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Blocking is for wimps and rich people!

Modern Budget Mono-Red Pauper




Planeswalker (1)

Sorcery (1)

No Blocks, No Bullshit, No Regrets!

This is a simple Mono-Red Aggro Deck for the Modern format. I use it as a fun to play 1on1-Deck and in Fortress or Two-Headed Giant games. I love its simplicity and the fact that it regularly beats up decks that cost 10 times its price.

The ideal start would be Foundry Street Denizen on turn one and Monastery Swiftspear plus a boost like Titan's Strength or Hammerhand, in case your opponent has blockers, on turn two. Ideally this sets the opponent down to 13. Next turn you follow up with anything that your hand provides. Most of the time this will be an Akroan Crusader generating Tokens with haste thanks to Dragon Mantle. This will allow you to swing for another 6 damage.

After that you can pump your mana into the Dragon Breath effect and start spam-dashing Goblin Heelcutter to avoid blocks. Madcap Skills also provides you with a big beater with evasion that should be able to end games quickly.

In case anything goes wrong and you opponent still manages to keep up with blockers, you can get around his defense using Smoldering Spires, and Frenzied Goblin. Hordeling Outburst helps you, if you can't outnumber the opponent with your other creatures and also gives a huge boost to the Denizen. In case he is still alive or still blocks your stuff, simply throw a Lightning Bolt in his (or his creature's) face.

Additional flavor is added by the sexy pirate Kari Zev, Skyship Raider. Kari triggers the Denizen with ragavan and comes with menace, while a single Hammerhand gets her out of Bolt-range All this makes her pretty much the essence of this deck, forged into a legendary creature. Awesome turn 3 alternative to the Heelcutter!

The sideboard contains Flamespeaker's Will to counter artifact strategies. It also wrecks many combo decks, since most combos require at least one artifact. Blazing Volley deals with token shenanigans and is a nice thing to have against too many early blocks.

Coordinated Assault gives you a ton of board presence, since it can trigger two heroic Crusaders at once and gets rid of their blockers in combat.

Otherworldly Outburst helps you against decks with lots of removal and sac shenanigans. Of course it doesn't help you against exilement, but which card does? If they exile your stuff, you can still laugh at them for spending more on a playset of Path to Exile, then you did on your entire deck!

Skullcrack is a little more expensive, but still very budget friendly. It disturbs lifegain strategies which can be really bad for our red frenzy.

This is it. Easy, yet very effective. And the best thing: You can enjoy this deck for a realistic price of $30.

For the Pauper version of this you just have to spend $10!

Other fun options:



For rich people:

  • Earthshaker Khenra would be a great addition to the deck. He has haste and thanks to his second ability he is most likely able to swing for 2 right away. The Eternalize stuff would probably never be used though.

  • Leyline of Punishment You should be careful with the Leyline, since it often ends up as a dead draw, but it can be a real lifesaver in the opening hand (or not haha).

  • Blood Moon I have to mention it even though I hate it, since it is just too good to be ignored... It shuts down almost every multicolored deck and makes their crazy $20/piece dual land stuff worth crap. It is up to you, if you want to pay for it. I chose not to.

  • Glorious End would be a really fun way to end games.. so it is pretty much the opposite of Blood Moon.

For even more flavor:

  • Captain Lannery Storm provides you with additional mana each turn, which can be invested into the dragon-breath effect and also comes in turn 3 with haste.

  • Pia Nalaar can be a fun way to end games. You can use her Thopter to attack, or stop people from blocking

  • Tuktuk the Explorer is super funny and will either do at least one damage a turn or.. return!

  • Grenzo, Havoc Raiser's first ability was made for multiplayer, yet he can force opponents to attack with their best blocker. Also, in case you want to cast cool the stuff that your opponents emptied their wallets for, he is your man.

Have fun with this deck and let me know if you like it!


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(7 years ago)

Top Ranked
  • Achieved #49 position overall 7 years ago
Date added 9 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

1 - 4 Rares

14 - 2 Uncommons

31 - 9 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.43
Tokens Eldrazi Horror 3/2 C, Goblin 1/1 R, Ragavan, Soldier 1/1 R
Folders Modern Maybes, Welcome to Nilbog, Interesting, BUDGET, fun, Saved, Modern Format Decks
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