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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pauper | Legal |
Pauper Duel Commander | Legal |
Pauper EDH | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Premodern | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Kaervek's Torch
As long as Kaervek's Torch is on the stack, spells that target it cost (2) more to play.
Kaervek's Torch deals X damage to target creature or player.
McToters on Mono Red infinite combos???
2 years ago
Something simple would be Mana Geyser + Reiterate, as long as enough lands are tapped this could net infinite mana. Then all you need is something like Kaervek's Torch as a juicy mana sink to blow someone's face off.
michaelqdoherty on Land Control
3 years ago
Gaea's Touch & Explore would be nice with Mulch and keep all that land in play. Gaea's Touch only works for forests but it's still good. Far Wanderings would be good too...If you can Fog them and keep them at bay, might as well go for a Kaervek's Torch or Lightning Bolt if you can get it back with Battlefield Scrounger. If you don't want to splash red, Alms of the Vein or Bump in the Night would work.
BruhYouFarted on First day of persisting
3 years ago
Hissing Iguanar also works on a win con aswell Kaervek's Torch does.
lukeanto on Goblin´s poolparty and BBQ
4 years ago
Hey dude thanks for the feedback! i really like Icon of Ancestrywill add it, the goblin digging of it is really neat...Kaervek's Torch is cool cause the extra 2 mana for counter! add it!...i dont like Stoke the Flames cause if goblins arent being sac´d theyll be attacking :S I do realize that Krenko is gonna have a bullseye in his head so i did put some haste givers like Fervor, Swiftfoot Boots,Goblin Bushwhacker, Goblin Chieftain, Goblin Warchief and Reckless Bushwhacker....i didnt add Lightning Greaves cause of the tag price, its a bit high and im trying to make this deck as cheap as possible!
TheBtB on Goblin´s poolparty and BBQ
4 years ago
Hello, a few suggestions from another Goblin player.
You could replace Hall of Triumph with Icon of Ancestry. Works the same for you since you have only goblins, and you can as well use it to search for creatures if needed.
I would replace Blaze with Kaervek's Torch since it's slightly more difficult to counter for control decks.
Stoke the Flames could be nice since you'd have lots of crea to cast it even when tapped out... can make nice surprises.
In terms of gobs themselves, I like Goblin Cratermaker because of its versatility (2/2 crea, can blast another crea or an artifcact).
What flavor of commander do you plan to use this deck for? EDH, 1V1, Duel?
One thing you need to think about as well is that Krenko will always be a primary target, so maybe you want to add some protection for him? Lightning Greaves can be nice, plus it gives haste so instant tokens.
Boza on Mystical teachings style deck?
5 years ago
Tron lands are common and 5-color tron is a tier 1 deck in current meta.
There are no instants or cards with flash that are particular good as finishers, but given that you need a lot of mana in teachings deck, you can use something like Kaervek's Torch to finish somebody off or casting a fat Ulamog's Crusher should seal the deal.
Gattison on Petal Festival (Arcane Splice Combo)
5 years ago
Kaervek's Torch isn't actually in the deck though, so without that I don't see any ways to actually hurt your opponent here, other than milling them out with Compulsive Research and Stream of Thought .
Jace's Erasure would be a cheap way to capitalize off of all your draw and win. Without having to splash another color. And if you don't mind being a mill player. ;)
And finally, Dawn's Reflection is also mentioned in the descrip but does not appear in the deck.
rockjockey on W/U/R Eggs
6 years ago
So this is like an affinity artifact deck, but instead of using Storm mechanics into Grapeshot, you are using Etherium Sculptor to turn all the 1 CMC artifacts into 0 CMC draw a cards until you hit Kaervek's Torch. Krark-Clan Stoker + Mirran Spy combo supplies the Mana and the Artificer's Assistant uses Scry to sift through the deck.
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