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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
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Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
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Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
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Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Rix Maadi, Dungeon Palace
: Add .
, : Each player discards a card. Activate this ability only at any time you could cast a sorcery.

TheoryCrafter on
Beginner Red/Black Deck
1 month ago
If you reduce yourself to one copy of each card(except for basic lands, which you can have multiples of), you'll end up with 58 spells(57 if Screeching Bat Flip//Stalking Vampire Flip is counted twice on your list) and 34 lands. Even if you had a legendary creature in this collection you don't have enough cards for a commander deck. Until you can get the Legendary Creature and the other 7 or 8 cards to fill out a commander deck, my suggestion is to work towards a modern deck.
The only clear cut recommendations I'm making will concern your lands. Having Evolving Wilds, Rakdos Carnarium and Terramorphic Expanse would be great if you were running a landfall deck, but you only have three cards with landfall—and Rakdos Carnarium isn't a land I would put in a non-landfall deck without ways to play additional lands(like Walking Atlas). My suggestion is all three copies of Mortuary Mire and both copies of Rix Maadi, Dungeon Palace. Tapping four lands to make everyone discard may be a lot, but it will prove useful in the late game when you have a lot of mana floating around. You simply activate the land's ability, discard a high mana cost creature card you have, and put it back in your library when you play Mortuary Mire.
Other than that you'll want to build the deck with as much synergy as possible. I suggest organizing all your cards into piles. One for death triggers, one for spells that can benefit from discard, one for ways to sacrifice creatures, one for lifegain and one with creatures that get stronger, and so forth. Look at if/how they interact with each other. One example is how sacrificing Deadbridge Shaman to help pay for Altar's Reap gives you some card advantage.
Another thing to take into account is mana efficiency. If, for example, you're wanting to run a burn deck(Spells that do direct damage), you'll want to consider cards that give off at least one damage for each one mana spent. Lightning Bolt is a good example of mana efficiency, not so much for Explosive Impact.
I hope it's enough for you to get started. Don't be afraid to ask questions if you have any. Thank you for reading me out. May you draw well!
Dead_Blue_ on Will this 7-rack be competitive?
2 years ago
Lilli really is a must in the deck, I’ve played a lot of 8Rack but not in the current meta as I’m just returning to magic but I’ve found the red version just not worth it. You’re still susceptible to enchantment hate& if you’re going to run red the Rix Maadi, Dungeon Palace is pretty much the best reason to. Just echoing what has already been said, Funeral Charm is great, discard at instant speed that doubles at removal Is extremely powerful. I find there’s not really room in the deck for flavor cards but if you do want flavor Waste Not Bitterblossom or Nyxathid are excellent choices. Also you may want to trim Raven's Crime. It’s one of the best cards in the deck but multiples of it are useless and you absolutely have to run Dakmor Salvage with it as it completes the engine.
raefgall on
2 years ago
Glad to see someone else working on a deck list like this and eager to hear how it does. I played an RB 8-Rack variant a few years ago and I've been worried that it would be too slow for the recent modern meta, plus dealing with all of the flexible main deck removal available since the Modern Horizon sets.
I've never looked at Blood Moon as a sideboard option, but I've also included Rix Maadi, Dungeon Palace in my builds as a source of repeated discard. I used to run Crumble to Dust as my anti-tron tech, but I've been looking at Break the Ice as another option.
Honestly, I feel like any other suggestions I make would just be pushing pet cards. Great deck.
Vessiliana on
Sacrificial Treachery
2 years ago
There is also Rix Maadi, Dungeon Palace, for a repeatable discard on a land.
11WolfenE on
X a n t c h a
3 years ago
Sulfurous Mire for Rakdos Guildgate, Rocky Tar Pit for baso land, Immersturm Skullcairn for baso land #2, Rix Maadi, Dungeon Palace for baso lando #3
Idoneity on
Dragon Jesus (Bladewing the Risen EDH)
4 years ago
You had commented upon my list, thus you must allow me to do the same for yours.
I must recommend a Sneak Attack. It offers an excruciatingly cheap mana reduction for putting dragons into play, thereupon being put into the bin for later reanimation. It allows for quite the explosive turns upon resolution, and has been one of the better engines in my list.
Now, I do not run these cards in my deck, but Hellkite Courser and Altar of Dementia allow for an infinite combo with Bladewing. Put out the Courser, sacrifice it to the Altar, then have the "ETB" trigger put Bladewing into play. Target his trigger to the Hellkite Courser and sacrifice Bladewing in response. Someone is milled, Courser is reanimated, and then Bladewing can come back into play, sacrifice Hellkite Courser, then repeat for infinity. If you need a combo to end the game, each of the cards within it being solid on their own, I would recommend this. I am trying to squeeze it into my list, but it depends on your taste in strategy and meta.
A card I used to run, but ultimately found lacking, is Dragonspeaker Shaman. I see it in your Maybeboard, but I may as well grant it a mention.
One dragon that seems particularly devastating is Tyrant's Familiar, for it returns with a powerful attack trigger. It is straightforward but potent.
You must be aware of the utilities capable in the mana base. I used to run Rix Maadi, Dungeon Palace. It pulled its weight, but was ablated for Bonders' Enclave and the ensuing War Room. Each of these cards are quite fine, but favourable in the eyes of some.
I have found haste to be a necessity in strategies such as this. Hall of the Bandit Lord startlingly inefficient as a land, but the haste is immensely powerful. Removing summoning sickness at the mere cost of life and a tapped land is, in my opinion, more than worth it. If I get ahold of one, it shall be seen to inclusion in my list.
That shall be all from me, but thank you once more for your prior comment.
As foresaid, might your day be lovely.
TriusMalarky on None
4 years ago
I just found Rix Maadi, Dungeon Palace and guess what's going into my Jund Ponza list?
Suns_Champion on
Grenzo's Thrummin' Dungeon (PRIMER)
5 years ago
Great deck. I love the Thrumming Stone and Braid of Fire interactions. Well done.
The only suggestion I have is Rix Maadi, Dungeon Palace . The flavor is obvious, but it also strengthens your discard package a little.