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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Alchemy | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Arena | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Gladiator | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Historic | Legal |
Historic Brawl | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pauper | Legal |
Pauper Duel Commander | Legal |
Pauper EDH | Legal |
Pioneer | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Pre-release | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Standard | Legal |
Standard Brawl | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Spell Pierce
Counter target noncreature spell unless its controller pays .
Balaam__ on BioProfDude
1 week ago
Thanks again for helping out on my first Pioneer deck. I wanted to ask a follow up question:
You had mentioned scrapping Lunarch Veteran Flip in favor of maxing out Spell Queller and a couple other cards I already had. Looking things over, that makes sense to me but I have a concern. If I cut Lunarch I’ll only have Mausoleum Wanderer and Spell Pierce as one drops—do you think that’s alright? If this was Modern I’d feel leery about so few T1 plays, but I don’t know if that should/would carry over into Pioneer.
wallisface on Using Disrupting Shoal
4 months ago
Looking at this list, i’d suggest anything other than Disrupting Shoal. Cards with pitch costs like this, particularly in control decks, require you to have a bunch of card-advantage engines to offset you otherwise 2-for-1ing yourself. Without stuff like The One Ring or Memory Deluge to guarantee card-advantage over time, this card rusks blowing-you-out and letting the opponent overwhelm you.
More importantly, you’re playing at a pace whereby you’re in no rush to play free-spells or tap-out, so this play pattern seems counterintuitive to what the deck wants to do. Indeed, it seems like the deck is aiming to comfortably counter everything and win at its leisure.. you should be fine holding-off playing your finisher for a turn-or-two while you amass another land to also protect it (if you can’t, this is more indicative that the control deck is lacking the ability to control the game).
Personally i’d still be running Spell Snare or Spell Pierce over Shoal. But then, i’d also be making a bunch of other changes as far as fine-tuning this brew into something more competitive.
wallisface on Using Disrupting Shoal
4 months ago
Icbrgr seeing your brew might be useful here. I’m yet to be convinced this is a useful card, and would sooner just run Spell Snare or Spell Pierce. But without context of the deck you’re trying to fit this in, all these discussions are kindof mute.
NonetheWeisser on Grog - Grixis Tempo Smash
4 months ago
Maybe a couple of the Spell Pierce or Stubborn Denial ?
You totally don't have to tho! The current build is great. Just figured it may offer some variation to your tool box.
nuperokaso on
6 months ago
- Your mana curve is missing 1 mana drops, which is a problem in your aggro deck.
Merfolk decks usually play a lot of creatures, since the lords add up. Each creature you play also taps something with Merrow Reejerey, acting as a removal. 25 creatures is thus a low number.
Play Tide Shapers - it's a one drop creature which enables Islandwalk on your creatures and disrupts enemy mana.
- Play Lord of Atlantis and Vodalian Hexcatcher if your budget allows it.
- Svyelun of Sea and Sky may be better than Tempest Djinn since it's a Merfolk.
- Silvergill Adept is still somewhat playable.
- Unsummon was made obsolete by Fading Hope
- Sinister Sabotage is too expensive. Replace it by some 1 mana spells such as Dismember, Spell Pierce, Mist-Cloaked Herald.
- AEther Tradewinds - Don't play this at all. Your only permanents are creatures anyway.
- Boomerang - Don't play this. If your target is not a land, there are better options. And the only time you want to target a land is turn 2, on which you want to play creatures.
Icbrgr on Can spells with Split Second …
7 months ago
Can spells with Split Second on them be used to avoid countermagic?
if i cast Pillage can i hold priority/respond to it with Siege Smash before the opponents can respond with Spell Pierce?
I dont %100 Understand this Show
nuperokaso on Ultra Budget Mono-Blue Spirits
7 months ago
- Remove Hidden Strings. It offers nothing for you except the possibility to tap 2 creatures as a sorcery. Cipher is irrelevant after that. Play Nebelgast Herald or Dreamshackle Geist instead. Both offer possibility to get rid of unwanted creatures while adding pressure on the table. With 16 lords, you want to add creatures.
- Shore Up is better than You See a Guard Approach. You already play Rattlechains. As such, you want something more than yet another hexproof. Shore Up adds a little stats and untaps the creature, giving you a chance to kill a creature in combat.
- I would maybe add 1 Island.
- 1 random Counterspell or Spell Pierce could make a way into the deck. In low numbers, it's hard to play around them.
wallisface on Sheoldred Control
10 months ago
Some thoughts:
As already mentioned, both Teferi's Protection and Thriving Moor are not modern legal.
Also as already mentioned, you always want your deck to be at 60 cards - anything above this is a concession of both power and reliability. The first thing you should be doing is ditching 19 cards to get back to 60.
your deck is running a LOT of really suboptimal versions of cards. Specifically, i’d be expecting countermagic like Counterspell, No More Lies, and Spell Pierce. And interaction like Prismatic Ending, Fatal Push, and Leyline Binding. And, board-wipes like Supreme Verdict or Damn.
some of these cards seem more “cute” than “useful”. Specifically looking at Smothering Tithe, Palantir of Orthanc, and Approach of the Second Sun.
the landbase needs a lot of work, soecifically fetchlands and shocklands (allied fetchlands are getting reprinted in mh3 this year so should get a lot cheaper when that happens).
Have (4) | reikitavi , C4rnif3X , MrCrazzyc , Downside_Up |
Want (2) | Jumping_Jordan , Kripkenstein |