Wall of Vines

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Wall of Vines

Creature — Plant Wall

Defender (This creature can't attack.)

Reach (This creature can block creatures with flying.)

amarthaler on EDH Arcades, the Strategist

2 years ago

Major update!

The deck has been running well when I draw the right cards, but stalls out or is clunky when I don't draw good cards. I think the best starting point to smooth the deck out is by reducing the amount of counterspells to open up room for smoother mana (in the form of mana rocks), spells that asymmetrically counteract something but benefit me, and some stronger walls that - although will cost more - will have better payoffs. That all being said, here's the ins/outs.

Out: An Offer You Can't Refuse... Wall of Vines... Stoneskin... Wall of Resistance... Treefolk Umbra... Mana Leak... Bane's Contingency... Wall of Stolen Identity... Vedalken Orrery... Wall of Ice... Render Silent

In: Heroic Intervention... Fog Bank... Snake Umbra... Wingmantle Chaplain... Brave the Sands... Talisman of Curiosity... Talisman of Unity... Talisman of Progress... Wall of Nets... Eerie Interlude... Champion's Helm

A lot of card swaps which we'll test out. Some may get reversed back in. That's the fun of developing a deck over time!

amarthaler on EDH Arcades, the Strategist

2 years ago


Out: An Offer You Can't Refuse... Wall of Vines... Stoneskin... Wall of Resistance

In: Snake Umbra... Heroic Intervention... Fog Bank... Wingmantle Chaplain

Many games I find myself interacting with counter spells too often and its very taxing on my resources, so I removed 1 counter spell and replaced it with Heroic Intervention to allow a board wipe to happen, but not to me. I also like the Umbras a lot for protecting Arcades, and want to try Snake Umbra for that protection plus card draw. Lastly, I'd like to try Fog Bank and Wingmantle Chaplain so I added them.

04berryc on Bubonic or Pneumonic?

2 years ago

Deck performed decently during testing, though was unable to establish a full Infect board. Looking at removing Wall of Vines and Windstorm in favour of Aggressive Instinct and Glistener Elf

Darwinscarecrow on

3 years ago

I like it a lot, very creative. And for that budget what a great deal! I am kind of a nervous nelly though and really like my early game defense before i get my big boys out, i have been traumatized by little plinking elves and goblins. So i would maybe put in or sideboard some Wall of Roots you could swap with Caryatid and still get mana benefits! Or just thinking about those annoying fairies my wife plays Wall of Vines

BigKnockOut on Arcades' Walls with Feet

4 years ago

Well, nospamspam722 in terms of removals, I'd honestly recommend removing a few of the smaller creatures you've got, such as Arboreal Grazer (who actually isn't a defender and wouldn't benefit from Arcades), Wall of Wood, Wall of Vines, Consulate Skygate, Pride Guardian, and Portcullis Vine. I'd also recommend cutting down the number of lands from 40 to at most 38. This deck can tend to get mana flooded more often than mana screwed, so having a lower number of lands will be fine.

CommanderNeyo on Ruric Thar, the Well Endowed

4 years ago

What's the point of having Wall of Vines? Did you mean Wall of Blossoms? Either one is not what I would recommend for an aggressive deck like this

Tyrant-Thanatos on Unpopular Opinion: The keyword reach …

5 years ago

As ClockworkSwordfish succinctly pointed out imo, keywords are not created equally. Your example of Tree Monkey vs Scryb Sprites isn't indicative of Reach needing a buff, it's indicative of Tree Monkey needing a buff. Double strike is better than First strike, Hexproof is (generally) better than Shroud, Indestructible is better than Regenerate, etc etc. Keywords aren't, don't need to be, and honestly shouldn't be, all equal. They are various tools to be used in card design and balance. Cards like Ezuri's Archers or Wall of Vines are far more comparable to Scryb Sprites than Tree Monkey is.

Bad cards exist, for sure, but that doesn't mean that the abilities on them are inherently bad.

tumamaenmondongo on BLD Pauper League #1 Champ

5 years ago

Interesting, I used to ran a similar deck but packing some walls with reach as Wall of Tanglecord , Wall of Vines and even a couple One-Eyed Scarecrow s on the sideboard for delver, faeries and Battle Screech tokens. How have you been doing against those decks?

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