
Instant (6)

Enchantment (2)

Creature (2)


Enchantment deck OLD STANDARD

Win con : Grim Guardian, Strength from the Fallen on Badger, Doomwake Giant that can get opponent creature be -3/-3 easily... then you swing

Brain Maggot : Help to take off something that can kill your strategy

Doomwake Giant : Can kill low defence creatures just by being in play. You can do, approximately, maximum 2 or 3 times constellation in the same turn. That mean that you can deny almost every token or aggro deck easily and kill low cost creatures that can be use to block you.

Extinguish All Hope : Destoyed the creatures of the opponent

Putrefy : Good destroy. Can control important good creatures

Charging Badger : Not an enchantment creature, but can do great damage with Strength from the Fallen. You need trample or other kind of evasion to do great damage.

Grim Guardian : Every little damage count. Also, if you can play 2 of them in the same turn, you can kill someone easily faster.

Renowned Weaver : An other good one drop, can put an enchantment creature when you want (instant speed). So it can let you attack and boost, with Strength from the Fallen, a creature in instant, (also, it can be good for defence by boosting a creature until the end of turn) or you can just do it after you have put in play Grim Guardian, to make your opponent losing 1 life.

Eidolon of Blossoms : Make you draw like crazy! You want this on play as fast as you can!

Pharika, God of Affliction : Synergise very well with Nyx Weaver, Grim Guardian and Strength from the Fallen. Can trigger constellation in instant speed.

Commune with the Gods : make you pick good enchantment creature and put the rest in your grave. So it will make your Strength from the Fallen better.

Nyx Weaver : Make your Strength from the Fallen be really strong faster. Also, you can pick up any card that is put in the grave (including Pharika, God of Affliction an other Strength from the Fallen, Eidolon of Blossoms, etc... or just what you need at the moment)

Font of Fertility : Mana + enchantment

How to counter Back to Nature : Stain the Mind. No one will mainboard Back to Nature. That means that i can have Stain the Mind in my side board and getting it if i play versus a non enchantment green deck.

Suggestion, feedback and vote are welcome.


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I just found 2 Eidolon of Blossoms and 4 Mana Bloom! So it's time to do some changes. I'll put 2 Crippling Blight on the sideboard, same for my Putrefy (it can be usefull vs aggro deck or artifact deck, that are more poppular with M15). For the mainboard, I put on the 2 Eidolon of Blossoms and 3 Mana Bloom.

Now i'm not sure for Nyx Weaver.. It's a good cards, but it happends so many time to draw it and be : awee, i don't want this card for this game! Also, if i got like 2 Strength from the Fallen on the board, i really want the spider! Maybe 4 it's a little bit too much and i'll go for 3 instead. Like this i'll be able to put one more Mana Bloom.

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Date added 10 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is Unknown legal.

Rarity (main - side)

1 - 0 Mythic Rares

14 - 5 Rares

11 - 5 Uncommons

14 - 5 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.53
Tokens Enchantment Snake 1/1 BG
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