Kiora's Big Guys

Modern Pan163


MNM! (Mondy Night Magic) —June 13, 2016

My first week with playing this deck in a physical space, and I went 2-1! As you might have guessed from that result number, the venue I play at is fairly small. But let's walk through what happened.

Match 1: vs. Naya Ramp (0-2). I lost the first game due to the dumbest misplay I've ever made in my life (scooping when I wasn't actually taking lethal damage), and the second due to an unanticipated second Archangel Avacyn  Flip. I consider this a fluke.

Match 2: Free round, someone left.

Match 3: vs. Bant Human Company (2-1). Here's where the real feedback is. Lost game one due to the simple power off Thalia's Lieutenant in that particular deck. In games two and three, I utilized my aggro sideboard:

Boarded out: 3x Gaea's Revenge, 3x Explosive Vegetation, 3x Altered Ego, 1x Greenwarden of Murasa, 1x Island, 1x Forest

Boarded in: 4x Icefall Regent, 2x Guardian of Tazeem, 4x Jaddi Offshoot, 2x Evolving Wilds

Which resulted in two successful games in which Icefall Regent and Guardian of Tazeem kept me alive and swung him down in a few turns. I think the anti-aggro sideboard strategy is a successful one.

I got about $12 worth of store credit, which weighed against the $6 entry fee is a net gain. Hopefully next week I'll be able to play three actual matches. I'm optimistic!

Frostt says... #1

i made a superfriends that has consistently won several fnms or made top 4 cut at the least using kiora, she is an amazing walker, dont let anyone tell you otherwise, her ult wins me many of my games.

May 22, 2016 5:01 p.m.

snarlmkiv says... #2

Dragonlord Ojutai seems a good combo for kiora... Attack then untap him...

June 5, 2016 6:23 a.m.

Pan163 says... #3


That's a very good idea! I've been playing around mentally with a Bant version of this deck for a little while now, so I'll keep that in mind if I ever decide to add that third color. Thanks for the tip.

June 5, 2016 4:58 p.m.

snarlmkiv says... #4

You could also do with a Eldrazi Displacer if you go Bant. You can't go wrong with Flickering too, but it'd be overkill. Eerie Interlude makes you more defensive too.

June 6, 2016 3:53 a.m.

randomguyguy says... #5

Unsure about this, but I've seen a couple of decks play 2-mana counterspells for Ux such that they can drop kiora and counter the enemy turn 4 play, not sure how strong this is.

June 12, 2016 7:02 p.m.

randomguyguy says... #6

I'm not altogether sure you need Ego, since it's a lot of win-more; your eight (!) 7-drops take care of your win condition. As a ramp deck, you're weak to hand disruption and especially Infinite Obliteration as well as aggro, as you additionally have your Biorhythm effect to end games against control. While Altered Ego does the incredibly important job of giving you play vs World Breaker (which I'm surprised you're not playing, given its status as a resilient threat), it seems worse than Sylvan Advocate in the mainboard, which does everything in your deck -- pressure planeswalkers, serve as an additional late game threat, etc. Despite your affinity for Ego, I'd side it in against the World Breaker and control decks, and run Advocate mainboard. It is an absolute necessity in pretty much every ramp deck. Nissa, Vastwood Seer  Flip, Tireless Tracker, are some less imperative but possible considerations. That said, these changes would probably triple the cost of the deck.

Also, sideboard Clip Wings. Ormendahl is scary, and ego-clip instantly wins vs it.

June 12, 2016 7:21 p.m.

Pan163 says... #7


Thank you for the suggestions! I hadn't thought of utilizing Clip Wings at all, but I've given everything else you suggested some thought in the past and I'll try to explain my reasoning.

I tend to lump Sylvan Advocate and Tireless Tracker together in my mind, in that they're both very, very good cards and they present serious threats at a low mana cost. While I'm not prepared to dismiss them outright, something that troubles me is the lack of synergy between Tireless Tracker and Displacement Wave - namely that all your clue tokens and +1/+1 counters get wiped away. If I was playing more colors and could play a board-wipe other than Displacement Wave, I think it would fit in better, but given my restrictions, I don't think it's likely that Tireless Tracker will make it in. With Sylvan Advocate, I run into a similar problem, although of course a bounce effect isn't even nearly as disruptive to the Advocate as it is to the Tracker. So I'd say the Advocate has a far higher chance of making it in.

Nissa, Vastwood Seer  Flip presents a similar dilemma (not to mention she's a bit on the pricey side, like you mentioned), but I do think she'd work very well in this deck, maybe as a sideboard option against control (where I'm likely to board out almost all of my Displacement Waves). She definitely has a chance.

World Breaker has actually been in a couple earlier versions of this deck, and I see myself putting it back in as an absolute certainty. Of course, it's more vulnerable to specific sorts of removal like Declaration in Stone or Anguished Unmaking than my current seven-drops, and I'd feel the need to mess about with the mana base and add more colorless-generating land, but those might be prices I'm willing to pay. An early World Breaker taking out a Shambling Vent or a Hangarback Walker is an exciting idea. It's a shame it's an "on-cast" ability on the Breaker, though, it leads to a disappointing lack of synergy with Altered Ego.

Speaking of Altered Ego, my thoughts towards it were initially the same as yours - win-more, that kind of thing. One of the problems that this deck has is that one Sphinx of the Final Word isn't always enough to end the game by itself. All of my seven-drops have 5 toughness (until I put in World Breaker, of course), which makes them relatively fragile in combat, especially against decks like GW tokens, which run Dromoka's Commands, Nissa, Voice of Zendikar, and Gideon, Ally of Zendikar to pump up their creatures. Even Gideon, Ally of Zendikar by itself beats all of my curve-toppers in combat. That's the gap that Altered Ego is meant to fill, along with giving me something to dump excess mana into. As is always the case with these things, further playtesting could prove me wrong, but so far Altered Ego has helped me out a lot.

And finally, Clip Wings seems a little narrow to me. Keep in mind that Ormendahl, Profane Prince  Flip is already completely shut down by a Displacement Wave for zero. Of course, that's sorcery speed, and it doesn't give me the option of cloning the Ormendahl, so the clip is not without merit. I might toss some in the sideboard to replace some of my more questionable cards like Guardian of Tazeem.

Thanks again for the suggestions, and I hope I've made sense in my explanations. I have a Standard event at my LGS coming up tomorrow and I'm very excited to see how it goes - I fully expect to update the deck. A specific consideration I've been making is seeing if I could splash in some red to make room for Dragonlord Atarka, which would reduce my dependency on Displacement Wave against aggressive decks, and Sarkhan Unbroken, which would help out in all sorts of ways. But I'll wait and see how the current version performs.

June 12, 2016 8:01 p.m.

Ogoki says... #8

Plated Crusher? Seems like he might have home here.

June 12, 2016 8:38 p.m.

Pan163 says... #9


As much as I wish that was the case, alas, there are too many other, better seven-drops.

June 12, 2016 9:24 p.m.