
Silumgar being my favorite Dragon lord, he looked a bit lonely in my Old Deck. so this is a Little Custom Brew to see if he can Hang out with Kolaghan a little.

Feedback would be appreciated, as this deck does not have any real combo to speak of yet. just Value cards in thier colours


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Note to Self - Get propper nights sleep before big events

so i performed Horribly, not getting a single win due to lack of focus and ridiculous playmistakes that coast me every match. Turns out decks cant just play themselves (Unless their aggro)

Match one - Was Abzan Aggro, i made the foolish mistake of scrying a Red land down only realizing that i had 3 red spells in hand afterwards, i did Crux his army down once buying me 4 more turns but without a red source, my spot removal Died fast.

Match 2 - BlueBlack Delve, an interesting deck, very versatile so sideboarding was tricky, This time it was no fault of mine that the deck didnt pull red mana. end of the match sitting with 2 swamp, 2 island, 3 temples of Deceit, and having used all 3 Polluted Deltas, just my luck again.

Match 3 - was actually pretty even, his Blue/Black control was pretty simple to deal with, but nether of us was pulling any sortof gass, and ended up blankly dropping lands and drawing. when it came to dropping spells he simply had more awnsers than i did.

Match 4 - Tired Frustrated and not in the mood to even attempts at a win, i gave the young lade a Win with her Temur Aggro

Will play this deck again with a bit more energy next time, other tests played beautifully with awnsers and threats landing every turn. its just unfortunate the deck was being handled by ME.


Date added 9 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 0 Mythic Rares

29 - 1 Rares

9 - 7 Uncommons

8 - 7 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.71
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