
Artifact (4)

Creature (4)


This deck is based off of Golgari's Dredging abilities. Most of the cards in this deck, like Golgari Thug make you dredge cards to bring it back, but it will also allow you to get a card back when it dies. I also put 2 Dutiful Return in here to help if you don't want to dredge for the thug.

Also, this deck has some detain and cancel like cards like Cancel, Inaction Injunction , and Disdainful Stroke.

Another cool combo I found was the Ravenous Rats + Sadistic Hypnotist . Play Ravenous Rats to have a player discard 2 cards then sack it to apply Sadistic Hypnotist's effect to have them discard 2 more.

This deck's main mechanics are:1.) Target Player Discards2.) Detain Target Play's Creatures3.) Cancel Spells4.) Dredge5.) Draw PowerAlong with a few other minor mechanics like Golgari Rotwurm where you sack a card to pop the opponent for 1 or Shambling Shell where you sack it to put a +1/+1 counter on a creature. Vigor Mortis does this as well. This is where the Golgari Rotwurm + Vigor Mortis combo comes into play. (Hint: if you dredge and end up putting Golgari Rotwurm into the graveyard, pay for Vigor Mortis with a green mana and bring it back with a +1/+1 counter on it!)

This is my first attempt at this sort of control deck since I normally run a Dimir Mill deck so I hope I did well! All sorts of constructive criticism is welcome along with deck tweaking suggestions!


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Added Laboratory Maniac and Elixir of Immortality to help save the player who uses this deck from dredging him/herself to death. Happy trails!


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Date added 9 years
Last updated 9 years
Key combos

This deck is Unknown legal.

Rarity (main - side)

7 - 8 Uncommons

33 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.86
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