

Hi there, after playing Aggro WB vamps in standard I was looking to try expanding the deck theme into modern to play with. I'm relatively new to MTG and deck building, so any advice would be appreciated! (Sideboard needs direction badly)

The goal was to make a Vampire Tribal deck focused on lord stacking, while being able to have permanent token-generators to help with card advantage past turn 6-8 if a game draws out.

The Might


Indulgent Aristocrat 1-drop Type advantage with lifelink that can be a pseudo lord later in the game by sacrificing itself, tokens, or Dusk Legion Zealot, as well as providing an instant way to access Elenda, the Dusk Rose's ability.

Legion Lieutenant 2-drop bread and butter lord to begin stacking.

Captivating Vampire 3-drop lord that also allows us to utilize our numbers to steal problematic late game creatures.

Lord of Lineage  /Bloodline Keeper   4(5?)-drop +2/+2 lord that gives us optional token generation, as well as being a 5/5 with evasion.


Adanto Vanguard allows us to apply an early pressure as well as being a potential indestructible late-game beater once lords start to appear.

Dusk Legion Zealot gives us some needed access to card draw as well as being a type advantage swinger or sacrifice fodder.

Asylum Visitor 2-drop 3/1 with madness that can help sustain card draw in the event of a discard/top deck situation.

Forerunner of the Legion running 3 copies allows us more opportunities to access our other vampires when we need it as well as having a nice +1/+1 effect when dropping in our vampires.


Legion's Landing great 1-drop option that provides an extra permanent target on the field as well as a future Mana/Token generator once it transforms.

Sorin, Lord of Innistrad Planeswalker option that can draw fire, provide token generation, pseudo-lord option with the emblem ability, and self-destruct to convert enemy board.

Sorin, Solemn Visitor Planeswalker option that gives us a nice lord ability with lifelink until our next turn, can generate 2/2 flying tokens, and potentially bottleneck opponent's board.

Elenda, the Dusk Rose allows us to still benefit on trades and losses, ward off board-clear, can be used to generate defensive tokens after a full-swing when combo'd with Indulgent Aristocrat, and is still a lifelink ramping beater option that discourages killing.

Bloodline Keeper   helps grow the board up by generating 2/2 flying tokens, even after transforming into our 5/5 lord.

The Magic:


Fatal Push efficient creature removal with revolt option after trades.

Path to Exile efficient creature removal when indestructible, or a desperate land pull off of a token.

Doom Blade secondary creature removal option per budget.

Go for the Throat secondary creature removal option per budget.

Extirpate efficient combo disrupt/graveyard prevention option with split second as well as hand reveal.

Disenchant artifact/enchantment removal.

Gideon's Intervention Combo/win condition prevention.

Ixalan's Binding Permanent removal/prevention.

Silent Gravestone Graveyard prevention or later removal with cantrip.

Dusk / Dawn Board clear option against a failed start, safe recovery with our low-cost creatures, and combo's nicely with Elenda, the Dusk Rose


Supernatural Stamina Nice 1-cost instant to counter early and late game removal, provides +2/0 to help with strong blockers, and provides a combo option with Indulgent Aristocrat, Dusk Legion Zealot, and Elenda, the Dusk Rose on trade/sacrifice.

Radiant Destiny Lord-enchantment that gives us access to Vigilance.


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92% Competitive

Date added 6 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Mythic Rares

20 - 7 Rares

16 - 3 Uncommons

10 - 4 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.11
Tokens Emblem Sorin, Lord of Innistrad, Emblem Sorin, Solemn Visitor, Vampire 1/1 B w/ Lifelink, Vampire 1/1 W, Vampire 2/2 B
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