Trial of Solidarity

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Trial of Solidarity


When Trial of Solidarity enters the battlefield, creatures you control get +2/+1 and gain vigilance until end of turn.

When a Cartouche enters the battlefield under your control, return Trial of Solidarity to its owner's hand.

sleeper_agent007 on $5 Egyptian Exertion

5 years ago

I would lean into the warrior subtheme and include Herald of Dromoka . I would also suggest Trial of Solidarity for a really explosive turn. Your decks are inspiring!

stensiagamekeeper on Aryel, Knight of Wingrace ideas

6 years ago

Aryel is actually better than some people are giving her credit for. is a lot for a vigilant 4/4 or a 2/2 generator with removal potential buuut she is both. She's resilient to a surprising amount of removal and is a reasonable top end as she keeps generating value as long as she survives and keeps the pressure on if you're curving out.

The most obvious home for her is obviously knight tribal. Trial of Solidarity was playable even in some competitive white weenie decks not so long ago and History of Benalia does that on top of being a staple in almost every white deck at this point. If the 100US for a play set isn't where you wanna be you could make knight tribal work at an fnm level with Aryel, Knight of Windgrace, Valiant Knight and Midnight Reaper as payoffs and Knight of Grace, Knight of Malice, Cavalry Drillmaster etc as the backbone.

Something else I don't think anyone else has mentioned is the combo potential with Divine Visitation. Yes Leonin Warleader is a lot better there but maybe you want more than 4. or Visitation seems doable and two standard legal sets so far have featured 2/2 knight token generators. If enough of your token generators made knights aryel could even have a chance at being a removal spell more often than not.

DEJSASM123 on Exert and Prevail

6 years ago

May I suggest Trial of Solidarity? Otherwise, looks great (and cheap)!

Legendary_penguin_of_death on rw weenies

6 years ago

Adorned Pouncer gets pretty gross with all your pump spells.

Cartouche of Solidarity helps with ascend and it synergizes with Trial of Solidarity

Argy on Esper Legends

6 years ago

I think Radiant Destiny would be better than Trial of Solidarity. Don't forget that lands are also permanents. I would use two or three.

I agree with dropping two lands. You'd use 26 lands in a Control deck, which this is not.

I think you should drop as you've only got four spells, including the Sideboard.

Sub Ixalan's Binding (or Cast Out, if that's all you can get your hands on) for Blink of an Eye.

Sub Heroic Intervention for Negate in the Sideboard.

Your curve is extremely high, which is probably why you feel as though you need more lands.

You could really do with more 2 drop Creatures.

On Serra's Wings could come out for two Gifted Aetherborn.

Generally Auras aren't very good to play in Standard, unless they do something like let you draw a card, return something from your Graveyard, etc.

That is because your Opponent can two-for-one you. If they play one removal spell on a Creature they can get rid of two of your cards - the Creature plus the Aura attached to it.

Think about Blackblade Reforged instead of Helm of the Host.

I've been using it in a Legendary deck and it has been working very well.

Why do you want to transform this into a Control deck with your Sideboard?

That's a very tricky thing to do.

It might be better just to throw three Approach of the Second Sun in.

If you want this to be strong vs other Control decks Post-Sideboard what you need to do is bring more Creatures in. Especially ones that are around the 2 CMC mark.

If you make any changes and want me to take another look at this deck, tag me in these Comments.

redbird97 on Esper Legends

6 years ago

My bad.Trial of Solidarity (4) Then drop 2 lands and 2 On Serra's Wings.

Entomo on W/B Knights Standard

6 years ago

dam some of these knights are sick as fk. As such I think this deck could go harder even. I don't like Metallic Mimic personally, especially with just 2, because then your likely to get it late when its terrible.
Also Bloodcrazed Paladin isn't very good imo, especially considering you don't have any removal to turn him on, so hes just suedo board wipe protection that doesn't work vs Settle the Wreckage. I would cut both of those guys and proly both Danitha Capashen, Paragon and jam 4 Radiant Destiny, it's so good here.
Maybe leave Aryel, Knight of Windgrace in the sideboard for grindy games, because I think Kwende, Pride of Femeref is the real fire here and should be jammed at 4 copies, as it turns on such a good attack for the 2 mana knights.
-2 mimics
-2 paladins
-2 Danitha
-3 Aryel
+4 radiant D.
+2 Kwende
I also don't like Seal Away here, as you can't clear blockers with it, and I don't like On Serra's Wings either, it adds some cool effects and evasion, but I think you would be better off with cheaper evasion, or a pump that added first strike so you could capitalize on kwende, I'm thinking 4x Cartouche of Solidarity, which if you wanted could open up 2xTrial of Ambition which is a pretty sick combo I've always wanted to find a home for. Also why the fk not, 1 Trial of Solidarity as well.
-2 seal away
-2 serra's wings
+4 cartouche
+2 trial Ambition
+1 trial solidarity
Finally Josu Vess, Lich Knight is kinda a pipe dream, though being a 4/5 menace for 4 is pretty hot, maybe you want to just drop him tho for another Ixalan's Binding, which would give you a pretty fair removal package overall.
Last thing, 2 Unclaimed Territory should be really good here, the toughest spell to cast being History of Benalia, but the land could help to cast something like a 1 or 2 of Benalish Marshal.

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