Sea Sprite

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Sea Sprite

Creature — Faerie

Flying, protection from red

Snickles@EDH_only on See The Rainbow, Taste The Rainbow

7 years ago

Whim of Volrath, Alter Reality, Glamerdye or Swirl the Mists or the like for some of those enchantments - love the green / red hate being put to good use. Wrath of Marit Lage might also work well with them, and Llawan, Cephalid Empress as well.

If you do end up going that route, Lifetap is a must. and Back to Basics is a good follow up if you swap out to rocks and basics...

Since you are running Telepathy, Planeswalker's Mischief might be up your alley. It's slow, and it's random, but it can massively f*ck up an opponent's plan, and it draws hate away from other permanents you might wish to keep.

Vodalian Mystic and Painter's Servant (not sure painter's servant is still banned, need to check that out after this post) will help with the activation costs of your general, as will Training Grounds

Scrying Sheets. If you are running all snow islands, run this to smooth out your draws. that, and Extraplanar Lens will allow you to net extra without giving any to your opponents. I see you're already running it, so props there.

If you are running all the rocks for ramp, you might consider Paradox Engine or another untap effect like Unwinding Clock

odd one, more land dependent than color, but Floodgate can be hysterically effective to wipe fields with, as can Scourge of Fleets.

lastly, some early game protection might help - I suggest Sea Sprite and Coast Watcher for obvious reasons.

joecool1299 on Frustrating Faerie Fucks! (Faerie tribal)

8 years ago

I do agree with the person above. If she isn't quite getting it, maybe ease her in with the 30 card beginner decks. You can get them for free at most local game stores.

As for the deck nothing more simple then Counterspell. Mana Leak and Remand are also good choices. Spelljack for lol's, although that might be a tad complicated. And if you really wanna burn money Mana Drain

I see Glen Elendra Archmage in the maybe board. I feel like that's a must if you can afford it. Phyrexian Arena seems like a must as well.

Sygg, River Cutthroat seems good with all the flyers you have. Coastal Piracy is great card advantage. And if you wanna go all in on mill Phenax, God of Deception

Also one or two good mass creature kill spells. Anything from Damnation and Toxic Deluge on the expensive powerful end, to Extinguish All Hope or Deadly Tempest on the cheaper but less powerful end.

If I were making this deck I would cut, Sea Sprite, Wasp Lancer, Oona's Gatewarden, Wind Dancer, Killing Glare, Mindstatic, and Haunted Cloak

I said a lot but I really enjoy this deck. Fairie beat down! If your girl friend get's into it I think she'll really enjoy it.

NiTRoBoX on Faerie Wizard

9 years ago

Hi, I have similar deck: Delvering Island and looking on ways to make it best it can be.

have you thought about Thornwind Faeries? sure can't use it right a way but might be a good for side.

Also: Sea Sprite, Surveilling Sprite are interesting.

How does Treasure Cruise and Bonesplitter working for you?

Also Mana Leak is nice alternative. And I try out Halimar Depths so far quite useful :)

NiTRoBoX on Faerie Wizard

9 years ago

Hi, I have similar deck: Delvering Island and looking on ways to make it best it can be.

have you thought about Thornwind Faeries? sure can't use it right a way but might be a good for side.

Also: Sea Sprite, Surveilling Sprite are interesting.

How does Treasure Cruise and Bonesplitter working for you?

Also Mana Leak is nice alternative.

Panzerforge on

9 years ago

I could see running some Sea Sprites in your sideboard to defend against red aggro decks. They become perfect blockers for anything, and are another faerie on the table for your Spellstutter Sprites to use towards the CMC counter.

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