Feeding the Demon

This deck is a Shilgengar reanimator deck that revolves around filling your grav...

Commander / EDH Bread-and-Butter-EDH

Birthing of the Genesis Elves (Clean sweep @ FNM)

Modern* cooknathan


Clearing Discussion. —Aug. 31, 2012

The deck has evolved drastically since its creation, hence I thought id clear the clutter in the discussion. The latest list has been performing very well at FNM. Any suggestions or questions would be awesome, Thanks.

Davidl101 says... #1

+1 really like this deck, I would say that I'm not entirely sure you've got enough artifacts in here to make card:Ezuri's Brigade worth it, not sure what I'd replace it with though

June 16, 2011 2:42 p.m.

Davidl101 says... #2

Also would at least sideboard if not mainboard card:Ezuri's Archers for when you're facing flyers, which considering the prevalence of squadron hawks will be quite often

June 16, 2011 2:57 p.m.

cooknathan says... #3

Thanks, I originally had 3 Shrine of Boundless Growth in here and the metalcraft wasn't a problem, it still usually gets it by the end though. The bigger problem is a lack of 4 cmc elves (need to fill the spot for birthing pod) at the moment the only other candidate is Greenhilt Trainee but im not sure who is better, suggestions?

Your absolutely right and card:Ezuri's Archers will deffinantly be sideboarded x3-4. Hopefully Squadron Hawk will not be reprinted, but flying is still a big weakness with Eldrazi Monument rotating out.

June 16, 2011 7:44 p.m.

cooknathan says... #4

Okay, after a bit of playtesting Ive dropped card:Ezuri's Brigade and the Myr Superion 's due to consistency issues and added Greenhilt Trainee who is a little bit more usefull and 2x Viridian Emissary to try to thin the deck a bit (and more land and easy to sack with Birthing Pod .

Im still having few problems with consistency but its getting better, it pulls of some scary turn 5 wins (with over half the deck out).

I was thinking of replacing Wurmcoil Engine with Thopter Assembly to deal with flyers, oppinions?

June 17, 2011 4:23 a.m.

pigfish320 says... #5

Man, when M12 comes out you should consider Dungrove Elder , he would get ridiculous quick.

June 17, 2011 9:16 p.m.

cooknathan says... #6

Thanks. I would love to have him in here but my biggest problem at the moment is consistency rather than bombs, the deck gets a little bogged down (dosent explode) around turn 5 about 25% of the time.

Because of the Birthing Pod element, Ive tried to do it such that (apart from the mana shell) ive got a game winner per cmc cost, so 3cmc Ezuri, Renegade Leader , 5cmc Bellowing Tanglewurm , 6cmc Thopter Assembly, 7cmc card:Garruk's Horde & 8cmc Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger .

I cant think what to replace with him. What do you think?

June 17, 2011 10:14 p.m.

zandl says... #7

Acidic Slime and Elvish Archdruid are confirmed to be in, and Llanowar Elves has no reason to NOT be.

June 19, 2011 10:24 p.m.

cooknathan says... #8

Yeah, which makes me happy (In that I own the cards). However I was under the impression that non-official spoilers wernt to be discussed on this website so I didnt just go straight out and say it lol. Also Garruk is back but not sure if its Garruk Wildspeaker or another version.

Any Ideas with the deck?

June 20, 2011 12:18 a.m.

zandl says... #9

I haven't heard that yet. But if StarCityGames.com puts up spoilers, I'm going to say they're more-or-less official.

June 20, 2011 1:44 a.m.

cooknathan says... #10

Fair enough.

youtube.com/watch?v=raezRQJJRhk is the m12 trailer, you can see Garruk and 5 other m12 planeswalkers at about 2:05 but they hide the actual card, you can only see his first name and a bit of new art.

If you were interested...

June 20, 2011 1:57 a.m.

mozerdozer says... #11

I believe Garruk is being removed and that Gideon, Elspeth Tirel and Liliana Vess are the ones that are staying from the M11 and Zendikar planeswalkers.

June 20, 2011 10:06 p.m.

cooknathan says... #12

Um I didnt rely want this to turn into a discussion about m12 cards/spoilers etc but O well.

Much of the art and flavour texts of spoiled cards has suggested 5 Planeswalkers Jace, Garruk, Chandra, Sorin (officially spoiled wizards.com/Magic/Magazine/Article.aspx?x=mtg/daily/feature/144) and Gideon


Also in the youtube link above the start of their names can clearly be seen.

There is however no certainty that Garruk, Chandra or Jace will be reprints or new versions. Im guessing that whatever Garruk comes out is going to be awesome :-)

Any deck suggestions?

June 20, 2011 10:31 p.m.

zandl says... #13

@ mozerdozer So you're saying that they're going to remove the Green Planeswalker and have 2 White ones? Good call, on that one.

Gideon and Sorin are officially confirmed, and the other 3 are presumed to be Garruk, Chandra, and Jace. These 5 Planeswalkers all appear in the Duels of the Planeswalkers preview video AND in card form (although partially obscured) in the same video. So it's safe to say we know that these 5 will be our Planeswalker cycle for M12. And I have noticed that the art that was revealed form the edges of their cards at the end of the preview video is different from what they are now. I would LOVE a Garruk 2.0 - Perhaps a more Aggro-version of Garruk? More creature-based (can you imagine a +1 or +2 of "Target creature gets +?/+? and trample until end of turn."? Very exciting to think about, indeed.) I even made a topic a few weeks back after noticing this on the TO forums, but no one really caught on. Glad someone else saw this subtle variation.

Anyways, back to the deck...

The only thing I can think of adding is card:Green Sun's Zenith and/or Overwhelming Stampede for an extra win-con. Perhaps Khalni Hydra , since the Zendikar block will still be Standard until the very end of September. With Elves, Khalni Hydra can definitely exist as a playset and still be extremely efficient.

June 21, 2011 12:29 a.m.

cooknathan says... #14


Its funny you mention those, I had card:Green Sun's Zenith and Overwhelming Stampede in a similar deck that I used to play and they performed well, Especially card:Green Sun's Zenith which I have been known to use for Llanowars lol.

My biggest fear is always running over them with Genesis Wave but I will give it a go, it may just be worth it to get some more consistency.

Not too sure about the other two, especcially the Khalni Hydra . Ive got Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger in my 8cmc spot at the moment and when he comes out its almost always game. I dont think the Hydra's ability would be such a benifit as I usually pay 2 mana for an uncounterable Vorinclex. Overwhelming Stampede is good but I think there are enough win conditions & the majority of my wins come from Ezuri, Renegade Leader who I just search for and use his ability that turn, uncounterable, unexpected ;-)

Will playtest some card:Green Sun's Zenith thanks again.

June 21, 2011 2:49 a.m.

cooknathan says... #15

Okay card:Green Sun's Zenith works well as does Phyrexian Metamorph which I stumbled across the usefullness in my edh deck :-)

New Garruk is pretty and fits in nicely.

Ive trimmed a bit of fat and it seems to be much more consistent now and even a bit quicker.


July 4, 2011 1:04 a.m.

This seems like a nice deck, but it seems to me there is too few control elements. What is your main win condition? The overrun from Ezuri? That only affects elves...

I think if you swapped out a few creatures for some more control (whether creature, counter, enchantment) or switched to more elves it would perform better.

July 4, 2011 3:01 a.m.

cooknathan says... #17

Thanks Leimana,

I was going more for Agrro-Agrro/Combo than control, but the main control is in Acidic Slime , Phyrexian Metamorph and sideboard in Spellskite to counter removal, Fresh Meat for board wipes and Beast Within for nasty creatures or planeswalkers (although I havnt given the ratios of the sideboard too much thought). Could you suggest anything that I would have to look out for, maybey I should try mainboarding some of those things?

The win conditions are mainly Primeval Titan , card:Garruk's Horde, Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger and most of the time I can get over the line with Ezuri, Renegade Leader , half the creatures are elves and more when you consider the tutoring from Birthing Pod and card:Green Sun's Zenith & most of the time Phyrexian Metamorph becomes Elvish Archdruid .

I was playing it with Copperhorn Scout and Greenhilt Trainee but I found it to be more consistent & quick with Phyrexian Metamorph and more mana ramp. What do you think?

July 5, 2011 6:54 a.m.

I see where your going with the Fresh Meat and Beast Within , but from my experience they never show up when you need them unless you have 4 of each in your deck. Spellskite is an amazing card and fits in every deck.

If you are looking more to overrun with elves I suggest Joraga Warcaller (I know phasing out) and for sideboard maybe Viridian Corrupter (destroys and artifact and you get to put a couple -1-1 counters on something when you throw him under the bus). If you just want something that is a pain to remove you could toss in Thrun, the Last Troll or Mitotic Slime .

I worry about using card: with only 1-2 of your big guys as well. If you would rather try to win with your big guys maybe add some more like Wurmcoil Engine or Myr Battlesphere since they are multipurpose like your thopter.

July 5, 2011 7:52 a.m.

cooknathan says... #19

I agree that its hard to have a Fresh Meat or Beast Within in your hand when you need it (not to mention the mana), even with the small amount of thinning in this deck but there arnt many creatures or permanents that provide replacements. I should be able to use Ezuri, Renegade Leader to beat removal if I know my opponent is playing it.

The deck primarily tries to outpace opponents and if I do get wiped, hope that I can build card advantage quicker than my opponent anyway.

I rarely have a problem getting the Ezuri, Renegade Leader out when I need it as the deck has a massive amount of tutoring and by turn 5-6 usually can pull out a ridiculous amount of mana. Viridian Corrupter is nice but I feel that Acidic Slime functions better and fills the 5cmc spot for birthing pod. Joraga Warcaller s good but I cant pay the kicker if I tutor or wave him.

Perhaps Swiftfoot Boots would be worth it in protecting the Elvish Archdruid s and giving them haste for mana at the same time what do you think?

Genesis Wave is primarily for getting out small creatures, land & Birthing Pod and usually gets cast for 8 mana so im not to worried about the 5 biggest creatures.

July 6, 2011 10:33 a.m.

cooknathan says... #20

Okay guys Ive revamped it with the knowledge that Swiftfoot Boots can pull of some crazy combo's (especially with Elvish Archdruid & Primeval Titan and realy explode the deck. It also offers some protection agaisnt removal.

I lost some of the bigger guys but I think its a lot quicker, more consistent and dangerous. Give it a playtest for me and tell me what you think.


July 7, 2011 5:25 a.m.

BaldVader says... #21

Have you considered Xenograft ing everything into elves so you to make birthpoding easier? I haven't seen it used much and I'm curious to see how it'd work here.

July 8, 2011 1:22 a.m.

cooknathan says... #22

Thanks Baldvader,

I havnt considered it for this, firstly Id have to splash blue and secondly there is only 4 creatures that arnt elves and 3 of them usually end up being sacrificed with Birthing Pod . I cant see how it would make Birthing Pod ing easier...

I can see Xenograft having some use along with Adaptive Automaton or something like Arachnus Spinner , Myr Galvanizer , token decks etc.

July 8, 2011 2:20 a.m.

BaldVader says... #23

Yeah, I see you're point. I thought since you saw 4cmc elves as tough to find, the graft might help (that's what I meant by making birthing easier) and expand your options, but splashing blue does make for a tough trade off.

July 8, 2011 3:01 a.m.

cooknathan says... #24

Mm thats why I was so happy to find Phyrexian Metamorph as it usually becomes an elf anyway.

Thanks for the input though.

July 8, 2011 3:06 a.m.

Gigatoast says... #25

I almost think that you should replace the Metalmorphs with Solemn Simulacrums for their ramp, card draw and synergy with Birthing Pod.

July 11, 2011 12:44 p.m.