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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Arena | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Gladiator | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Historic | Legal |
Historic Brawl | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pioneer | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
When Silkwrap enters the battlefield, exile target creature with converted mana cost 3 or less an opponent controls until Silkwrap leaves the battlefield. (That creature returns under its owner's control.)

TheWiseDragon43 on Official missing/incorrect card/token thread
2 years ago
It seems that the database is missing the versions of Hidden Strings and Approach of the Second Sun from the Pioneer Challenger decks. It may also be missing the other cards from those decks, Isolate, Silkwrap, Spell Queller, Chandra, Torch of Defiance, Wild Slash, Searing Blood, Lurrus of the Dream-Den, and Ethereal Armor. I think the set number is Q06 for all of them
Saccox on
Three Life Blink Pezzent! (10/12 Euro/$)
3 years ago
Arthurshepard80 di rimozioni carine a basso costo ce ne tantissime nel bianco( Reprobation , Silkwrap , Recumbent Bliss ecc...)ho piu problemi a decidere cosa rimuovere per fare 4 spazi,sforbicero tra le creature che 27 sono tante. Per il tuo idra con il nero ce un botto di carte: Retribution of the Ancients , Kin-Tree Invocation , Grim Affliction , Slitherhead ,ci sono tante interazioni con segnilini +1+1 e il verde/nero.
henryschoonover on
Tax Tax Concede
5 years ago
ZendikariWol thanks for the comment. I think I might swap out Fatal Push for Despark or Silkwrap, But in testing so far it hasn't been an issue having targets to exile.
ZendikariWol on
Tax Tax Concede
5 years ago
Really think about Anguished Unmaking, Conclave Tribunal, Despark (it can get rid of Jace on the draw step and frankly I can't think of anything else but hand attack that will save you from the inverting menace... also it takes care of Nissa), Glass Casket (or Silkwrap), Seal Away, Brain Maggot, Infinite Obliteration, good ol' RIP, and Sin Collector.
All of these are decent cards that exile things.
Iniallator98 on
Esper Exile-Tempo
5 years ago
I'm a big fan of this strategy.
Although I understand Transgress the Mind is a form of discard and exile, I'm not sure if it's worth playing since it's extremely conditional on what deck your opponent plays. If you're matched up against Burn, for example, it's usually a dead card. I would rather play another Kitesail Freebooter because even if your opponent isn't playing a deck heavily reliant on non-creature spells, at least you have a 1/2 flying body over a dead card.
I'd also add some more removal. I think Grubbernaut's suggestions are good. I'd possibly try out Glass Casket or Silkwrap . The deck looks sweet!
Azlion on
Pioneer tokens GW
5 years ago
exalted_k1d Voice of Resurgence could certainly have some sideboard slots but don't think Fleecemane Lion has a job here. Looking to dump our mana into making more and more tokens which makes the prevailing 1 for 1 mana remove spells worse.
DankMagicianD Scavenging Ooze out of the sideboard seems good, maybe as a 2? I'm not sure though Baffling End makes the cut, if we need more removal I suspect Ixalan's Binding is just better since we can just chump block till 4 mana, or if we want cheaper removal then Suspension Field or, more likely, Silkwrap would be a better option.
ZendikariWol on
5 years ago
Silkwrap and Journey to Nowhere are both capable of putting down any creature in modern; is flash worth the increased mana cost of Stasis Snare ? I know it's just one but that one can be costly at times. Also, a little consistency would be nice- if you don't get an opening hand with Ghostly Prison and you're facing off against humans, that's baaad news. In fact, I could see a lot of scenarios where humans beats you through a prison. Something else that dissuades attacks and isn't 5 mana would be a prudent choice?
Idk, you're the one actually playtesting, what's your experience?