Siege Rhino

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Siege Rhino

Creature — Rhino


When Siege Rhino enters the battlefield, each opponent loses 3 life and you gain 3 life.

kamarupa on You Go Squirrel

2 weeks ago

This deck won 2 of 2 against Siege Rhino in 1v1 tonight. In the second game, it came back from 1 life against opponent's 25 life and won in 2 turns!

kamarupa on Grave Collusion 5.0

1 month ago

Thanks, psionictemplar. I actually played my paper version of this deck for the first time in over a year last night and got 2 wins in 3 games in 1v1v1 multiplayer. I was SO freaking close to being able to steal multiple Siege Rhinos from one of my opponents but, unfortunately, I wasn't able to get an Agadeem Occultist down soon enough. By the time I did play one, I was already going infinite so I milled both opponents out before the Occultist recovered from summoning sickness. It was a super fun win, regardless. My friend that plays Siege Rhino has gotten so good at bouncing it, returning it from his graveyard, and even pulling it back out of exile that stealing it is probably the only way to really stop him from abusing it, so I was really hyped to have the chance; it just didn't work out.

There are def issues with this deck - 1) 4 colors means unstable mana-base, even with expensive lands. There's almost no fixing it. I have some builds that exclude white, but I decided Hall of Heliod's Generosity was useful enough (opponents like to remove Arcane Adaptation) that it was worth hurting the manabase - I could change my mind on that 2) the combos work best together because they rely on Allies to trigger, leaving little room for utilities, etc 3) the MV of many Allies at 5 makes the deck fairly slow in such a fast format. - All that said, I'm curious what non-budget suggestions you might have. Also, I love getting +1's, so if you don't have any suggestions, maybe that means you think it could deserve a +1? Regardless, thanks for taking a look and for you comment! Cheers!

Kazierts on Which is More Important: Total …

1 month ago

DemonDragonJ, again the reason is context. You do not get all of that for a mere 2 mana. Let's dissect each of those upsides.

  • You have no maximum hand size - Genuinely good, no complaints here. However, this by itself a good card doesn't make. Graceful Adept is a card that's not even close to being a staple even though it has the same effect. This is because nobody puts a card in their deck exclusively because it just gives them no maximum hand size (Reliquary Tower is a very different case). This effect is more relevant when attached to something else. Examples being Proft's Eidetic Memory, Sea Gate Restoration  Flip, The Magic Mirror and, most notably Thought Vessel. Notice something? None are creatures and provide more immediate and impactful effects.

  • At the beginning of your upkeep, if you have exactly thirteen cards in your hand, you win the game. - This is honestly because Innistrad haha 13 funny. It's an extremely clunky alternative win condition. Just because something has you win the game written on it doesn't mean it's good. Example (focusing on cards that can go on any deck) being Luck Bobblehead. Alternative win conditios are always attached to something, which is why Coalition Victory is banned since that alternative wincon is actually pretty easy to achieve. Thassa's Oracle is also another very good example. It's really easy to mill your entire deck, which literally makes Thoracle a you win button.

  • : Draw a card - Although good, let's think a little bit about costs. Triskaidekaphile costs to cast and to activate, meaning you have to pay a total of for 1 single card, for two cards and so on. Hey, guess how much mana are 7 cards worth. The answer is Overflowing Insight (7 cards for 7 mana) meaning the rate mana-to-card isn't that good. You might argue that paying that much mana in a single go is too much, and that would be correct. Still, for a measly , Wizard Class gives you no maximum hand size, draws two cards, is more resilient to removal and the +1/+1 counters can actually be a decent win condition.

Long story short, the cost deceptive. There's way more involved than just paying two mana. However, I'll admit that Triskaidekaphile isn't necessarily bad. I just think it's bait. There are so many cards that either look incredible by themselves or look like they should be amazing in certain decks, but when you actually play with them they're just ok.

There's a lot more that could be said, but the main thing is a lot of cards need context to be properly evaluated. Siege Rhino was a absurd monster when it first released. Years later, now it's just ok.

wallisface on Why Do Some Players Keep …

10 months ago

jethstriker i‘m not convinced that legendaries were ever deliberately made to be more powerful because of their inherent drawback - this feels like something that players would intuitively expect to be the case (because it would make sense), but looking through magics history of the strongest cards in formats, we don’t see that to be true - moderns past is littered with staples like Snapcaster Mage, Tarmogoyf, Death's Shadow, Siege Rhino, Arcbound Ravager, Goblin Guide, Bloodbraid Elf, Stinkweed Imp, Fury, Solitude, and Orcish Bowmasters. Yes there’s stuff like Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer and Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath, but I don’t think there’s enough density/evidence to conclude legendaries are inherently built stronger.

I would also be sceptical of this being the case because it would be weird for Rosewater to be wanting to remove the Legend rule if it served a mechanical purpose

This might be a question for Blogatog?

CptnHndsm on TIME PRISON - Infinite turns control

1 year ago

Hey there! Awesome deck!! I don't play Modern anymore, but used to run Abzan Midrange in the Siege Rhino days so you were my nightmare opponent! XD

I was curious about the choice of not running the full set of Breeding Pool in the list? Is maintaining life a concern? Just genuinely curious about your decision since I can tell you have put a ton of time, money, and thought into this deck! Thank you so much!

Easy +1 from me, especially for such a sick deck name!!

Skybre4ker on Help with Mosswood Dreadknight / …

1 year ago

Yeah, it sure is awesome for you then!

I was thinking about putting it in my Abzan (counters) theme deck. It started with the traditional Abzan structure deck back in the day when Tarkir came out, but now really only has a few true Abzan cards left (the ones who give keywords based on having counters and Siege Rhinos of course). Moss seems like a pretty good add here for draw (which I need), recursion, and quite impressive P/T for 2 CMC which can quickly get higher with some easily added +1/+1 counters and then additions like first strike and flying!

DemonDragonJ on Reap what is Sown

1 year ago

I have replaced Siege Rhino with Thalia and The Gitrog Monster, because, as great as the rhino was, TatGM provide too much value for me to not put them in this deck.

kamarupa on Halo, and Welcome!

2 years ago

Won 2 of 3 against Siege Rhino. Game 1 the deck got mana-screwed and couldn't find a Soul Sister to stay in the game. The next two matches Soul Sister came out early and kept us in the game until it overwhelmed our opponent with tokens.

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