Meria x Rocks

Commander / EDH MusicGoat18


MusicGoat18 says... #1

I need to cut 4 more cards and I am having trouble doing so.

April 12, 2023 10:30 a.m.

This looks really fun!

As far as cuts: I would honestly drop a lot of the control pieces. Magus of the Moon / Blood Moon hurt you just as much as your opponents due to having only 2 basic Forests.

Glacial Chasm doesn't particularly make sense in a deck where combat is a wincon. If you needed to stave off combat, I think board wipes would probably be more effective (Chain Reaction for instance).

Clown Car can get cut since it doesn't do a ton here. Ditto for Avarice Totem and Glaring Spotlight.

Temur Sabertooth is kind of mediocre unless you have really strong ETB effects and want the indestructible. Arcbound Crusher is also much worse than it looks - I ran it back in the day when I played kitchen table magic and it didn't particularly hold its own even there.

Hope those help you with cuts, GL HF!

April 12, 2023 10:30 a.m.

MusicGoat18 says... #3

thefiresoflurve, thank you very much! I could cut the deck down to 100 because of your helpful suggestions. I had Glacial Chasm as a way to stall to cast Crackle with Power by using the "mystic-top" combo to put a bunch of artifacts out to help pay and to find Crackle if I did not have it already. I will cut it because the deck focuses more on combat, and the chances of successfully doing that are slim. I had Clown Car in there because I thought it would be fun. Also, I could cast it for zero or potentially make an army of chumps, so maybe I could swap it occasionally for Ornithopter.

April 12, 2023 10:53 a.m.

king-saproling says... #4

No Grinding Station?

Also it might be cool to create pseudo-Battered Golems by combining cards like Blisterspit Gremlin, Dwarven Patrol, and Nettle Drone with cards like Liquimetal Torque, Liquimetal Coating, and Ashnod's Transmogrant.

You might consider these too: Kessig Flamebreather, Lambholt Raconteur  Flip, Keen Sense, Snake Umbra, Illusionist's Bracers, Battlemage's Bracers, Cemetery Prowler

February 12, 2024 4:39 p.m.

MusicGoat18 says... #5

king-saproling, thanks for the awesome list of card suggestions! They are all worth considering, I just got to figure out which of the bunch I will end up using after testing them out. Also, I kind of forgot about Grinding Station. I don't know why I didn't include it in the deck; I'll definitely go order one or snag one from somewhere.

February 13, 2024 1:09 a.m.

Profet93 says... #6

MusicGoat18 +1

I'll try to take a closer look later as this is outside of my wheelhouse. At the risk of sounding too evil, would Winter Orb be a worthwhile consideration? Or do you like friends?

March 3, 2024 1:25 p.m.

MusicGoat18 says... #7

Profet93, hahaha! Yeah, I've definitely thought about it. It might be one of those cards where I put into my "sideboard" and slip it in my deck depending on the day. I will eventually get one for the sadistic aspect of it. >:)

March 3, 2024 9:05 p.m.

Profet93 says... #8

How has Pharaoh's statue been for you? Seems a bit expensive for what it does. Have you considered possibly swapping it for another card? Perhaps an Emrakul, the Promised End as an alt wincon + it has synergy with hourglass pendant?

Maybe even a Rings of Brighthearth? Rings can ramp you with fetchlands, draw extra cards with top and lots of other synergy with the deck. Moreover, if you were to potentially swap manifold with Voltaic Key you could have an infinite combo. Everflowing Chalice (4 counters) + rings + voltaic key =

March 3, 2024 9:23 p.m.

MusicGoat18 says... #9

Profet93, I appreciate your thoughts! The statue has actually been fun to use during games with how frustrating it can be with automatic commander tax on everything and the poke at the endstep; although, I do have a Trinisphere in the deck, so I can probably do without it. As for adding Emmy, it sounds fun enough to use by herself and also with the interesting synergy, but it might only be a card I look at from a distance because it costs a bit of money. It is tempting because it has seen a decent price drop over the past couple months. If I ever can get my hands on one, I would be glad to put it in the list. I do have a Mindslaver so I could maybe make do with that temporarily although it isn't the same as have a 13/13 with additional abilities. Then again, I could double its effect with rings.

As I've already previously hinted, rings sounds like a good idea; the double fetch effect never crossed my mind and it's a good card in general that I forgot about, so I'll make room for it. Thanks to your comment, I realized the wording difference between Manifold versus Voltaic key which can be an important factor. I do like how Manifold can guarantee something Hellkite Tyrant or Blightsteel to hit an opponent. I will consider adding Voltaic key because there are a couple other cards it could interact with on top of the combo.

March 3, 2024 10:43 p.m.

Profet93 says... #10

MusicGoat18 +1

I ask regarding Pharaohs statue simply because it costs so much so unless you ramp into it, I'm unsure of how effective it is. Do you feel that you stop your opponents consistently with this card or is it more of a nuisance than something that directly interferes with their plans? 6 mana is no joke. If the build was a bit more controlling/staxy I could see it's inclusion. I suppose commanders do die a lot, haha! Your reasoning is solid.

I'm not up to date with MTG since March 2020 but I (might have mistakenly) heard that some eldrazi set/precon or something is coming out? I'm unsure if that will make Emmy more or less expensive. You're right though, mindslaver is a solid option. Bonus points for recurring it with buried ruin as well.

Surprised that a hellkite tyrant with flying and trample couldn't push damage through? Then again, helping Blightsteel get you to the finish line sounds good as well.

How has snake umbra been for you? Do you often find people using remove in response to the cast?

March 4, 2024 12:44 a.m.

MusicGoat18 says... #11

Profet93, oh sorry I wasn't very clear! I guess I forgot to mention that I am planning on cutting the statue for Mindslaver.

Yes, there was a Commander Masters eldrazi precon that came out about a few months ago, and the upcoming Modern Horizons III set will include a completely new version of Emmy.

You'd be surprised how hard it can be to get combat damage in with Hellkite. Oftentimes, there are answers whether it be removal or big blockers. Sometimes people don't have many artifacts out too, so Hellkite isn't very reliable all the time, but it still can be a strong option.

Snake umbra combos very well with Firebrand Archer-like cards in my deck by providing me with decent card advantage on top of the totem armor for protection, so it is pretty good in the deck.

March 4, 2024 10:47 p.m.

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