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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Premodern | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Skeletal Scrying
As an additional cost to play Skeletal Scrying, remove X cards in your graveyard from the game.
You draw X cards and you lose X life.

Balaam__ on Balaam__
4 months ago
Found some more for your FPP deck legendofa.
•Arrest view might not be from the spearholder’s perspective. Tough call.
•Magistrate's Scepter hands coming from off screen, but separate perspective.
•Shoving Match might be from the viewpoint of the falling man; maybe not.
•Mind Swords definitely first person, but the hands aren’t coming in from out of frame.
•Seal of Cleansing, Seal of Fire, Seal of Removal and Seal of Strength all are a bit too far off center to be first person I think, but they’re all very similar to Seal of Doom which does feel FPP. Not sure if you want to add them for consistency’s sake.
•Angel of Mercy unsure if it’s the perspective of whatever’s getting killed or not.
•Urborg Emissary not sure if it’s the lizard’s perspective or not.
•Harsh Judgment I think this qualifies due to the sword in the bottom right clearly not belonging to the soldier with the shield on the same side. I think we’re seeing this from the viewpoint of whoever is holding that sword closest to the camera.
•Tigereye Cameo same deal as the seals mentioned above. The angle is off, but some of the other cameos do qualify.
•Magma Burst we might be seeing things from the point of view of that poor unfortunate dinosaur.
•Darigaaz's Charm, Crosis's Charm, Dromar's Charm, Rith's Charm and Treva's Charm are all ‘maybe but not quite’ perspectives.
BakingIsPunk13 on
A Taste of the Divine
9 months ago
CommanderMeanderer Thank you so much! I had Liesa, Forgotten Archangel in an earlier draft and had concerns about how she would interact with Shilgengar, Sire of Famine and had never even considered sacrificing her when he came out haha! So I’ll definitely add her back in for sure!
Also loving Skeletal Scrying I’ll try including both, can’t have too much extra draw!
Great suggestions!
CommanderMeanderer on
A Taste of the Divine
9 months ago
Love the deck!
Did you mean to add Liesa, Forgotten Archangel over Liesa, Shroud of Dusk? Seems more synergistic when you don't have your commander out and you can sacrifice her if he is out.
I'd also suggest considering Skeletal Scrying over Necrologia. It can still be used to fill your graveyard at your end step if you want, but I find it to be more flexible for times when you want to actually draw cards/leave mana up and draw right before your turn.
Baron_Pretzels on
Mardu Samurai Tribal
2 years ago
PyroPenguinss you may want to stick with your theme of attacking/Samurai Tribal. With that said I suggest cutting cards that don't fit with that like Junji, the Midnight Sky or Skeletal Scrying. You should also cut Invoke Calamity because this deck is more creature based.
Some more attack trigger suggestions: Fervent Charge, Angelic Exaltation, and Ironsoul Enforcer.
RockIV on Control monoblack in need for …
2 years ago
hello everyone, the last couple of days ive been updating all my decks and uploading them into tappedout.
Ive made a lot of changes to my monoblack control deck, the first deck that i post here. I like this new version but, there were a lot of cards that i love and didnt enter the deck, like Skeletal Scrying and Tendrils of Corruption. i also took Dark Ritual out of the deck. To have more space for actual spells. i also replace Gatekeeper of Malakir for Geth's Verdict, Because its cheaper, maybe having the 2/2 will be better.
also, i end up with 19 spells (instant and sorceries) and 18 creatures ( i count the Lashwrithe as a creature). Maybe for a control deck is too low removal and discard, maybe i need to have more of them and less creatures
so, what do you guys think. This is a casual deck to play with friends. but i tried to make it as strong as possible, i have strong opponents :)
all advice will be read and appreciated, but, right now i have no acces to other cards, so the maybeboard end up being all the other options.
ty all for reading
RockIV on (HELP) monoblack removal casual need …
2 years ago
New Version of the Deck Rocks Monoblack creature removal
Changed the Deck. tried to get it cheaper and more optimal. Some cards end up in the sideboard/maybeboard: For example the Dark Ritual end didnt make the final version. I actually dont like the desicion but it might be the best. Their mission was to help me to cast the Black Sun's Zenith ( i only put two of them, maybe its just very little, maybe there have to be 4 o 3 at least) and the Phyrexian Obliterator.i knew that i was going to add more lands to the deck ( i have 22 now, maybe 1 more?), also i add the Phyrexian Arena, and in addition to the Skeletal Scrying there are 5 cards that help me to draw, so i thought that will make the Rituals not that usefull. i may be wrong. I also add some cheap creatues like the Nantuko Shade, i perefer them instead of the Vampire Nighthawk and the Geralf's Messenger. Maybe the nantuko arent the best option, but they are cheaper and they can pump up. I still need to think about that. i added the Avatar of Woe because i always like it. But i have only one, it may never appear. Maybe another land or another Nantuko Shade would be better. i added Lashwrithe because of the number of swamps i was going to have. I love Unmake but i didnt put it, because i wanted to leave the deck as cheap as possible. added Tendrils of Corruption. so i have : 22 Lands, 5 cards that help me to Draw, 4 Discard, 18 removal, 14 creatures ( 3 of them are equipments too).
So whats the opinion now about the deck? any improvement?
Thx to everyon that read this :D
RockIV on
2 years ago
Changed the Deck. tied to get if cheap and more optimal. Some card end up in the sideboard/maybeboard: For example the Dark Ritual end didnt make the final version. I actually dont like the desicion but it might be best. Their mission was to help me to cast the Black Sun's Zenith ( i only put two of them, maybe its just very little, maybe there have to be 4 o 3 at least) and the Phyrexian Obliterator.i knew that i was going to add more lands to the deck ( i have 22 now, maybe 1 more?), also i add the Phyrexian Arena, and in addition to the Skeletal Scrying there are 5 cards that help me to draw, so i thought that will make the Rituals not that usefull. i may be wrong. I also add some cheap creatues like the Nantuko Shade, i perefer them instead of the Vampire Nighthawk and the Geralf's Messenger. Maybe the nantuko arent the best option, but they are cheaper and they can pump up. I still need to think about that. i added the Avatar of Woe because i always like it. But i have only one, it may never appear. Maybe another land or another Nantuko Shade would be better. i added Lashwrithe because of the number of swamps i was going to have. I love Unmake but i didnt put it, because i wanted to leave the deck as cheap as possible. added Tendrils of Corruption. so i have : 22 Lands, 5 cards that help me to Draw, 4 Discard, 18 removal, 14 creatures ( 3 of them are equipments too).
So whats the opinion now about the deck? any improvement?
Thx to everyon that read this :D
wallisface on (HELP) monoblack removal casual need …
2 years ago
I’m not too familiar with the play patterns Dark Ritual as I only play Modern (where it’s not a legal card) but it feels to me like something you’d be using to rush out a combo or drop a massive creature quickly. It’s a fine spell bit doesn’t seem to fit your gameplan of making the game go long.
I’m heavily against cards like Skeletal Scrying and Sign in Blood just cause they’re super clumsy and mess with your own tempo too much. Black generally doesn’t need much card draw as its stripping away soo many resources from the opponent instead. But if you do need a way to draw cards, both Castle Locthwain and Cling to Dust are great for this.
Yeah the reason i’m suggesting against running a lot of 4-mana creatures is that it just makes your deck really slow, and means you’re not putting any pressure on your opponent until very late into the game. You generally want 4-mana cards to be the last things you play to finish a game - not the first threats you play.