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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Whenever a creature becomes the target of a spell or ability, return that creature to its owner's hand. (It won't be affected by the spell or ability.)

Polaris on parnesse, the subtle brush & …

4 months ago

What I think you're getting at here is "Can I use Parnesse, the Subtle Brush and Cowardice to get my creature back to hand and force my opponent to pay 4 life to not give me a land from Path to Exile?"

The answer to that is no. Once Cowardice resolves, your creature will be bounced back to hand. Regardless of whether they pay for the Parnesse trigger, Path to Exile will have no valid targets left and be countered by game rules. You will not get to search for a land.

wallisface on parnesse, the subtle brush & …

4 months ago

You can stack the triggers whichever way you want. BUT, Cowardice is not a may ability, and will always return the creature back to your hand, whether the opponent pays 4 life or not.

Parnesse, the Subtle Brush is effectively doing nothing in this interaction, as whatever option the opponent chooses there, Cowardice is still going to trigger. As Cowardice is not a may ability, your opponent also has no reason to ever pay the 4 life, as it achieves nothing.

ChaosJester on How does Cowardice and Confusion …

6 months ago

When Cowardice and Confusion in the Ranks are in play and a creature is targeted by confusion in the ranks, will the creature returns to its owners hand instead?

wallisface on Blinking Cowards

1 year ago

Some thoughts:

carpecanum on

2 years ago

Wojek Embermage, Cosmotronic Wave

If you have a lot of pingers you can have fun with Neko-Te and Cowardice. Quicksilver Dagger maybe

Dormin53 on Ghyrson Starn, Kelermorph [Gunslinger]

2 years ago

Those are awesome suggestions! I really like Wojek Embermage. Cosmotronic Wave I'm not sure about. The second clause with stopping blockers is good but almost all my creatures won't be swinging during combat.

You had an excellent point with Silverclad Ferocidons and Ghyrson Starn, Kelermorph. That interaction occurred to me with other cards like Pyrohemia and Yamabushi's Storm or even lands like Shivan Reef.

Staff of Nin could certainly be replaced and likely not even noticed. Perhaps adding the Cyclonic Rift?

Regarding Cowardice, I like the idea of being able to protect from board wipes or just targeted removal.. but that could certainly backfire depending on how many targeted spells or abelites my opponents have..

Thank you both for the suggestions and comments! carpecanum, thefiresoflurve

carpecanum on Ghyrson Starn, Kelermorph [Gunslinger]

2 years ago

Dismiss into Dream kills indestructible however. I'd put it into more decks if I had more copies of it. Cowardice however, could be dropped. It a great chaos card but it hurts you, especially because you can't equip stuff.

I also thought about suggesting you cut Staff of Nin but I don't feel as comfortable suggesting cuts. I'm weird that way.

lagotripha on

3 years ago

This looks fine - commander is a more casual format, so there is a lot less pressure on what you must play. I'd look at only spending money on commander staples and filling out the rest from magic history. You've got 25 spots or so left, and some bigger spells and mana rocks will fill most of that.

Sol Ring, Clockspinning, Mind Games and mana rocks is the only thing I look and think 'must include'- being able to clone rocks with Orvar and reuse spells makes them a lot more important in a format they already like. Capsize is a neat option, but here the 1 mana stuff that leaves it on the board is better, so its not essential.

The higher mana curve is important to remember - the expectation to pay 6+ mana creatures and spells means that there are a lot of sweet options - most of them budget.

Its all about what feels best to play with your playgroup. Not everyone likes abrupt mono blue 'I win the game' setups, but orvar lets you mess around with stuff like AEtherling in a far more casual way too. Use judgement.

Its important to remember that while a lot of clone effects revolve around creatures, Orvar can make The Mirari Conjecture or similar enchantments/artifacts/planswalkers/lands go pretty wild. This means if you want to do the silliest of combos, stuff like Arcane Melee,Cowardice or Dismiss into Dream lets you massively misuse a spells-and-permanents matter deck.

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