
I originally ran this list for a while as a B/U Zombie Tribal deck. Really looking at it, all I was running Blue for was Diregraf Captain and some counter spells in the sideboard.

I was dumb.

There are SO many more options going green, so that's what this list is now doing.

Collected Company and Abrupt Decay are the driving reasons to include Green in this deck. Out of the sideboard, getting access to Golgari Charm , Maelstrom Pulse , and Creeping Corrosion , and I knew green was the way to go.

A zombie horde strategy is a simple one, but there are some great interactions in this deck that give it complexity. No creature in the main is over 3cmc, which works well with CoCo. Recursion of Gravecrawler and Dread Wanderer gives the deck resiliency. The Lords I've chosen for this deck are Death Baron and Lord of the Accursed . On curve, this deck can generate a fast clock by attacking for 2 on turn two, and then attacking for 6 on turn three...which happens a lot. It's great on defense to be able to CoCo for a surprise Death Baron and deathtouch anything I decide to block with. Diregraf Colossus is a great generator in this deck with both the cheap zombies and the recursion. And lastly, I have Liliana of the Veil leading these drunk bastards across the battlefield.

It's a fun list. Test it out, or gimme some ideas on how to improve it! My ears are always open and I love getting good feedback. Thanks!


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(6 years ago)

+2 Choke side