Anguished Unmaking

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Anguished Unmaking


Exile target nonland permanent. You lose 3 life.

Optimator on Dead Girls Don't Cry

4 days ago

Also, Anguished Unmaking is a lot cheaper now

Crow_Umbra on isshin

4 months ago

Hi there, I saw your comment on the front page feed and figured I'd leave some suggestions. Before I get more specific, I was wondering if you have a general budget or budget per card in mind, and if you have had a chance to play-test the deck irl yet?

I've been playing Isshin for almost 3 years now, and have had a lot of fun with him. The suggestions I'll initially make will be pretty broad & general to start off:

  • I think some of your Artifact, Creature, and Land slots can probably be repurposed for some Instant speed removal and protection effects. Stuff like Swords to Plowshares, Generous Gift, & Anguished Unmaking will be super helpful. Depending on your budget, stuff like Clever Concealment & Flawless Maneuver can all help as well.

  • In terms of creature cuts, I typically suggest cutting from the top end of the curve first. Everyone's play group and preferred play styles are different, but I've personally found that Isshin is at his best when most of his creatures are in the 2-4 mana range, with very few creatures at 5-6 mana or beyond.

  • Since you are already running all of the Talismans and equipment with attack trigger ramp, I think you can probably cut all of the Signets for other more helpful spells.

  • Lastly, I'd recommend asking yourself which attack triggers or play style are most fun or interesting to you, and really focusing on those types of triggers and supporting that theme. I see you have a lot of the creatures for a Tokens and Go Wide Group Slug theme, and other stuff like both Aleshas might not be as helpful here. I love both Aleshas, but I think Isshin thrives more from proactive board protection like some of the instant speed options I mentioned in my 1st bullet.

I know these suggestions are fairly broad, but I'd be happy to offer more specific feedback or suggestions if you have some in mind that you are looking for.

Caerwyn on Fire Covenant or Reckless Assault?

7 months ago

I would firmly put Reckless Assault in the "bad card" category. To kill a 3/3, you have to pay 3 mana and 6 life--and the price only gets worse the larger the creature is. Consider this, would you play a spell that cost 3 mana and 6 life, but had a "only target creatures with less than 3 toughness" rider? Of course not - three mana is already expensive for removal, and the only time you really should be paying three mana for a removal spell is something like Anguished Unmaking or Void Rend, which give you huge degrees of flexibility in what you can target.

As a note, your deck is missing both Swords to Plowsharesfoil and Path to Exile, both of which are great cards your deck could benefit from.

Noire_Samhain on How does card: Commandeer work?

8 months ago

Commandeer is exactly what it says on the tin. By taking control of the non-creature spell, if its a permanent it enters the battlefield under your control, or if it's say, Beacon of Tomorrows you can choose it to target you (when it resolves any cast instants/sorceries will still go into the opponent's deck/graveyard). The Commandeered spell can still be countered. It's a niche form of counterplay. You play it to turn an opponent's advantage into yours, whether its removal like Anguished Unmaking or whatever noncreature spell you'd like for yourself.

Does that help a bit?

FadingReality on Dragons, Dragons, Dragons

8 months ago

I like every single creature in the deck at this point. I have 5 suggestions: 4 for your land base and 1 for removal. Somewhat expensive suggestions but nothing too crazy.

  • I would cut any two of the lands that have "enters tapped unless you control two or more other lands" for Mana Confluence and City of Brass. These lands NEVER enter tapped and give you all your colors. Grand Coliseum is a decent budget option. It does enter tapped, but also gives the option for colorless mana and no damage. You are running a high enough count of the "enters tapped unless you control two or more lands" lands that some will enter tapped in the early game. Reducing them down to 1-2 is better.
  • I'd cut another of the "enters tapped unless you control two or more lands" lands for Polluted Delta but you are already aware you need delta so this is more of a reminder.
  • Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth is an AMAZING card you should consider. It is a essentially an untapped forest itself, but it lets all your lands tap for green, including colorless lands. In your deck, in addition to fixing green mana for the rest of the game, it will 1.) allow your colorless lands like Cavern of Souls, Haven of the Spirit Dragon, and Crucible of the Spirit Dragon to tap for green without a catch 2.) allow all of your fetchlands to tap for green without having to sac them and 3.)allow things like Mana Confluence to tap for green without dealing any damage.
  • I would swap Putrefy for Anguished Unmaking. Putrefy is a good card, but unmaking is pretty much strictly better. Has a wider target selection and exiles. Putrefy is best used in Black/Green decks. When some jerk plays the One Ring against you, you'll be glad to have unmaking.
  • DreadKhan on lonely goth girl

    9 months ago

    Axis is your own effect, so it isn't affected by your own Hexproof (this is different than Shroud, see Lightning Greaves), unless you mean you run into that card a lot? If so then Axis won't be as consistent, but you could also consider running Soltari Visionary to blow up Enchantments.

    One nice thing about Skullclamp is that you can always put it on your creature that is most likely to be killed, this at least nets you 2 cards if it happens (it also stacks with actual sacrifice effects since it doesn't kill the creature unless it has 1 toughness).

    I can see you being iffy about Angel's Trumpet, but my theory was that with your Commander people are almost certainly going to try to swing at one another, because if they don't all their creatures are going to die and give you the only board. Meanwhile, those 1/1s have evasion, so even if most opponents will benefit from vigilance, your creatures might not care because they can still get in (and are then available to block). It might depend on how people in your area play, so no offense taken.

    A few you might consider trimming are: Blight Herder, this is a lot of mana for very little value if you can't make the 1/1s. Ironclad Slayer seems like a poor fit to me, when I run stuff like this it's always in my opener! Do you have many cards that care about Ugin, the Ineffable's effect? 6 mana is an awful lot for this effect when Vindicate exists, and the tokens are pretty minor in Commander, I think you need to care about each of the abilities for Ugin to make sense. Is Relic Seeker in here just to find Dowsing Dagger? It seems like it'd be a challenge to actually achieve Renown with Seeker. All That Glitters is often a very strong card, but I'm not entirely convinced you have enough synergy to make it work, is Voltron really a good plan in this deck? Angelic Purge and Bone Shards are pretty 'meh' removal spells for an Orzhov deck, White has the best versatile removal effects by itself, to say nothing of Anguished Unmaking and Utter End, both of those are instants, and neither costs you a body (and both are more versatile). There is also Generous Gift in White, which lacks exile but hits anything. I don't love Celestial Judgement, aren't you likely to have a lot of 1/1s? It's great if you've got Cathar's Crusade out, but it can be pretty bad without it. Piercing Rays seems pretty unimpactful, it has too many limitations for a Sorcery speed effect that costs more than Path to Exile or Swords to Plowshares. I don't like Acolyte's Reward, if you've got lots of White devotion surely you could just block?

    Hope some of this helps!

    AkaAkuma on Little Rey of Ishine (Reyhan/Ishai)

    10 months ago

    Taking your value to low cmc in mind, what about Tear Asunder? Worst case it's an Utter End, best case it's cheaper than Anguished Unmaking without the life loss.

    DemonDragonJ on Seeking advice for Zur the …

    11 months ago

    Would you consider either Rhystic Study or Smothering Tithe? Would you be willing to spend 2 more mana to replace Grand Abolisher with Myrel, Shield of Argive or 1 more mana to replace Despark with Anguished Unmaking, or is keeping a low mana curve a high priority for this deck?

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