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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Arena | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Gladiator | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Historic | Legal |
Historic Brawl | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pioneer | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Rules Q&A
Ruin in Their Wake
Devoid (This card has no colour.)
Search your library for a basic land card and reveal it. You may put that card onto the battlefield tapped if you control a land named Wastes. Otherwise, put that card into your hand, then shuffle your library.

Optimator on
MTG list of EDH Ramp Cards | last update: 30-05-22
6 years ago
Ruin in Their Wake, Silkwing Scout, Silverglade Pathfinder, Explorer's Scope, Prismatic Geoscope, Diamond Kaleidoscope
Honorable mentions: Scapeshift (likely to ramp), Scouting Trek, Seek the Horizon, Shard Convergence, Spring // Mind, Sprouting Vines, Surveyor's Scope, Thawing Glaciers
landofMordor on What card do you think …
7 years ago
Call to the Kindred (as opposed to the Eldrazi).
Ruin in Their Wake if your friends were too late.
I'll keep thinking...
Gruul Eldrazi Blasts
7 years ago
Sick deck! I would def cut the Void Winnowers though, for some Decimator of the Provinces and another card or two, for the ramp, of Ruin in Their Wake
RubyStrings on
A Token of My Appreciation
7 years ago
Well Monstrous Onslaught and Collective Effort will only really have any good power if you already have lots of creatures on the field, which is what your opponent will be trying to keep from happening. So I would cut those for 2x Fumigate and 3x Archangel Avacyn Flip. Also, Oviya Pashiri is going to be really slow, and not really the kind of thing you want to put your mana into until very late in the game. Thalia, Guardian of Thraben or Rishkar, Peema Renegade are bigger immediate threats and help deter aggro. Rishkar is also good for ramp if you switch gears to your ramp strategy. On that note, Attune with Aether is better than Ruin in Their Wake here since you don't use Wastes.
abby315 on U/G Crush Ramp
7 years ago
Traverse the Ulvenwald or Attune with Aether grabbing a wastes into Ruin in Their Wake is the most efficient spell ramp we have to put you ahead of curve early. A t3 Thought-Knot can be pretty devastating, t4 Reality smasher too. I would start looking there--but I would run r/g for Kozilek's Return and Harnessed Lightning. Crush is great, but without removal you'll be bashed in by GB snek or vehicles on the draw and just lose before you get out any big creatures!
I would also bet that 1-2 Aetherworks Marvel would be a good include to use up energy and power through big drops.
I can brew up a sample list in an hour or so :)
abby315 on None
7 years ago
I'm not convinced a ramp strategy is the best right now, BUT I do know the fastest way to ramp in standard is, by far, Attune with Aether or Traverse the Ulvenwald grabbing a Wastes, into Ruin in Their Wake. Only way to Rampant Growth in standard. If you do this it's best to stick to a 2 color deck to lessen the impact of getting a colorless basic (though you only need 1-2 in the deck). Also gives you access to the Eldrazi--Thought-Knot a turn ahead of schedule can be very good to help you stabilize.
Gnukkels on
Ramp Main
8 years ago
I would recommend swapping some of the Forest lands for Eldrazi Temple for the extra ramp towards the larger Eldrazi creatures. From Beyond and Call of the Scions can also help with the mana ramp/defense ability of the deck by adding in additional Eldrazi Scions to the board, which in turn can be sacrificed for mana. Also Conduit of Ruin is a decent addition as a lower cost Eldrazi that can be extremely efficient as a large creature fetch, while reducing the mana cost by 2 for the first creature played each of your turns. You can always toss in a few Wastes as basic lands and utilize Ruin in Their Wake for extra mana to the board.
Additionally, World Breaker may have a home here. Or, you can drop 1 Breaker of Armies for an Ulamog's Crusher as Annihilator 2 is devastating to most decks.
Just a note, with 4x Eldrazi Temple as the first 4 lands in a game (unlikely, I know) you could turn 3 the Conduit of Ruin and turn 4 Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger , which would be insane and rad.
Indexxical on
8 years ago
Hello Xinofos and thanks for the sentiment. The big reason why I use Shrine of the Forsaken Gods is because it becomes 2 mana per tap which is monumental (excuse the pun) in a ramp deck. Standard isn't exactly kind to the idea of ramping right now, so the extra mana per tap is invaluable. I also rarely run into mana issues since we've got Ruin in Their Wake.
And yes I very recently was running Reality Smasher, but I had to cut it because we weren't able to cycle through our deck at all fast enough. Since the addition of Vessel of Nascency I'm much better able to draw the cards I need for any given situation. Endbringer is also a card I like, but I'm not sure how to implement it.