

Creature (4)

This is my own personal brew I came up with a while back. I've been playing around with it ever since and I've had a lot of success with it against a variety of decks. It seems kinda jank on paper but it actually plays well in the meta right now. Boros Reckoner is so much better than people give it credit for.

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The Game Plan

The deck plays like an aggressive deck in that you're going to be attacking on most turns that you have a creature on the battlefield, and you start with those guys usually pretty early. Turn 1 just play a tapped land, leave up a removal spell, or occasionally play Figure of Destiny or Grim Lavamancer . Turn 2 you usually want to play a threat like Glory-Bound Initiate or Abbot of Keral Keep, or just use more removal if you need to. Turn 3 is when the deck really turns on. If you're playing against something like Tron, Scapeshift, or just a deck with a lot of duals in play you can play a Blood Moon and shut down their ability to cast spells, or play one of your fantastic attacking options at the 3 drop spot, Boros Reckoner or Gideon of the Trials. From there on out we're either trying to interact with our opponent or play a finisher, though against some decks these can be finisher enough.

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Card Advantage

These cards net us other cards. Chandra can finish the game on her own, but Abbot is just something we can play early to help us find our lands or find some action, and if we draw it later in the game it won't be a dead draw. Prowess is relevant since we have Blood Moons, Planeswalkers, and 10 instants.


Boros Reckoner is a hoss in the format right now, but he's kind of a sleeper. The three primary removal spells are Fatal Push, Lightning Bolt, and Path to Exile. To kill him with Fatal Push you need to have revolt, and killing him with Lightning Bolt is net negative value for our opponent even if it only lava axes them. So two of the three primary removal spells aren't great against him, and against creature decks if they don't have a removal spell he's a walking blowout. Great card, wouldn't consider running less than four of him right now. Blood Moon does what it does, everyone knows about it. Gideon of the Trials is a good way to help me win vs combo decks with his emblem. It also shuts down linear attacking strategies that focus on having one big attacker like Delver of Secrets   decks, Death's Shadow decks, or Infect. And lastly he's really good as an early threat to get under counterspells that doesn't die to Supreme Verdict.


These guys aren't anything special, they're just well costed idiots to turn sideways. I only play 1 Figure of Destiny because against a few decks it's pretty much a 1 mana win the game, but against others it's just Lightning Bolt fodder that doesn't really make any difference in the game.


Nothing too special about this removal package, it's well costed and helps me stay alive and occasionally gives the deck reach. We also have removal from some permanents like Chandra or Little Gideon's plus, but these are the dedicated removal pieces.


While most of the time we're going to win with random creature beat down in this deck, sometimes we need a big finisher to help us out with that. Big Gideon is a lot better with the new planeswalker rules, and can take over a game by himself. He's also insane with Boros Reckoner on the battlefield, as you can force your opponent to attack into one and practically wipe their board.

Comment and tell me what you think! Sideboard discussions are always welcome, as it's kind of an evolving thing. Thanks!enter image description hereenter image description hereenter image description here


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-1 Boros Charm -1 Brimaz, King of Oreskos -1 Gideon Jura -2 Abbot of Keral Keep

+1 Blood Moon +1 Hazoret the Fervent +1 Windswept Heath +1 Grim Lavamancer +1 Gideon of the Trials

Abbot was kind of awkward a lot of the time as it would be all I could do on turn 2, so I cut two of them for other stuff. Boros Charm was just too circumstantial, so it went out, and Brimaz just didn't seem as good as other options vs most decks so I cut him as well. I'm trying out Hazoret to see how she feels.


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Date added 6 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

10 - 4 Mythic Rares

36 - 7 Rares

6 - 3 Uncommons

0 - 1 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.44
Tokens Emblem Chandra, Torch of Defiance, Emblem Gideon of the Trials
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