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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pauper | Legal |
Pauper Duel Commander | Legal |
Pauper EDH | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Stasis Cocoon
Enchantment — Aura
Enchant artifact
Enchanted artifact's activated abilities can't be played.
If enchanted artifact is a creature, it can't attack or block.
jamochawoke on Path to Exile or Swords …
3 years ago
TypicalTimmy the best removals are actually the Arrest enchantments. Your examples give them an indestructible chump blocker and a land for ramp as well.
I'm talking about:
- Arrest
- Demotion
- Desert's Hold
- Faith's Fetters
- Gelid Shackles
- Bound in Gold (arguably the best one)
- Nahiri's Binding (this also targets walkers)
- Prison Term (best value over a long game)
- Serra Bestiary (gets around the mana abilities clause)
- Stasis Cocoon
- Suppression Bonds
- Trapped in the Tower
JoeBlondie on Sram | Senior Enchantress
6 years ago
big changes in the deck!
In no particular order:
Strata Scythe : too high of a cost for just +X/+X, even if it can win some games
Godsend : same as before, too high of a cost and it functionally says "+3/+3 unblockable", except it is not unblockable when it matters. Can stop some big threats for a while but too situational. I love the card tho.
Prowler's Helm : just wanted to cut some redundant unblockable effects. We already have enough + tutors. You only need one of them when you want to win. Choice was between this and boots and I feel that walls are more common than only-basics
Paradise Mantle : seems amazing until you realize that we don't always have a creature doing nothing on the board that wants to tap for mana
Lightning Greaves : does't help to win, and we usually don't rely just on Sram to kill the opponent, so protection is not that important
Loxodon Warhammer : this cut is done just because the swords are better. Having a tutorable single source of lifelink can save some games tho, so better to still take this in consideration.
Cultivator's Caravan : I tried it, I didn't particularly like it. Sure, good versatility. However, most of the times its just a 3 cmc rock, not that great. The ability to attack is mostly irrilevant since its very incefficient to put equips/auras on it, and blocking still requires a creature to tap for it.
Smuggler's Copter : same issued as the caravan, plus its not versatile. Too much effort to just draw and discard occasionally. All considered, I preferer to run 0 vehicles.
Stasis Cocoon : too narrow. Sometimes can be great (can target breya, fast mana and other things), but other times its a dead card with no relevant targets.
Pacifism : a lot of problematic creatures don't act through the combat phase. Therefore this card is in the weird spot of being outclassed by 3cmc alternatives (prison term, arrest) and darksteel mutation, while also being often functionally equal to Kirtar's desire for double the cost.
Holy Mantle : there are better things to do with 4 mana. Putting it on a spirit dancer is sweet tho.
Faith Unbroken : seems a good combination of pump + draw + removal, until you realize that you are just setting up a very bad 3 for 1 later on. Not terrible thanks to Sram, but there are better plays at 4 mana.
Kor Sanctifiers : the card is ok, however the lack of recursion potential makes so that there are better alternatives.
Stone Haven Outfitter : I was excited for this card being a sort of second mini-skullclamp. Then you realize that this guy passive +1/+1 actually makes skullclamp useless and you really don't want him on the field.
Drifting Meadow : having increased the number of colorless lands, we really don't want too many tapped lands. This gets cut because of the 2 cost of cycling, worse than steppe
Disenchant : here you can cut demystify instead, your choice. Disenchant is more versatile but more costly. Usually I find that enchantments are more problematic than artifacts and I really don't want to face a Stasis with the need of 2 mana open. But I can see it useful when you sit in front of a sharuum/breya/memnarch. Its up to you. You still probably want one of them for the insant speed, for sorcery speed alternatives is better to have recurrable permanents.
PickleNutz on Modern Affinity (turn two win) HELP
7 years ago
Without Stoic Rebuttal how do you survive Stony Silence, Kataki, War's Wage, Hurkyl's Recall, Stasis Cocoon, Path to Exile, and Ghost Quarter can obviously do damage to you Inkmoth Nexus plans, and that's not really preventable. I think splashing blue is important for the counter spell aspect in an affinity deck though.
hfvalenz on MagicalHacker - List of All "Tucking" Spot Removal
8 years ago
What about Prison Term, Arrest, Suppression Bonds, One Thousand Lashes, Krasis Incubation?
And also the less effective Gelid Shackles, Ice Cage, Lost in Thought, Volrath's Curse, Arachnus Web, Serra Bestiary, Stasis Cocoon.
It's true that those don't deal with triggered abilities, but in my experience most decks rely on activated abilities and / or commander damage.