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Ravaging Demons & Holy Control

Standard BUG (Sultai) Competitive Control




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Recently entered my first FNM (it was a super standard which means double prizes and usually more people) tournament and got second place. I went 3 wins and 1 loss.


Went up against a weenie white enchantment type deck. My opponent pumped his creature and I ate 7 damage on turn 3. My removal was too much for their deck to keep up with and I quickly took both games.


Went up against a black/white/green deck. His deck ran similar to mine but I was playing cards on the curve a lot better than he was. I won the first game. In the second game, he used a Thoughtseize which took away my only playable card after I couldn't draw into the right mana. He took game 2. I took game three easily. Nightveil Specter were giving me access to all of his best cards which won me the game.


This was the hardest game for me. My opponent was running a gruul deck with a splash of white. This was my first experience against this kind of deck. Game 1: He got Courser of Kruphix out with Domri Rade which gave him the perfect drawing power and he crushed me. Game 2: Drew into an ideal hand. Removed his monsters as they came out and crushed him with 2 desecration demons. Game 3: I didn't want to risk the loss with only one land in hand so I mulled. (before I did so, I checked the top couple cards of my deck and they were LAND! Continue the mull to 6- no land. Mulled to 5. This surely lost me the game.


Went up against another white enchantment creature deck. I crushed my opponents creatures with my removal and answered with my own creatures. Easiest game of the night.

Overall, I am pleased with my performance at my first tournament. Since then, I have made a few revisions to my deck. My sideboard really came in handy. The Wasteland Viper came in handy for stopping rush decks. Sided in Pack Rat for cards that weren't useful against my opponent like Doom Blade. I didn't get to face mono-blue which I would have been more than happy to sideboard against. I'm still looking for better answers for Gruul. Any suggestions? I added more mana ramp so that I can match their curve better and it also allows me to make more use of Nightveil Specter. Forcing my opponent to sacrifice their creatures is an uncounterable way to control the field.

I've made some minor changes to my deck to make it more competitive. I brought Sylvan Caryatid up to 3 and brought in 2 Experiment One which allows me to chip my opponents out while I control the board and provides earlier advantage I can get them to 2/2 or 3/3 easily. I also brought in 2 Wasteland Viper from the sideboard to control the field easier the first 2-3 turns. I am considering added a duress or two to the side deck so that I can better go up against control decks or remove troublesome planeswalkers from my opponents hands. Any ideas and suggestions are welcomed.


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I entered my second Super Standard FNM. I went 2-2, not exactly good but I also made a couple of mistakes throughout the tournament specifically when it came to sideboarding. Game 1: Rakdos control Round 1: This was the most exciting game I played the whole night and it was a very close one. We literally almost went through our entire decks. He destroyed every creature I put out and I destroyed every creature he put out. He answered my planewalkers with Dreadbore and I healed up any damage he did to me with Scavenging Ooze I had a slight edge on him because I milled him 6 cards with my 2 Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver and so he was bound to lose the game from deck out well before me. I ended up gaining tempo with my creatures and won the game through damage while he had about 4 cards left in his deck. Round 2: He contemplated mulling. After deciding not to, he couldn't draw into land and only had 2 on the field. I quickly mopped him up.

Game 2: Gruul Round 1: I removed his ramp Sylvan Caryatid with Devour Flesh and removed his Courser of Kruphix I then owned the field with a Scavenging Ooze it was a 3/3 and Desecration Demon and an Experiment One also a 3/3. He swung with a monstrous Stormbreath Dragon. I had 9 life and he had 17. I drew into Wasteland Viper he was tapped out. I made Mutavault a creature and swung for 14 damage. I used the bloodrush viper on Experiment One and exiled the viper and his caryatid with ooze. 17 damage, game won! Round 2: He opens with an Elvish Mystic I open with Experiment One next turn he swings. My mistake here is not trading with the mystic. I had a Devour Flesh in hand that is useless when my opponent has multiple creatures out. This mistake would cost me the game. I was banking on getting my experiment one evolved big enough to crush him but it didn't happen. He crushed me with stormbreaths while 2 devour flesh sat in my hand. Round 3: I had the upper hand in the beginning, answering his Courser of Kruphix but I let him kill my Courser of Kruphix He then played stormbreath and took me out from there. Again, devour flesh sat in my hand while he had a mystic and a caryatid. He stormbreathed me to death. Why did I not side out the devours? :/

Game 3: Rakdos Aggro I won't get into details because agro decks are easy for me to deal with. Kill his creature, Scavenging Ooze to gain life. Easy wins both rounds.

Game 4: Red/Black/White control Round one: Similar to my first game against rakdos control, we answered all of each others cards. I struggled to hang on to life because his boros charms and Mogis, God of Slaughter where chipping me down and I couldn't draw into strong enough creatures, nor could I do anything with the Sylvan Caryatid I kept drawing. He won this game. Round 2: sided out Vraska the Unseen for Pack Rat and removed Doom Blade for creatures. I took the play. On on turn two, I brought pack rat out. He did so as well on his turn two. We had a pack rat battle but I had the upper hand since I had one out before him. I brought Desecration Demon out. He couldn't seem to draw into his 4th land. I mopped him up with 2 desecration demons Round 3: I didn't sideboard anything. It was pretty much a repeat of game 1 and he took the win. I now know that I should have sided in my Mistcutter Hydra and try to rush him down because the was the major flaw of his deck, it starts slow.

Improvements going forward! I know my deck could have performed better, I'm going to have to be more cognizant of siding stuff out. I'm also bringing Sylvan Caryatid down to one because they are terrible to top deck and adding another Overgrown Tombfoil for better land consistency as the trade-off for the sylvans. and bringing in 2 Boon Satyr because at turn 3, it takes down many things in the current meta and with flash, its basically removal even if it trades. I'm also going to main 3 Scavenging Ooze instead of 2. They get big fast, and life gain is too good. Bringing Mistcutter Hydra up to 3 in the sideboard so that I can make my deck more aggro based when I face control and its great against blue anyway. The current deck layout here reflects the changes. +1 If you like the deck and/or its performance. Open to thoughts/comments and suggestions

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Date added 11 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 2 Mythic Rares

29 - 10 Rares

10 - 2 Uncommons

6 - 1 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.83
Tokens Assassin 1/1 B w/ Player Killer, Copy Clone
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