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Fling Cheese Ver. 2





This is an updated version of my first aggro deck which revolved around using Blood Mist + Fling + Impetuous Devils to destroy your opponent fast: Fling Cheese http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/fling-cheese/ The deck seemed to have trouble getting mana so I added a couple things to help. I also added more devils because they're a lot of fun and go together quite well. I'm still experimenting with it a bit but it's a lot of fun to use.

This is how the devils work together: The Impetuous Devils relentlessly bring the heat with double strike and the Sin Prodder adds a bigger graveyard whilst they tack on a bit of extra damage. This leads to the Bedlam Reveler being much cheaper with its first ability and letting me refresh my hand with its third ability. I can also use the mana saved from its first ability to activate madness cards (These have been reduced to only 1 red mana or x+1 red mana cards). Its second ability works well with Avacyn's Judgment + Fiery Temper + Tormenting Voice . The Charmbreaker Devils make the milling from the Sin Prodder and discard mechanics no big deal.

Mirage Mirror: I replaced the Thirsting Axes with this because they basically have the same cost but the Mirage Mirror can most often give me more out of a single use. Here are a couple examples: I can attack with a 10/1 Impetuous Devils or attack with two 6/1 IDs. I can use an opponent's enchantment or even make a copy of Sunbird's Invocation to double its effect. It could even become a creature for me to defend with when I have none.

Sunbird's Invocation: I added this card because the deck would fall off late game and it seemed like a fun card. I think I need to add another for consistancy but it should work well because most of the cards are 4 cost or around there. The Bedlam Reveler and madness cards also have a very nice combo potential with Sunbird's Invocation.

Fleetwheel Cruiser: I added this card because it's an Ovalchase Dragster with 1 less power that I don't have to crew to take advantage of its haste. I don't have any 1-power creatures so crew 2 isn't even an issue. There's another upside to it: It potentially lives if it gets blocked thanks to it having 2 more toughness as well. If I had another cruiser, I would replace the other dragster in a heartbeat. I reduced the amount of vehicles because they were mostly dead weight due to there only being 2 creatures who would ideally crewit.

Berserkers' Onslaught: This is a bit of a throwback for me. Aside from the Iconic Masters cards, none of my cards go to a block prior to Shadows Over Innistrad. They recently rotated out of standard and it around the time I started playing Magic. All that aside, this card is a bit better than Blood Mist for 1 more mana so I thought I'd try it out.


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Date added 6 years
Last updated 6 years
Key combos

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

1 - 0 Mythic Rares

22 - 8 Rares

7 - 6 Uncommons

10 - 17 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.65
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