Yargle, Glutton of Urborg
Start Commander Deck

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Yargle, Glutton of Urborg

Legendary Creature — Frog Spirit

Recommendations View more recommendations

Krovikan Scoundrel
Dakmor Scorpion
Canal Monitor
Moriok Reaver
Nether Horror
Wei Infantry

RockIV on Golgari commander deck Opinions

7 months ago

ive been thinking and im probably taking out Desecration Demon, Spiritmonger and Skarrg Goliath and add Stonehoof Chieftain, Plated Slagwurm and maybe Hydra Broodmaster and Gleancrawler or Carnage Wurm or Yargle, Glutton of Urborg

im also cheking some other supporting cards like Binding the Old Gods, Bone Shredder, Yavimaya Granger

also Ghoultree and Unnatural Growth that have been recomended by some users could be good adds too

RockIV on Rocks Golgari power of death Commander

7 months ago

ty for the advice guys, Ghoultree could be a good add, it will always be cheap. Unnatural Growth seems to be a very strong add for every creature centered deck.

ive been thinking and im probably taking out Desecration Demon, Spiritmonger and Skarrg Goliath and add Stonehoof Chieftain, Plated Slagwurm and maybe Hydra Broodmaster and Gleancrawler or Carnage Wurm or Yargle, Glutton of Urborg

im also cheking some other supporting cards like Binding the Old Gods, Bone Shredder, Yavimaya Granger

thks for all the advices guys

Head CoIIector on The Graveyard Getdown

10 months ago

I do really like what you're doing here, but just a couple things to consider.
Cabal Coffers should definitely be here. I'm guessing the only reason it isn't is budget.
Between your tokens being 2/2 and all the anthem effects, I doubt Skullclamp is doing much for you. Necropotence or Idol of Oblivion might suit your needs better. It seems it really only works if you have your commander out for the power buff/sacrifice. Even so, it might be better to switch out a sorcery/instant draw card for long term gains.
Yargle, Glutton of Urborg would be a really nice target for Gisa as well.
Heraldic Banner is an absolutely nuts rock for monocolored aggro decks like this. Highly suggest slotting it in.
Finally, Crashing Drawbridge would really take your speed up a notch.

Yesterday on Can you use Deceiver of …

1 year ago

Following up on a question from a few days ago, what happens if you control a face-down creature that doesn't have morph or a variant, and your Deceiver of Form's trigger goes off? I reveal a Scornful Egotist off Deceiver's trigger.

According to the answer in the other thread, if I control an Akroma, Angel of Fury I've cast as a morph creature, I can flip it face-up for U at which point it'll be a face-up Scornful Egotist until end of turn.

If I control a Yargle, Glutton of Urborg that was turned face-down with an Ixidron, can I spend U to turn the Yargle face-up?

And if so... what happens if I've used a Magar of the Magic Strings to reanimate a sorcery spell as a face-down creature? Can I pay U to turn it face-up as a copy of the Egotist until end of turn? Or do the rules that prevent instants and sorceries entering the battlefield prevent you from turning the card face-up even when it's a copy of a creature card?

Yesterday on Can I flash mutate extra …

1 year ago

Question about the as-of-yet unreleased ability backup, as seen on Boon-Bringer Valkyrie.

In response to my Valkyrie's backup ability triggering, I choose to cast a Sea-Dasher Octopus targeting the the Valkyrie. I put the backup counters on Yargle, Glutton of Urborg. Does Yargle also gain the Octopus's abilities?

Alternatively, I cast Boon-Bringer Valkyrie and, in response to its backup trigger, I flash in an Exchange of Words. When it enters, I exchange the Valkyrie's text box with, IDK, a Swarm of Locus. I backup on Yargle again, because he's a good boy. Does he get the Swarm's ability instead?

And finally, and most importantly, I reanimate both the Valkyrie and Forge, Neverwinter Charlatan with Grusilda, Monster Masher, and the entering creature's backup triggers. Obviously I choose best boy. Does goodest boy ever get the abilities of both cards?

In the interest of everyone's patience, I've also bugged MaRo about that last question. Will post the answer here if/when I get one.

Metroid_Hybrid on March of the Machine

2 years ago

I'm probably going to turn my Yargle, Glutton of Urborg deck into a Yargle and Multani deck..

Stardragon on Card creation challenge

2 years ago

TypicalTimmy yes Vanilla means no abilities or keywords only stats.

My terminology (the fist two are actually official terms used the last two I made up but kept with the ice cream theme lol)

Vanilla- No Keywords or abilities only CMC, stats and flavor text are allowed example: Yargle, Glutton of Urborg

French Vanilla- Like Vanilla but a creature has keywords like flash, lifelink, haste ect. but no abilities example: Storm Crow

(German) Chocolate- A creature that the opposite of French Vanilla it has abilities like ETB, tap or mana abilities but no keywords. Example: Bane of Progress

Neapolitan- A creature with both at least one Keyword and at least one ability. Example: Thraximundar

SkinShlurper14 on SkinShlurper14

2 years ago

Hello. This deck is pretty fire. I think you should include Yargle, Glutton of Urborg.

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