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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Activated abilities of creatures cost less to activate. This effect can't reduce the amount of mana an ability costs to activate to less than one mana.

Craeter on

3 months ago

Creature cheats always fun. Heartstonefoil would br amazing in here with this commander. Agatha of the Vile Cauldron as well, especially if she can be buffed. Tutoring for these cards would also be a big plus.

Profet93 on Ashnod, Flesh Mechanist

10 months ago

mantix +1

I'll take a closer look later but how about Heartstone?

Profet93 on Visions of Erebos

10 months ago

Sheoldred, the Apocalypse - Offsets commander lifeloss, great against blue/draw decks. Deathtouch is nice. Synergy with Peer into the Abyss (which also goes well with underworld dreams).

MAYBE Heartstone? - I'm unsure if this works with your commander only if he's a creature or even if he's just an enchantment.

Cabal Coffers - Ramp. Cabal Stronghold is more budget.

Deserted Temple - Untap coffers + politics

MAYBE Rings of Brighthearth - Copy commander ability without paying life. Also Coffers + Deserted temple + rings = . Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth - Makes you need less swamps but is not budget (or needed, but helpful).

Imp's Mischief - "Counter" counterspells while redirecting targeted removal, extra turns and draw.

Necropotence - Draw

I am unsure what your wincon is, beatdown? You lose a lot of life with your commander's ability. Perhaps a The Meathook Massacre could help as a wipe + lifegain effect?

Diabolic Tutor/Beseech the Queen/Beseech the Mirror. Tutors are black's biggest strength, utilize it for consistency.

Alhammarret's Archive - Extra draw

Black's 3rd biggest strength is massive mana. Aside from coffers, Crypt Ghast, Nirkana Revenant, Caged Sun, Gauntlet of Power

Once you determine your wincon, you can start to mold the deck to achieving that goal.

EDIT: Removed the non-budget options

Nixcron on Scepter Shenanigans

1 year ago

Thran Dynamo + Unwinding Clock untap your Iso's and their power supply's. As I don't see a Sol Ring anywhere im thinking your local group does not run them. Use a Thran instead as a single copy will power all 3 Scepters if your running Heartstone.

Pbudz75 on Satoru Umezawa, the green ninja

1 year ago

GoodGuyAlex Training Grounds and even Heartstone don’t work with the ability unfortunately

Rhadamanthus on Interaction between Animar, Soul of …

2 years ago

Some additional notes: To determine the total cost to cast a spell (or activate an ability), you start with the base mana cost after making all the necessary decisions (modes, targets, value of X, etc.), consider the effects of any additional costs (kicker etc.) or alternative costs (flashback, overload etc.), add the effects of any cost increases (Sphere of Resistance etc.) and then subtract the effects of any cost reducers (Animar etc.) and finally apply Trinisphere if needed (yes, it has a special rule all of its own).

The rules of the game do allow for a cost to be reduced to this way. If an effect only allows reduction to some minimum amount it will specifically say so (e.g. Heartstone).

carpecanum on Ken You Feel The Love Tonight (Input pls, rookie)

2 years ago

Battlemage's Bracers, Heartstone. I'd look at the cards with Friend/Foe effects.

The "all creatures gain trample and haste" ability would be awesome with some Goad cards like Baeloth Barrityl, Entertainer

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