Crested Craghorn

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Crested Craghorn

Creature — Goat Beast


Provoke (When this attacks, you may have target creature defending player controls untap and block it if able.)

Liscom on Entwurf Rot-Grün

5 years ago

Crested Craghorn , Flowstone Overseer , Krosan Cloudscraper , Root Elemental , Fanatic of Xenagos sind einfach nicht gut... da gibt es besseres.

Vulshok Sorcerer da bin ich mir unsicher, was du damit willst. Ja, er kann gut sein, wenn jemand viele kleine Sachen spielt, aber sehr häufig ist er auch nutzlos.

Als Faustregel spiele ich immer 8 Mana Artefakte: Gruul Cluestone , Gruul Keyrune , Gruul Locket , Gruul Signet sind günstige Klassiker.

Ich habe noch ein paar Empfehlungen, die alle irgendwie mit Countern synergieren: Bane of Progress , Bow of Nylea , Curse of Predation , Curse of Stalked Prey , Durable Handicraft , Fangren Firstborn , Forgotten Ancient , Jiang Yanggu, Wildcrafter , Krenko, Tin Street Kingpin , Longshot Squad (stellvertretend für alle Kreaturen mit Outlast), Mowu, Loyal Companion , Ravenous Slime , Rishkar, Peema Renegade , Rubblebelt Raiders , Song of Freyalise , Verdurous Gearhulk , Ravager Wurm , Rhythm of the Wild

Hier noch Karten mit etwas höherem Preisschild (aber auch nicht zu hoch): Hardened Scales , Managorger Hydra , Pir, Imaginative Rascal

Vielleicht wäre es auch eine gute Möglichkeit Surrak Dragonclaw als Commander zu nehmen und dir so Zugriff auf Blau zu ermöglichen. Mir ist aufgefallen, dass bei dir eh ein wenig das Ziehen von Karten zu fehlen scheint.. Ansonsten empfehle ich Samut, Voice of Dissent . Ihr weiß kannst du wenn du willst ja auch ignorieren

Hi_diddly_ho_neighbor on Poor Wauki(<15$)

7 years ago

Interesting, I like your budget approach...but trying to keep cards under 30 cents is tough haha. Also, I think this deck may struggle to do enough damage in a commander game as ping effects generally don't do much in the format unless Vhati il-Dal is involved.

However, here are some suggestions I found. Stab Wound would be a good additional creature shrinker (for later ping-ing) and incremental life loss.

Since you run a lot of enchantments which punish opponents for blocking, the "Provoke" mechanic may interest you. Cards like Crested Craghorn or Goblin Grappler are options if you can keep them alive (sadly provoke is mainly a green mechanic). Breaker of Armies and Nemesis Mask also have similar effects.

Or you could look for further tap/untap permanents type cards. Endbringer is an option though it would require some more colorless mana (Wastes are cheap), it also is 50 cents. Goblin Archaeologist could provide more artifact removal. Puppet Strings will alow you to tap or untap at will.

I think your deck may want some sort of reanimation to it as that is what black does best, and I suspect your little guys will die rather frequently. Phyrexian Reclamation would be a nice addition to provide a pit of reanimation though it is 50 cents. Betrayal of Flesh doubles as removal and reanimation at instant speed.

Curse of Death's Hold would make pinging stuff to death easier, but again, it is 50 cents.

PirateCptAstera on Totes My Goats (Goat Tribal)

8 years ago

I guess, here are some suggestions though to give it a bit more goat flavour:

Battering Craghorn
Colos Yearling
Crested Craghorn
Mountain Goat
Pathbreaker Ibex
Wild Colos
Zodiac Goat

Hope this helps a bit :)

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