Scrabbling Claws

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Scrabbling Claws


: Target player exiles a card from their graveyard

, Sacrifice Scrabbling Claws: Exile target card from a graveyard. Draw a card.

SniperFrog on 'The flesh of the dead obey my whims'

3 months ago

Thanks for the suggestions, Profet93. I'm a huge fan of Ghost Vacuum. It seems like it could really pop off sometimes and the utility of it is also very appealing. Cards like this were never really on my radar. I'm not sure about the others, though. Phyrexian Furnace seems like it might be a little too narrow for what i'm looking for. Dino DNA is comparable to ghost vacuum, though I think the sorcery speed of it makes it strictly worse. And Scrabbling Claws really lacks synergy with the rest of the gameplan. Just exiling my zombies from the yard isn't really getting me much, honestly. There are certainly synergies, but the exile might be a little bit of a hard sell. I'll still give them all a shot in testing, though. You never really know what sort of unexpected synergies might turn up.

Thanks again!

Profet93 on 'The flesh of the dead obey my whims'

3 months ago


What kind of suggestions are you looking for? I see you don't want to spend more than $5 per card. I'm unsure of the prices but some of the following might be worth considering given you can create a token whenever needed.... Dino DNA, Ghost Vacuum, Phyrexian Furnace or Scrabbling Claws

Icbrgr on

1 year ago

well first things first im annoyed that i forgot about the existence of Silverbluff Bridge when i was building this deck lol so thanks for that reminder.

I think you and I are on our own island when it comes to Coveted Jewel... i also liked that card and though it looked fun/neat but the internet/forums said it was the first thing to cut because its bad to encourage people attacking you... idk i think its neat and am open to putting it back in.... i also like Scrabbling Claws too; I only cut it because it is a unique effect compared to the other 99 cards.... and Mirrorworks/Mimic Vat were also just tough things i cut for this prototype list... i woulnt be surprised or offended if they found there way back in here.

scotchtapedsleeves on

1 year ago

Just took a quick look at the base precon list, you've taken out a couple cards that are pretty fun.

Coveted Jewel is one. Gives some intense draw and can be shared around the table. Can always get it back if you swing

Endless Atlas Looks decent once you up your basic count. Generally with an Izzet deck you want to leave a lot of mana open for counterspells and interaction on your opponent's turn. This is a good way to convert that into draw if you don't do interaction

Mimic Vat is very good. Reviving creatures is great and it snuffs any stealing effects that happen when a card hits the graveyard (Looking at you Marchesa, the Black Rose)

Mirrorworks is 10/10

Prototype Portal is also pretty good.

Scrabbling Claws Targeted graveyard removal for 1 mana? yes please. Plus, if you make copies you can exile many cards a turn

Looks like you've taken out a lot of creature-copying cards. I would slot those back in if I were you. It'll help a ton to have extra bodies/copies of artifacts to tap later for mana instead of a few extra mana rocks.

I think you may want to go back to basics and rethink your strategy with this deck. Looks like the precon is very creature-focussed and you've removed a lot of interaction with that focus. Creatures are where artifact decks shine! Artifact cloning is your friend with this sort of deck, but make sure you have decent creatures to clone.

Made_Compleat on Let's raise some hell.

1 year ago

Nice brew! My one question is about the mainboard Scrabbling Claws. It seems a little odd to me that you're running graveyard hate mainboard. However, I really love your deck!

teafresch on Tormod

2 years ago

Id suggest switching out Relic of Progenitus with either Unlicensed Hearse or Scrabbling Claws. Poxwalkers, Prized Amalgam, and Master of Death are also cards that have proven to be super good in my Tormod deck although I also have Intuition, Entomb, Traumatize, Unmarked Grave, Altar of Dementia, Oriq Loremage and Vile Entomber in mine. Some dredge cards might help filling your grave. If you ever add fetchlands then I would also add Hostile Desert and Crucible of Worlds. Phyrexian Tower, High Market and Unholy Grotto/Volrath's Stronghold are some other good lands. Tortured Existence is also a must. 1 black mana per 2/2 zombie as much as you want is hard to beat.

keizerbuns on Delve Recycling

2 years ago

Thanks for the suggestion Metropolis39! I’ll play around with Scrabbling Claws and see how it feels.

I don’t know if I’d replace Dimir Doppelganger with Scrabbling Claws though as Doppelganger is a pretty decent form of reanimation that fits the exile theme well and also enables me to get Torrent Elemental on the battlefield and attacking by turn 4 rather than turn 6. Replacing Doppleganger would slow my deck down too much, but maybe I can find room for the claw elsewhere.

Thanks again!

Metropolis39 on Delve Recycling

2 years ago

i would try 4 Scrabbling Clawsto use perhaps use on yourself and double as grave hate. better than that garbo doppelganger card

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