they synergize less with Feather, I find myself happy to run them.

My list: WR Feather

Mullac on Heroic Aristocrats [Sideboard help needed]

5 years ago

Tibalt and Shock i think are for different situations. Tibalt may be good against Lyra Dawnbringer or Wildgrowth Walker Where Shock is just an all round general good removal.

I don't play Aristocrafts myself, so I'll let the pace and playtesting to your judgement :)

This deck is looking lit! and i hope it goes well

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