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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
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Vintage | Legal |
Creature — Human Rogue
, : Gain control of target artifact for as long as you control Aladdin.
ClockworkSwordfish on The Strangest Voltron
2 years ago
A lot of great picks here for fun abilities to slap on Mairsil. A great one I think you might appreciate is on the ol' stinker Infernal Denizen. Tapping to steal a creature is no mean feat, especially if you have a sacrifice outlet to go with it.
Of course, it looks like you plan to bounce Mairsil out of play regularly, and that doesn't play too great with the Denizen's ability. In such a case, you could also consider Empress Galina, Memnarch, Helm of Possession, Aladdin and maybe Simic Manipulator (to go with Anthroplasm or Phyrexian Devourer?)
legendofa on Creatures that Deserve to be …
3 years ago
Aladdin in particular is kind of pre-legendary, I think it would have been made Legendary today, probably along with King Suleiman and Ali from Cairo (although I'm sure more than one person in Cairo is named Ali).
Cevraya shows up in several flavor texts like Slime Molding, but doesn't seem to be developed as a character--maybe Glowspore Shaman?
There's at least two different people named Ennor on different planes, but one of them became a ghoul. I suspect the second Ennor means that the first Ennor won't get a card, despite having a simple storyline.
Outside of flavor texts, how many Worldslayers or Pearl Lake Ancients are there? No particular story reason to make them legendary, but a single lake can hold only so many giant monsters, and who makes more than one apocalypse sword?
sergiodelrio on Card creation challenge
3 years ago
Legendary Creature - Human Rogue
When Aladdin enters the battlefield, gain control of target artifact with mana value equal to or less than the amount of mana spend to cast Aladdin until Aladdin leaves the battlefield.
Ninjad, do challenge above
GatheringGamings on You're homeless. (Land destruction, $30!)
4 years ago
I suggest Aladdin so you can also steal lands instead of just destroying them.
SquirrelPenguin on Disney EDH?
4 years ago
Aladdin, Abu Ja'far, Ali from Cairo, Djinn of Wishes, Flying Carpet, Aladdin's Lamp, cards from this link
Coward_Token on Kick Start My Heart | Winota, Joiner of Forces EDH
4 years ago
Surprisingly few bomb Humans to cheat out in -.
Fireflux Squad: Token polymorph. I'm aware attack triggers won't immediately work with stuff cheated out by Winota.
Moggcatcher: Some more inter-tribal support
Misc CMC 3-: Loyal Retainers, Magus of the Moon, Magus of the Balance, Combat Celebrant
Misc CMC 4+ : Academy Rector, Ranger of Eos, Michiko Konda, Truth Seeker, Dragonscale General, Arena Rector, Aladdin, Zealous Conscripts
Guess you're not up for giving Valduk, Keeper of the Flame the support he needs? I'll also assume Helm of the Host is implicitly in the maybeboard along with Godo
SwiftDeath on These are Pirates?
5 years ago
Cards that fit your theme that we will discuss later. Fumble , Hazoret's Favor , Helm of Possession , Humble Defector , Hypnotic Siren , Illusory Gains , Kindred Charge , Macabre Mockery , Magus of the Unseen , Marchesa's Smuggler , Mass Mutiny , Mogg Cannon , Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker , Saheeli Rai , Spinal Embrace , Zealous Conscripts , Yahenni, Undying Partisan , Dack Fayden , Aladdin , Breaking / Entering , Beguiler of Wills , Bontu the Glorified , Brutal Hordechief , Angrath, the Flame-Chained .