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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Choose one - Remove X time counters from target permanent or suspended card; or put X time counters on target permanent with a time counter on it or suspended card.

Azoth2099 on Miracle Wizard | You shall not pass! (LOTR Theme)

1 year ago

Hey man, here's some synergies!

Clockspinning, Fury Charm, Dust of Moments, Timecrafting, Quicken, Borne Upon a Wind & Emergence Zone are all fundamentally super strong here.

I'll stop here and let you decide if you want more recommendations before I get out of hand lol.

VladMarkov on [EDH] Eldrazis Floating over Battlefield

4 years ago

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Eldrazi R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn.

You can see them. They are somewhere there. Waiting in their sleep. And when they wake up - they will bring interplanar Chaos and destruction.

Prepare yourselves, though shall they spare no one.

Eldrazis Fhtagn

After finding Jhoira of the Ghitu , I was thinking what needs Suspend the most. Obvious answer - high mana cost cards. And what's more expensive, than Eldrazi? Hmm, I have no idea. And that's how the deck has been made. Few cards with "put on the battlefield", like Belbe's Portal or Quicksilver Amulet , few "without paying mana cost", like Omniscience , Sunbird's Invocation or Temporal Aperture and with enough mana rocks Planar Bridge or, of course Eye of Ugin .

Additionally, I like to play someone else's spells, so there is few stealing cards, like: Knowledge Exploitation or Reversal of Fortune .

I have spicied it up with some returning sorceries/instant cards, like Mystic Retrieval or Narset's Reversal .

Of course not to forget draw cards, but it's obvious in blue decks :)

And last and most important part - cards, that are taking off the time counters from suspended cards - imagine card:Omnisciense with Suspend 4 on turn 3 :) And then you have, for example Timecrafting and bang, t4 card:Omnisciense. And if not that, then maybe Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger ? And there is more removing time counters, like Clockspinning or Fury Charm or Timebender .

That do you think? Does the deck have a chance?

I am looking forward to see your feedback :)

Brak on Win a Game - Lose a Friend

5 years ago

K1ngMars, I don't know how to answer to someone's comment but I hope you're gonna see it. Thanks for your comment at first,

I'm definitely going to improve mana rocks, hopefully with Moxes but they are quite expensive so I think I'll start with 2 mana ones, for Izzet Signet there is a big NO from me, it's only 2 colors deck and I need mana to activate it what makes it inefficient if i played it for my last mana and it got replaced by Talisman of Creativity.

Timecrafting is pretty good if I go for casting cards out of suspend. I'm not really sure about Leyline tho, on one hand it's cool to have but but, on the other, I'll probably replace it soon with something better like another tutor or combo piece.

Shivan Sand-Mage seems to be bad tbh,it has suspend 4, to make it efficient I need to suspend it at least 2 turns before something else, I might not have anything to suspend what makes it useless then, if I do, I show it to everyone and become the target most likely what is not a good thing.

As Foretold is also interesting but very slow, to become useful it needs at least 5-6 counteres, you won't get to that moment, in addition, it seems dangerous what makes you the potential target while you have nothing to do with it for 5 turns anyway. I'd never play it in a deck that is supposed to be serious and ready high level.

Also, banning extra turns and land destruction in your playgroup makes jhoira kind of useless, you have no other ways to win tbh, casting big creature once upon a time out of suspend is not that good unless it happens very early otherwise you need to wipe the board or get more turns. It actually kills this deck, maybe it's not the best to lose to that but it seems to be more fair that other combat oriented decks which lose to board wipe killing 1 person before who then has to wait long for another game whereas with those board wipes you secure the victory (most likely) but it requires at least 2 spells to resolve and it's not that easy.

Furthermore, I'm looking forward to improve the deck with fetch lands, Scroll Rack and more tutors like Intuition or Personal Tutor helping me to combo off with Dream Halls/Omniscience and get my infinite turns.

K1ngMars on Win a Game - Lose a Friend

5 years ago

Nice classic Jhoira deck, with some countermagic, land destruction and extra turns.

I had a different take on her, mainly since my playgroup doesn't allow for MLD and turns: with this I mean that I used to run them, but then decided not to.

I like how you have a strong instant speed package and tutor package, I'll look forward to implement something similar myself too.

I would suggest to swap your 3 CMC mana rocks for 2 CMC mana rocks, as CMC 3 is on the same curve as your commander. You should prioritize ramp in the early turns: nobody wants a Mana Geode on turn 5. This speed advantage would also allow for Jhoira + suspend something on turn 2 (with a Mana Vault/Sol Ring and a 2 CMC mana rock on turn 1). In this regard I can suggest (just to name a few):

Also, for some more time counters control, I would suggest Shivan Sand-Mage.

As an alternative way to cast big spells when Jhoira is unavailable, I suggest As Foretold, since it can interact with all those cool time-counter cards like Timecrafting. It's pretty nice to have if you like casting free stuff also during you opponent's turns, being them instants or whatever else if you have a Leyline of Anticipation sticking around.

K1ngMars on Forgotten Mechanics You'd Like to …

5 years ago

While more than a simple mechanic, Experience Counters commanders in allied colors in a new precon would be nice, even though these wouldn't be forgotten mechanics.

I'd like to see some more Tribal Spells that take advantage from actually being played in their tribal, awarding us with some bonus effect, whipe still being playable without the tribe, but without bonus.

I'd like the comeback of my favourite mechanic, Suspend, as seen on Jhoira of the Ghitu . If not that, more cards that work with time counters, as we've seen with As Foretold , that can combo off with much older cards like Timecrafting .

abbatromebone on Dripping-Gargadon

5 years ago
  • new ideas are use Timecrafting and green to ramp and get the deck to go off
  • use Dust of Moments and Shivan Sand-Mage to remove a lot of counters at once.
  • use Jhoira's Timebug and Rift Elemental

  • Now my understanding is that the last one will be the slowest. Now its a toss up between the first two. I can ramp and do stuff which should be effective, or I can go the slow route and do more of a control like match up. Where Curse of the Cabal could be played. If i sac a lot of my stuff anyways It will hurt me a lot less than my oppunet. Then I just grind the game out.

TheRoaringRegisaur on Suspend in Time

6 years ago

The deck seems fun but i have a few concerns. Why include Timecrafting and Jhoira's Timebug? I don't see anything with suspend or that uses time counters. And although Render Silent seems to fit well, you have no way to pay for its white mana requirement.

pogo4545 on Jhoira of the Ghitu with …

6 years ago

Lets say I used Jhoira of the Ghitu to suspend Apocalypse. If I were to cast Timecrafting on someone else's turn to remove the remaining counters, would Apocalypse be casted after Timecrafting resolves? If not when would it be able to be casted? If I did it with a creature would it be the same thing?

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