

Maybe put to rest and transformed into

The Army of Amsnad 2.0

Modern Rocknj06


This deck is capable of winning constantly on turn 4-5(with the opponent either taking it, or just not having anything on the field of course). What makes this possible is the plethora of 1 drop creatures this deck contains. Without being Mana intensive, this deck can function properly on 2-3 Plains.

Our army consist of -

Champion of the Parish- our allstar. Drop him down turn one, each creature, except 1, will boost this little guy up.

Boros Elite - alone, this chick is underwhelming. But when she attacks with a couple of friends, that 2 power boost can really be devastating.

Soldier of the Pantheon- a nice 2/1 body for one with an upside if my opponents are playing multi-colored cards.

Dryad Militant- she's the only creature that will not boost Champion of the Parish. a 2/1 body that must be dealt with if you're a Delver player because she makes your instants or sorcery cards go buh-bye, meaning you can't flash them back with Snapcaster Mage or use them to fuel your Dig Through Time or Treasure Cruise.

Precinct Captain- he will keep the pain coming by bringing with him a new soldier every time he hits for damage.

Field Marshal- gives all of my creatures first strike (opponents soldiers too, but who really plays soldiers??) and +1/+1 making even those 1/1 tokens killers.

Mirror Entity- being a changling, this little guy makes Champion of the Parish bigger as well as gaining the boost from Field Marshal with the ability to make all my creatures BIG depending on how much mana I have.

Odric, Master Tactician- makes my army unblockable (if I don't need to have any problem creatures block to be removed that is), meaning my opponent is dead if not taken care of.

Elspeth, Knight-Errant- she brings the hurt by having a friend join the fight, or making one of my creatures a flying for a turn with a +3/+3 boost.

Brave the Elements- mass protection, saving my army or pushing through for a final stand.

Path to Exile- for when I'm in a sticky situation and need a problem creature removed.

Honor of the Pure- boosts the army by +1/+1

Spear of Heliod- a "fourth" Honor of the Pure with a removal option available, I think having one in the deck is worth the 1 extra mana to cast.

Sideboard explanations are in the process as the sideboard isn't set in stone (not that the main deck is set in stone, I am on the fence about 2-3 choices and whether the options in the maybe board would be better.


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So, I've reworked this deck yet again. This time, I went for more of a Human Soldier tribal rather than just soldiers. Because of this, I took out the Kithkin soldiers that were in here, which led to the removal of Captain of the Watch. I own everything in my Mainboard, and I think everything in my side. Any suggestions would be awesome. The maybe board has some pretty interesting choices. Most notably I have Angel of Jubilation in there. The Angel pumps my army and hoses any saccing or life paying that tends to happen in black. What do you guys think?

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Date added 10 years
Last updated 3 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 0 Mythic Rares

24 - 15 Rares

9 - 0 Uncommons

4 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.95
Tokens Emblem Elspeth, Knight-Errant, Soldier 1/1 W
Folders Decks I Like, Modern, Stuff to get
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