
Modern BW Midrange, with heavy disruption & advantage-generating tough to interact with threats.

A few synergies with key cards:

Lingering Souls + Smuggler's Copter
Since Souls crew & pitch to Copter, it's tough not to come out ahead.
Mutavault + Smuggler's Copter
Beyond just a random threat, Mutavault is a great way to make sure our Copter stays in the air. This is especially potent against sorcery speed removal.
Gideon, Ally of Zendikar + Lingering Souls
With these cards together, Gideon's emblem can suddenly become extremely powerful, letting the deck do a BW tokens impression.
Collective Brutality + Lingering Souls
Escalating discarding Souls is just pure value, plain and simple.
Dark Confidant + Smuggler's Copter
Slightly unintuitive, but this tag team helps really punish spot removal; in spots where a t2 Confidant would normally just die doing nothing, leading Copter into Confidant puts a removal-holding opponent in an awkward position & denies them the ability to cast t2 removal on your card advantage source.
Liliana of the Veil + Lingering Souls
Same as Brutality, discarding Souls for value is just so right.
Dark Confidant + Shambling Vent
Repeatable lifegain in a deck with Confidant is always useful, especially on something like a creature land which we'd want anyways.
Lingering Souls + Monastery Mentor
Souls giving you the ability to cast the same spell twice is just excellent with Mentor, letting you go wide quickly.
Mishra's Bauble + Monastery Mentor
Mentor is a strong reason to hold onto Baubles instead of running them out immediately, as they provide a way to get immediate value off of Mentor.
Dark Confidant + Mishra's Bauble
Getting a Bauble peek at your own top card during your opponent's turn gives you the option to stack your Confidant reveal and Bauble draw and ensure you're taking minimal damage from Confidant, if any. On top of that, Bauble just keeps the avg cmc low, so it also improves blind Confidant flips.
Monastery Mentor + Smuggler's Copter
These cards go together like peanut butter and jelly. Copter triggers Mentor, Mentor tokens crew Copter, and Copter loots you into more spells for Mentor.


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-2 Damnation
+2 Wrath of God

-2 Mutavault
+2 Blinkmoth Nexus

Simple swaps to make the deck more budget friendly without really costing any functionality. Wrath and Damnation, in a BW deck that's already running WW and BB spells maindeck, are functionally identical. Nexus satisfies the same requirements of Vault as a way to cheaply crew copter, and could be argued is even better since it flies and can block as a 2/2 flier to eat opposing nexi.



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