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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Alchemy | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Arena | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Gladiator | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Historic | Legal |
Historic Brawl | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pioneer | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Pre-release | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Standard | Legal |
Standard Brawl | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Dread Fugue
Cleave (You may cast this for this card's cleave cost. If you do, remove the words in the square brackets from this spell's rules text.)
Target player reveals their hand. You choose a nonland card from it [with converted mana cost/mana value 2 or less]. That player discards that card.

msimcoe on
1 year ago
So to flesh out the mana base, in essence I would recommend: - increasing the number of dual lands over basic lands and the quality of the dual lands, i.e. Verdant Catacombs, Woodland Cemetery and Nurturing Peatland. (Having perfect fixing often is the difference between winning and losing.) - and just bumping up the number of lands to something like 21, I know it would feel weird in a deck with so many mana dorks, but in the outlandish event you face a deck playing Fury or Fire / Ice, I think you'll be happy to have land-drop number four over mana dork number four.
Secondly, since you fancy playing Devoted Druid in the main deck, maybe you could take advantage of her combo potential or at least her synergies with cards like Tyvar, Jubilant Brawler especially in place of Tyvar Kell who I don't seeing being a very impactful four-drop. Or alternatively, you could just cut a few mana-dorks for a playset of Waste Nots who would help get you some advantage off of the opponent's discard. And while on the topic, I would suggest playing more just strict "target opponent discards a card" like Funeral Charm over the hand-hate like Inquisition of Kozilek and Dread Fugue since a.) you don't really care about hating on the opponents pieces as much as just making them discard, b.) instant speed discard is always better than sorcery speed and c.) it scales better into the late game.
As well, side note, Harmonize over Beast Whisperer just seems a little too low-impact for the modern format, sure it's a guaranteed one-for-three, but at four-mana it doesn't touch the board and beast whisperer is probably a better investment with all your small creatures that ramp you into more small creatures ramp imo.
Lastly, you asked for some sideboard suggestions, I might play one or two Crippling Fear as one-sided board wipes. As well, pioneer sideboard all-star Go Blank might be good in this shell with some more main-deck discard synergies. Also, just general good green and black sideboard cards are like Veil of Summer, Force of Vigor and Fatal Push
Thats all that I have for how I might build this list, and I hope this was even mildly helpful! Overall, this is an interesting list! A solid idea that I find very similar to The Rack strategies in modern!
legendofa on
infinite rats
1 year ago
Pulling from my own Rat tribal deck (Modern-ish casual, not EDH):
Karumonix, the Rat King gives you an out against lifegain-heavy decks. I don't recommend going deeper than that with poison (i.e. don't add Ichor Rats or Septic Rats), but Karumonix adds a layer to your attacks and keeps rats coming.
I haven't gotten Ashcoat of the Shadow Swarm yet, but I want to. It looks amazing. If your budget can handle it, I'm recommending it just in theoretical grounds.
I personally am not impressed with Swarm of Rats (Rat Colony is pretty much all-around better) and Pestilence Rats, but they might work better in EDH, where you always have access to a fear-granting effect. How have they worked for you?
Ratcatcher is a free tutor for a rat every turn. Highly recommended.
Memoricide is a little odd, since it can only hit one card that isn't in play. Is this a meta choice? Do you have a specific target for it that you know you'll see?
Unless you see a bunch of Voltron, Battlecruiser, or other decks with one big creature, I would diversify the removal a little bit. You have a lot of single-target creature removal. I'm a big fan of discard, so I'm recommending based on what I like at this point. Cabal Therapist, Mind Slash, and Sadistic Hypnotist turn your rats into hand removal. Feed the Swarm offers enchantment removal with a very evocative name for this deck. Try some of these in place of Cast Down or Ultimate Price or something. Also, Despise isn't great if you're just fishing. If you want a T1 discard effect, Thoughtseize is best, Inquisition of Kozilek and Blackmail are solid, and Dread Fugue is pretty good.
Following up on that, I see a good set of mass removal and graveyard recursion, and Marrow-Gnawer lets you rebuild quickly. This part looks solid.
Delphen7 on Dominaria United Spoilers
2 years ago
Between Liliana of the Veil, Cut Down, Braids, Arisen Nightmare and The Raven Man there's enough pieces to play semi pox in standard. Throw in Duress, Dread Fugue, and Pilfer, plus a boardwipe or two and it's go time >:)
legendofa on
Dragon Control
2 years ago
Drown in the Loch is best in a mill deck. It might not be too bad here, but I would switch it out for some one-mana discard. Dread Fugue is a decent budget option, or Thoughtseize is the power option.
I don't think Castle Embereth is pulling its weight here; the only creatures I expect to see attacking by turn 3 are the Sprite Dragons, and you have better things to spend mana on. Maybe switch it for another Hive of the Eye Tyrant to help fill the four-mana spot.
amicdeep on
So, You Wanna Play Jund Yea? (Budget)
3 years ago
Just came across your list. Been running something similar but at the $60 price tags. Hadn't considered constrictor ( was using leech in similar role but constrictor is way better)
A couple of cards I've found particular good that may work in your list.
Bonecrusher Giant guys a solid value machine and doubles up as removal. (He's also difficult to deal with for Opponents when they are on the back foot)
Dread Fugue dose a pretty good thoughtsize impression (using as 1-2 of. Its been generally better that duress)
Domri, Anarch of Bolas often on of the better 3 drops. Pumps the board. Adds some counter protection for creatures. Ramps and can act as removal.
Nevoriot on
Toxic Mind Control
3 years ago
I made the following changes and just made it to Diamond Tier 1 for the first time.
I swapped out the 4 Duress for Dread Fugues, invested a Mythic Rare wildcard to get my 4th The Meathook Massacre, earned a Hive of the Eye Tyrant, so I swapped that in for a swamp (until I get two more Hall of Storm Giants!), and I've been having great success thus far with using Bar the Gate instead of Reject.
zAzen7977 on
Always Standard Discard
3 years ago
Hey legendofa, I’m right there with you regarding the lack of good discard interactions in standard. But I think it can work in Mono-Black. Check out what I’ve been working on, I recently updated it:
In my build I run no creature or hand exile effects, since those effects are non-bo’s with Tergrid. We want to be able to keep the stuff we force the opponent to discard and ‘sac. Plus I think you could run more 1-drops on the mainboard, like Dread Fugue and Bloodchief's Thirst.
Acquisitions Expert is strictly better than Elderfang Disciple since both hit 1 card of the opponent’s choice, but the Expert has 1 additional toughness.
Also, Professor Onyx is a good option for a finisher, since her ultimate can do up to 18 damage to the opponent, depending on how empty the opponent’s hand is. And she really synergizes well with Tergrid!
zapyourtumor on
Rats and Rats
3 years ago
I don't have much to say but I think some better discard like Inquisition of Kozilek and Dread Fugue would help a lot. 4x Fatal Push is definitely a must have for removal. To make space I'd cut all your current sorceries, since untargeted discard isn't as good and the removal spells are really high cmc. Bloodchief's Thirst is an option for additional removal.
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