Communists are Bae

So here's the deal- I love SelesNaya. (Haha Puns) I also love enchantments. And I also love awesome little gnarly gnarlids. So I made a Selesnya Enchantment Gnarlid deck! Genius, right?
Here is something I am getting very angry about; people are giving "Suggestions" for cards, specifically Daybreak Coronet and Kor Spiritdancer. While both are amazing cards, this is a budget deck. That is was too expensive for this deck, so if you post these things or similar things that would help, I will delete that comment. Please do not suggest cards that are already in the maybeboard, it will not help. Thanks!
What's special about this deck?
The difference in this deck is the fact that it runs Red. Red is a very fast color, and allows turn 3/4 wins easier. Due to the fast that Bogles does not run many Red creatures allows powerful red cards to be available.
If you want a non-budget version of this, check this link.
Modern* Dr_Jay
SCORE: 1 |
The Rundown
Gladecover Scout and Slippery Bogle
What is your bane when running an enchantment deck without blue for counter spells and the like? Removal! Being as my deck is not affiliated with artifact creatures, black creatures, or any other removal-dodging schtuff. So hexproof is the way to go. These 2 creatures can't be touched.
Aura Gnarlid
Huzzah! The most underestimated card EVER. When I say this gets massive, I mean it. Half the time, I play this turn 3 as my first play of the game. On turn five, I've won. He usually gets to at least 10/10 or greater, and can be obscene in drawn out matches. A true all star.
Ethereal Armor
Absolutely amazing. Easily the best card to draw.
Madcap Skills
Spirit Mantle
, Hello Madcap Skills!
Now with a reasonable power boost instead of +1/+1 for 2.
Furor of the Bitten
Bite my creatures plz.
+2/+2 for 1? HELL YEAH!
Unflinching Courage
This. Card. Is. Amazing. Imagine Armadillo Cloak, but in modern. That is what this card is. It supplies a healthy boost to my creature, and gives it Lifelink and Trample. FOR 3 MANA. This card is a threat when it hits the board, and can win drawn out games with massive life swing.
Hyena Umbra and Spider Umbra
Wanna know what the biggest problem with 1 drop 1/1 hexproofers? They're 1/1's. They usually can't survive a cheated out card, like an Emrakul, the Aeons Torn or a
Khalni Hydra
. This allows them to come back after dying. That would already be great for 1 mana. But what they do is so much greater. They keep the other enchantments on your creature, so they are only a bit weaker after being slapped in the face by their fatty.And they even get +1/+1 and another ability!
This card. Wanna know how it works? You put it in green decks.
What's in the maybe board?
Tajuru Preserver and Sigarda, Host of Herons
If your meta has alot of sac effects.
Dosan the Falling Leaf
Delver is so common that I need to counter it.
Alpha Authority
Not my favorite, but a popular choice.
Silhana Ledgewalker
Another common choice, just a bit overcosted for me.
Keen Sense
and Kor Spiritdancer and Daybreak Coronet
If you didn't like a part of this deck, add in your favorite cards. I personally like sideboarding stuff like Banishing Light and Path to Exile, But the sideboard is up to you.
Love decks that buff up that one creature? Check out another voltron deck of mine!
Modern* Dr_Jay
SCORE: 25 |
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