Thrashing Wumpus

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Thrashing Wumpus

Creature — Beast

{{B}}: Thrashing Wumpus deals 1 damage to each creature and each player.

sdidonato on Old School EDH Old Border Only

5 months ago

I've interested in this deck quite a bit, that I actually started to build my own as well. I haven't play-tested my deck yet, but it's clear that premodern creatures and abilities are very mana intensive, as you mentioned.

For ramp I'm looking at 13 ramp spells (so far)

Birds of Paradise, Burgeoning, Carpet of Flowers, Earthcraft, Exploration, Fertile Ground, Fyndhorn Elves, Harrow, Mox Diamond, Nature's Lore, Rampant Growth, Sol Ring, Wild Growth (+ Ancient Tomb)

I was also thinking of adding Stax effects (to slow opponents down while we try to ramp up) such as: Hall of Gemstone, Powerleech (originally was a Null Rod against Treasure tokens), Root Maze, Sphere of Resistance, Tangle Wire

With these inclusions, I started to realize that I have a lot of enchantments, where the enchantress cards came into play, but my question to you is how good is Noxious Field, Mutilate, Thrashing Wumpus, Pestilence type of effects? It seems to limit the type of ramp we can add.

Moreso, what are your thoughts on Anvil of Bogardan and Howling Mine? Does it help your opponents too much?

DreadKhan on Obosh doubling damage

9 months ago

Any reason you don't use Brash Taunter? It's great with damage based wipes, suddenly your Blasphemous Act family spells also dome an opponent, if you can double that you'll probably eliminate someone.

In a list that has a decent number of creatures that can deal damage you might look into Basilisk Collar, it's good with many of your creatures, similarly Scavenged Brawler can turn a mediocre creature into a real problem. I'll never forget putting those counters onto a Brash Taunter!

It's probably not the best thing you can be doing, but Crypt Rats and similar effects are endless fun. There is also Exocrine, this weird guy can generate a lot of damage if you've got the mana, yet it also will draw you a card and leave a huge creature. Also, what the heck, Thrashing Wumpus exists too, and can Pestilence twice every turn without croaking, which could add up/cripple your opponents' boards. Very good if you've got Whip out obviously!

Do people run a lot of Blue in your meta? I liked Citadel of Pain a bit in a deck like this, normally this is symmetrical, but with your synergy it might play a lot better. I like Citadel in decks that feature a fairly high MV, where you don't want people to be able to bluff by holding up mana.

Since you don't run a ton of lands, maybe Acidic Soil? That could be 3 mana to win on the spot in some games.

Would Descent into Avernus work in here? It'll speed up games, not sure if your deck is usually one of the faster ones in your pod, if so it should help, if you're normally a slower deck then it's probably going to get you killed.

Fires of Mount Doom is a dual purpose card, offering you a way to slow down a Voltron deck, yet also a way to draw cards. I normally wouldn't bother with Impulse draw, but if your deck isn't really into combos then it plays well enough. Another nifty way to get cards in hand that opponents probably can't take advantage of with Obosh out is Wheel of Misfortune, a card I normally don't like. If you can double that damage (or better), then opponents will be very wary of trying to wheel.

Fuzzy003 on Pestilence of the dinosaurs

2 years ago

Have a similar deck. If you're having trouble finding a Pestilence to combo on, Thrashing Wumpus could add more of the same effect.

Fuzzy003 on Self Treestruct

2 years ago

Guessing Leechridden Swamp is not legal in modern? Same as Thrashing Wumpus... :(

Grind on Out For Blood

2 years ago

Cool deck!!
Pestilence and Pyrohemia are effective at generating blood tokens for you. Thrashing Wumpus can do it too.
Also might consider Soul-Guide Lantern or Nihil Spellbomb over jack o lantern

Grind on Kothophed, Soul Hoarder

2 years ago

Sweet deck!!
I too have a kothophed deck, it tries to make lots of mana. A couple cards for your consideration: Thrashing Wumpus, Eternal Thirst, Sacrifice, Attrition, Crypt Rats, any lifelink equipment or enchatment...
Also you have quite a lot of point removal, but for your sorcery speed murderous compulsion i would lean more towards a boardwipe like Crux of Fate or similar.
Cheers and have fun!!

Buckpinne on JLK's Obosh | The Command Zone #330

3 years ago

Wondering if Thrashing Wumpus might be good here?

mlequesne on That's Not How Money Works

4 years ago

I like your style bro, nice deck. I see you're running Pestilence Demon as a wincon, maybe you can test Thrashing Wumpus since it costs less to cast.

See you around :)

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