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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Shared Fate
If a player would draw a card, that player exiles the top card of an opponent's library face down instead.
Each player may look at and play cards they exiled with Shared Fate.

KongMing on
"You've Heard of Chaos Theory?"
3 months ago
Thanks for the comment and reading the description bjgivesbj! Yeah, Forced Fruition is great at flooding people with options while simultaneously functioning as a one-sided doomsday device.
I have considered Mind's Dilation and Well of Ideas before, but I haven't included them for the same reason I haven't included Eye of the Storm, they're just a little high on the CMC. I might consider putting Mind's Dilation in, but the other two are too high cost to be that symmetrical.
I have considered Grip of Chaos, but it introduces just a tiny bit too much chaos for this deck. This deck functions best when its Disruption is reliable, and Grip of Chaos just messes with our plan too much.
Cultural Exchange might work, since often this deck doesn't care about who controls the creature (like Ian), just that they are on the battlefield. But I don't know, it might be too situational to be good. (I do use this card in my Xyris deck, great in that.)
Storm Cauldron is interesting - it means if people take lands out of a Share the Spoils or Thieves' Auction pile, that those lands would end up going back to their owner. Possibly... But this might attract too much aggro our way, without us being able to actually shut down reliable play.
Shared Fate is interesting at first, but that would just turn into everyone putting the gun to my head and exiling my library when I force them to draw a bunch (like with Forced Fruition. They cast two spells and exile fourteen cards from my library? And then cast Pongify from those cards to get seven more? HA!). It has WAY too much potential to backfire once people realize what they can do. Nope.
bjgivesbj on
"You've Heard of Chaos Theory?"
3 months ago
Hi! I can tell by the way you speak and by the cards you considered that you really love this deck! Glad to hear your playgroup enjoys it. I had never heard of Thieves' Auction before, and it looks absolutely wild. It’s fairly affordable too. Forced Fruition is another great addition too. As for as other forms of randomization, it’s too bad coin flipping has never been that good in MTG (otherwise I would recommend some coin flippage). Had you considered Mind's Dilation, Well of Ideas Grip of Chaos, Cultural Exchange, Storm Cauldron, or Shared Fate?
legendofa on
Twist of Fate: Maniac
4 months ago
Bookrook Unfortunately, Foresight isn't Modern-legal, so it can't be in here. Lost Legacy could work, but you still need to play it and Drannith Magistrate before Shared Fate. It's a solid lock, but I would build a separate deck around it rather than trying to work more colors and moving parts into this one. But it's been a while since I messed with this. Probably due for a tune up.
Bookrook on
Twist of Fate: Maniac
4 months ago
You can play Drannith Magistrate to lock your opponent out of the game. You can play Foresight before you play Shared Fate to make sure your opponent can’t get it either.
Bookrook on
0% Synergy, 100% WINERGY
5 months ago
I feel like leyline of singularity has anti synergy with your deck because all of the copy effects. Some other random cool cards are, Oracle's Vault, Rowan's Grim Search, Shared Fate, Timesifter, Fly, and Ancient Silver Dragon.
Angel_Zero on
Twist of Fate: Maniac
1 year ago
Always love to see other people brewing with Shared Fate!! Love the Cut / Ribbons, that's perfect for this strategy. I have an entire folder of shared fate decks lol, I'll have to add that card.
xandebot2000 on Official missing/incorrect card/token thread
1 year ago
Reyav, Master Smith, Vryn Wingmare, Wall of Denial, Gaea's Revenge, Hurkyl's Recall, Phyrexian Colossus, Shared Fate, Unmask, Eidolon of the Great Revel, Catastrophe, Kalamax, the Stormsire. Are all missing "The List" alteration. The linked printings are all the correct printings.
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