Sun Sentinel

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Sun Sentinel

Creature — Human Soldier

Vigilance (Attacking doesn't cause this creature to tap.)

DespairFaction on Tajic, slayer of control Deck

6 years ago

Hey, so Ive actually been working on the Boros strategy guide. And you exhibit a problem of one of the first topics that Im going to be talking about. Which is trying to build aggro the same way you would for RDW in standard. This is a big issue that a lot of people run into when building Boros, and it shows up very frequently with Iroas. Anyway, ill have a whole video on that. But that main point is here that your primary damage shouldn't be coming from 1 and 2 drops. The bulk of your damage should come from 4-7 drops. So you'll need to go bigger than what you have right here. Not so big that you get blown out by counterspells and removal, but anything you land into play should have at least some impact. Your 1 and 2 drop creatures should be all about abilities, not about damage. A few examples would be cards like puresteel paladin, stone forge mystic, and grand abolisher. Awesome abilities, and although they may attack when its profitable to do so, damage isn't their primary purpose. And when you think about it, of course low cost creatures can't live up to the damage that something like an Aurelia or Gisela will pump out. So the summary, small creatures should be about value and ability, bigger creatures are more about the damage, but should still have good abilities. One last point, while it is possible to aggro out a table on turn 5 or 6 with something like Aurelia, which I've done. Its so so weak to removal. One board wipe can completely crumble a deck like this, so we want to mitigate that risk as much as possible.

What all of that means is that we want to be cutting low costed creatures that don't give us much benefit, and replace them with higher costed things that have a lot more thump. So heres what I would cut: Leonin Vanguard , Boros Challenger , Fresh-Faced Recruit , Sun Sentinel , id probably also cut the Akroan Hoplite . There are times when it can be good, but there are enough times where its not good that I don't love it.

As far as creatures to add, you can take a look at my Tajic list. I believe I got really clunky around 4 mana, lots of good soldiers there. Also like Lena at the top to protect against board wipes. 2 that I missed were the exile creatures one, and the 6 mana lord one.

You'll generally want the creature count to be between 25-30 for a swarm style deck, but if you wanted to be a bit more controlling then you can drift down to 20 or so.

As far as stopping control. here are the things to think about. You don't need to kill a control deck on turn 5 to be successful. You can kill them turn 9 or 10 as long as you keep them off whatever their plan is, which generally comes down to removal. I cant mention it enough times how much I love running wear/tear, crush contraband, and return to dust all in the same deck, usually with an austere command to boot.

Some classic control breaker cards are Grand Abolisher you have the flail already, and Price of Glory . Becareful with price of glory. Thalia is good against the free counterspells if those are an issue. Cavern of souls is pricey but helpful for a tribal deck.

Another thing to consider is that you'll generally have a lot of creatures on the ground, so you can block for planes walkers. And walkers are usually good for control. The best ones in boros are usually Chandra, Torch of Defiance , Elspeth, Sun's Champion , and Chandra, Flamecaller is very reasonable, oh and Gideon, Ally of Zendikar . Either Nahiri is also fine, but not usually overwhelming.

And one final bit of control breaking Keldon Firebombers is a soldier. You can decide if thats a route you want to go.

At the macro level, your land count will need to come up as your deck gets higher on cmc. 37 lands is the place to be. Your spell count could come down slightly, I would consolidate the artifact/enchantment removal into the 3 mentioned above, unless you have some really meta specific things you are tuning for.

Again check out my list for some interesting adds. My list isn't perfect, theres a few things I would change. I probably need to cut a few artifacts and creatures for wear/tear, crush contraband, return to dust and also just smooth out the curve a bit more. But its a very good start.

Best of luck!

FireToTheFace on White Deck

6 years ago

Hey there, did you have a goal in mind for the deck or a budget that can help with card suggestions? Just from peeking at it I see a lot of flyers already and aggressive creatures.

Some basic budget instants I like for a white deck like yours would be Adamant Will or Sheltering Light for protecting your low toughness creatures. This could be used offensively or on defense to allow you to swing back strong the next turn. Gideon's Reproach for removing tough attackers or blockers without losing one of your creatures. I would run Make a Stand over Inspired Charge. I feel like giving every creature you have indestructible is better than the extra +1/+1 that you get for Inspired charge with 1 less mana to cast than inspired charge.

For creatures I would consider removing the 2 Dwarven Priest and adding 2 more Star-Crowned Stag to clear the way when attacking. Maybe Aerial Responder instead of Loxodon Line Breaker? Vigilance, flying and lifelink all in one package for the same casting cost! Daybreak Chaplain might be a good replacement for Sun Sentinel since it is tougher to kill and has the lifelink to to help you endure until you can get your high cost angels out.

Hope that helps give you a few ideas for tweaks. Good luck!

Force_of_Willb on Yet another Zacama commander

7 years ago

I know your starting out so here are some cheap recommendations to improve. You might be able to get these cards for free by going to a store that gives away free commons/uncommons.

Drover of the Mighty, Kinjalli's Caller, Otepec Huntmaster, Savage Stomp, Ranging Raptors, Steadfast Armasaur, Ravenous Daggertooth, Raging Regisaur, Raging Swordtooth, Territorial Hammerskull, and Thrashing Brontodon.

These are some rares that won't break the bank: Priest of the Wakening Sun, Temple Altisaur. If you can affoard it trade for Ripjaw Raptor and Trapjaw Tyrant

then work on the instant, sorceries, and enchantments. Maybe add more "fight" type effects to take advantage of enrage triggers like Setessan Tactics, ]Savage Punch, Ambuscade etc etc.
I would remove Consulate Skygate, Fanatical Firebrand, Gleaming Barrier, Goblin Trailblazer, Lobber Crew, Orazca Raptor, and Sun Sentinel to start

WItC on Budget Beginner Teaching Decks (#3 White)

7 years ago

Added Everdawn Champion and Sun Sentinel to the maybeboard. Don't think they add any improvement over the current choices/playstyle of this deck, although introducing vigilance in general could be a good thing.

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