This is my take on Wizards in standard. I’ve been wanting to make a deck based around Adeliz, the Cinder Wind so, here it is.
The deck is mainly split into 4 categories:
Wizards, Card Advantage Non-Creature spells, Offensive Non-CreatureSspells, and Defensive Non-Creature Spells.
In Wizards, there are the Prowess wizards (Soul-Scar Mage and Spellweaver Eternal), they combo really well with Adeliz, the Cinder Wind which kind of doubles up their prowess, so whenever you cast an instant or sorcery they get +2/+2 until end of turn, which is amazing with all of the instants and sorceries I’m running. I’m also running Ghitu Lavarunner as kind of a standard wizard Goblin Guide.
In Card Advantage, I’m running 4 Opt and 2 Search for Azcanta
, since this deck is pretty low on creatures, Opt and Search for Azcanta
really help find the creatures that I am running.
In Offensive Spells, I have the 1 mana burn spells (Shock and Wizard's Lightning, Wizard's Lightning is technically 3 mana, but it’s almost always 1). Then I’m running 2 Riddleform, they are kind of clunky if you can’t turn them on, but you usually can.
In Defensive Spells, I have the counter spells (Wizard's Retort and Spell Pierce. I find that if I swap out the counter spells and Search for Azcanta
for more aggressive cards, the deck becomes a bit faster, but its to slow against the other aggressive decks in Standard right now (, , and ). So I decided to make this deck a little more controlling.