Korvold, Fae-Cursed King of Feasts



MEGA Update: Restructuring the Deck, part 1 —Dec. 21, 2020

Hello Everyone!!! Commander Legends has come and it has given Korvold some VERY epic tools to keep kicking ass. However, as I got out into the wild I saw that The Deck often tries to do a little too much, as is a little too reliant on some of the themes within the deck itself.

Thats not to say that the deck isnt about Sacing Stuff all the time, but it gets tough when youre trying to sacrifice permanents and just cant respond to things quickly enough. The deck needs to be more responsive and more focused (Honestly, its turning into one of my Higher CEDH decks) and this is just simply part one of that Change.

I love Treasures: More so then Landfall (which my Yarok deck leans on) I love Landfall in here because it is just absolutely SYNERGASMIC when it comes to Korvold: Sac treasure, get card draw AND Mana?? Its nuts. That being said, I also added in some clear win conditions and have made the deck work really well with Infinite combos and such. Its way better now then it ever, EVER was.

Heres the Latest:

Temple of Abandon, Temple of Malady, Temple of Malice Kher Keep -------------------------> Mana Confluence, Exotic Orchard, Mountain, Command Beacon:

With the last of the Tap Lands out, the Deck feels a lot more optimized and a lot more on curve then before. It is so cool to see that it has such a strong transformation. As for Kher Keep, I found that tapping 3 for one token was just horribly inefficent when a lot of the deck already makes tokens and so on. With the Command Beacon swap, it allows me to pull Korvold to my hand when it inevitably gets to be too high a target and just cannot be cast. Plus, with the recursion in the deck its not TOO hard to come back out. Its been a great swap so far.

Grismold, the Dreadsower -------------------> Juri, Master of the Revue:

This one is still in the testing phases, but Grismold was a real all star. Its sad to see such a player go, but Grismold is counterintuitive to some of the Removal the deck has and its not allowing for a fully realized build. With Juri, however, you can build up a solid bomb and as long as It can get sac'd in response to exile, it is very cheeky and very effective. Its a solid switch, thanks Commander legends.

Springbloom Druid ---------> Three Visits:

I am kinda moving away from land matters synergies, as I feel that there is too often that they hurt more then help with the deck. That being said, Three Visits is a great card and I am happy to include it within this deck. Its a cheap ramp spell that grabs forests and goes nuts... What's more to ask for?

Yahenni, Undying Partisan -------------------------> Altar of Dementia:

I don't necessarily like this switch, but for the next changes, Altar of Dementia can provide a separate but also viable win condition on its own. Plus, Yahenni, unfortunately, can be seen as a High value target and thus gets a little picked on. Plus, I already have a vampire deck, I do not need another Vampire motif here.

Squee, the Immortal, Reassembling Skeleton, Tireless Tracker ------------------------> Murderous Redcap , Putrid Goblin, Grumgully, the Generous:

With this change, He has finally done it: Thanks to the Persist mechanic and how +1/+1 counters work, You can go infinite so long as you have A Sac Outlet, Redcap or Putrid, and either Grumgully or Rhythm of the Wild. It is a stupidly solid win condition, and does exactly what the previous cards tried to do and failed. Whats better then doing things for a cost? Doing them, for FREE. This combo has won me so many games at this point its crazy. It is something that I am genuinely proud of, and all credit goes to my friend Hunter for showing me this.

Caustic Catapillar, Thrashing Brontodon ------------------------------> Beast Within, Woodfall Primus:

These changes are about being a bit more synergistic with the deck, as well as adding in some efficiency. Beast within for Catapillar is just an efficiency swap, while the Primus goes well with the previous combo listed above: Ideally, the Treasures will make up for the High Cost in Mana and act as a backup for when the main plan can go awry. Also, since it can blow up lands, you can just sac it repeatedly until all lands are bye bye.

Cindervines ------------------------> Vexing Shusher:

Yea, I found that the deck doesnt entirely need a lot of Reactive shields and just needs to be able to respond to things. That being said, Shusher allows me to tell people who play counters to my things to literally Shush, and the Treasures usually mean I will always have a mana available. Its a solid shield and so far its been pretty great, fun or not.

Sifter of Skulls ------------------------> Dragon Broodmother:

This is a swap that I have been really about since I have made it. The Brood mother makes tokens at EVERY upkeep, AND since the tokens have devour, Sometimes they can even boost up Korvold or synergize with Crux of Fate really well. It has been a Hell of a Card and I have been liking it a lot. Maybe Sifter just hasnt had all that much time to shine, but considering I even have Pawn of Ulamog on the Chopping block... Meh? Ive just been very underimpressed with it...

Fungal Regrowth --------------------> Impulsive Pilferer:

...The same came be said with Fungal Regrowth. Like, wow. You always want to optimize the play so a Creature dies, but more often then not you want to just bring a land back to "do the thing" and win. It's... Its been very unimpressive and really disappointing. That being said, Pilferer has been a real workhorse: If I sac him, I get a treasure. Sac treasure, thats a mana and potentially a draw. Use encore, thats a TON of value. Everyone says hes a crap card, but Until something better comes along... It's sticking.

Neither Trator -------------------> Protean Hulk:

First off: believe it or not, that Shadow keyword has been surprisingly relevant as I've used it. Sadly, the deck has shifted to a more combo oriented style, and so Its fallen a little out of Favor, but I will happily admit it could come back. That being said, Hulk can literally win me the game on the spot.... So it has been incredibly useful. This change is not leaving.

Endrek Sahr, Master Breeder ---------------------------> Tevesh Szat, Doom of Fools:

I.... Part of me really didnt wanna make this change, but I have had a LOT of weird interactions with Endrek Sahr. First off, his second ability works like Vorinclex, so as soon as you make the seven (or More) it doesn't matter if you sac things in response to the trigger, itll still sac itself. Which, normally could be fine... but I need this thing to stick around and actually put in work all game. Which, Tevesh does. Makes tokens, draws cards (ranging from 2 - 4, usually 3), and in SOME cases, can steal everyone's commanders and go NUTS. However, I do not like how big of a target he comes and how aggressive everyone gets when He hits the board, so I am keeping my eyes on it. This change is sticking for now, as I prefer Tevesh sticking on the board in the long run.

Hope everyone enjoys!

sgvendor says... #1

Good to see lots of overlap with my version of Korvold, which runs on a different main theme.

How's your experience with it so far?

As for mine, I'm usually the archenemy when I play him as my commander.

December 18, 2020 2:15 p.m.