Lightning Axe

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Lightning Axe


As an additional cost to cast this spell, discard a card or pay .

This deals 5 damage to target creature.

Icbrgr on RDW vs Sheoldred

1 year ago

What is the most optimal removal spell available to RDW for handling Sheoldred, the Apocalypse?

I currently think my best options are

  • Roast... sorcery speed but gets the job done with only using 1 card to answer.

  • Lightning Axe... takes 2 cards to use but in theory can kill Sheoldred before the opponent can gain any life.

Does anyone have an opinion one way or another or perhaps have a better suggestion for Mono-Red

Icbrgr on How many board wipes?

1 year ago

@Argy so in combination between your main and sideboard you also have a total of 7 board wipes available to you? I'm not really familiar with Orzov control lists but I figured that having access to would give premium instant speed removal so if any list could get away with less mainboard wipes that color combo could.

Daveslab2022 yeah in particular the 1 mana spot removal options in Jeskai are just meh... Portable Hole/Lay Down Arms... Play with Fire/Lightning Axe... not terrible but can feel frustrating at times; especially when wanting instant speed removal.

Unlife on Converting from Modern to Pioneer

1 year ago

I've been playing round with this modern deck for a while now:

Rakdos Return

I made the decision to attempt a conversion over to pioneer. The core of the deck, and the manabase is basically the same, but I'm looking for advice on where to go with some of the support cards. For example, I can turn Bone Shards into Lightning Axe, but I haven't found a good replacement for damantion yet. I'm also running Talisman of Indulgence and Mind Stone for ramp, but there doesn't seem to be any two mana rocks that would slot into their place. Would it be better to just increase removal, or try some three mana rocks instead?

Thanks in advance.

wallisface on

2 years ago

Some thoughts:

  • Without any kind of mana-acceleration, I think it is a bad plan to assume a game will last long enough to ever have more than 5 lands in play. This is especially the case for your brew here, which looks like it wants to be playing fast and aggressively. I don't ever see you being able to cast either of Chandra, Flame's Fury or Brass's Bounty, and I don't ever see you getting the ability of Dragonmaster Outcast to trigger. While Chandra, Torch of Defiance does provide some mana, its uses are kindof niche and personally i'd also suggest ditching that, and going to 23 lands.

  • Lightning Bolt is better than Play with Fire, and probably more useful than Lightning Axe also.

  • Sticky Fingers feels like a really bad card, in that your creature is never realistically going to be able to deal combat damage with it, and if you're opponent can kill your creature in response to the cast, you won't even get the draw from it.

  • Strike it Rich might be a card worth considering to allow for some better early-game setup?

Dead_Blue_ on Beyond the Grave (Mardu)

2 years ago

I think Olivia should be Olivia Voldaren instead and that your removal suite should be completely overhauled. I get it that you want discard enablers but there are many situations where you will not want to drain your own resources to cast spells. I’d probably run Lightning Bolt, Unholy Heat & Terminate over Bone Shards, Lightning Axe & Nameless Inversion

I’d also think 4x Hollow One needs to be a must

Mrnibbles57 on Mardu Moon Tokens

2 years ago

I think I'll replace Lightning Axe with Prismatic. Idky I didn't consider it.

wallisface on Mardu Moon Tokens

2 years ago

Yeah this list looks a lot stronger. My only suggestion would be to run Lightning Bolt instead of Lightning Axe.

Chasmolinker on Rakdos Reanimental

2 years ago

AbyssusDraconem that sounds like a Jeskai build... Spark Trooper would be OK at 3 MV but it doesn't connect with Unearth.

This list already has enough ways to bin cards with Lightning Axe, Cathartic Reunion and Collective Brutality. If there were any room for it, Altar's Reap would be a good card to sac the Lightnings after combat for added value.

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