Inscription of Ruin

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Inscription of Ruin



Choose one. If this spell was kicked, choose any of the following, once.

  • Target opponent discards two cards.
  • Return target creature card with converted mana cost 2 or less from your graveyard to the battlefield.
  • Destroy target creature with converted mana cost 3 or less.

SufferFromEDHD on Ahh Rats! I Have No Hand

4 months ago

Long Goodbye > Heroes Downfall

Fatal Push > Feed the Cycle

Dauthi Voidwalker value off discard

Inscription of Ruin was surprised this was not in your discard list. Tiny Leaders MVP.

Xtough on Doran, the Tiny Leader

5 months ago

I like the verstility of Inscription of Ruin in tiny leader. Maybe exchange for Treasured Find? (Maybe Regrowth woukd be better if this recursion is absolutely necessary?)

CNG_Stream on Kickers

2 years ago

Considering the high costs of all your cards I would Highly suggest Skyclave Relic to provide you ramp and still have kicker synergies for the deck. The card is also great as the artifact is indestructible, so not many cards will remove this mana source.

A number of your cards are not very strong and you may want to consider cutting for the purpose of splashing a color for more affordable (mana value) cards. Pending on if you want to make your deck more agressive or controlling would change up the suggested cards. I tink you could make a decent control deck splashing black, but also a decent creature focused deck if you went for red/green splash.

Control options splashing black: Bloodchief's Thirst, Skyclave Shade, Inscription of Ruin, & Rona's Vortex.

Creture deck options splashing red/green: Vodalian Mindsinger, Inscription of Abundance, Untamed Kavu, Yavimaya Iconoclast, Battlewing Mystic, Hallar, the Firefletcher, Verazol, the Split Current

Cards I would definetly cut: Cunning Geysermage, Field Research, Sea Gate Stormcaller (<-unless you splash black)

The suggested cards are just me showing some options you may have overlooked. I think your deck is built to easily go with the black splash suggestios and the creature variant would be a different deck entirely.

Best of luck with the deck.

TheVectornaut on Black discard

4 years ago

Inscription of Ruin seems like it might be good here. It's a Mind Rot in the worst-case scenario, it's flexible, and gets really impactful when kicked to pull back a rat or Elderfang Disciple and kill something. Raiders' Wake is another card that synergizes with all your flyers and humans that want to attack anyway. A final card I'll mention is Skull Raid. I haven't played enough Kaldheim to get a strong read on Foretell, but this also strikes me as a much better Rot that still has value when your opponent's hand is dry. As a budget player myself, I tried to only suggest cards that cost under a dollar. Good luck at the kitchen table!

Apollo_Paladin on Slow Drip

4 years ago

Also, there is literally zero reason to run Mind Rot when both Mind Drain and Inscription of Ruin are both arena-available choices; I agree with the above comment that it lacks synergy. Inscription is multifunctional so you could try that w/o giving up the discard completely if it's something you like.

Kazierts on Monoblack Infect [Competitive]

4 years ago

Apollo_Paladin, I appreciate the suggestions, though there are a few problems with them.

  • Unstable Frontier is, honestly, nothing more than a meme. Yes, it makes the third mode of Funeral Charm better, but just that. The last mode is nothing more than an added bonus. Giving swampwalk is just a cute trick that can help close a game. If I wanted to go down this route, I'd just run more copies of Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth .

  • Witch's Vengeance can be kinda useful. Still, it's a bit too situation. If I were to swap my boardwipes, I'd just run Damnation , as it's more effective. The ability to leave my creatures intact is a decent upside, I just don't know if I'd rather have a boardwipe, in the sideboard, that's good against any board or that's good against some decks.

  • Inscription of Ruin is completely off the table. While it's technically correct to say all of its modes are useful, at 3 CMC they aren't good enough. Making an opponent discard two cards of their choice for three mana isn't good, hence why something like Mind Rot has basically never seen play and Hymn to Tourach is an insanely powerful card. The Unearth "effect" also isn't good. It does seem nice to reanimate some of the cheap creatures but this list has only eight targets that cost two mana. Honestly, I don't want to spend three mana for a two mana creature. The last mode is just a worse Fatal Push or Bloodchief's Thirst . On the other hand, Collective Brutality gives me knowledge about my opponent's hand while also allowing me to pick the card, which could, and probably will, be a removal spell, thus being better than an effect similar to Unearth . It's decent removal that bypasses indestructibility and regeneration. And last, but not least, the drain mode can actually help against burn/aggro matchups and minimises the the lifeloss from Castle Locthwain and Thoughtseize . The cherry on top of all of that is I don't need to pay extra mana for extra modes, which is great considering this deck caps out at four mana.

  • Call of the Death-Dweller is basically in the same spot as the Inscription, so I'll just talk about what's unique to it. Giving menace and deathtouch isn't really worth the cost. I could just run another equipment that gives something similar.

  • There are quite a few reasons why Fatal Push is better than Bloodchief's Thirst . Chief among those is the fact it's an instant. Aside from Thoughtseize and the singleton Raven's Crime , the deck has no true turn one play. Funeral Charm is something that can be played turn one but isn't really wanted. Fatal Push allows for a better use of my mana on the first turn, whereas the Thirst forces me to wait until turn two unless I'm on the draw. That being said, I'm actually considering swapping one copy of Yahenni's Expertise for one Thirst.

Sorry I took so long to reply and my reply seems like I shitting over your suggestions. I do appreciate the time and effort you took to comment.

Apollo_Paladin on Monoblack Infect [Competitive]

4 years ago

Neat build! Mono-color decks tend to be highly underrepresented in my experience & they are also a favorite of mine.

  • Some Unstable Frontier s could help you more reliably use Funeral Charm 's swampwalk for guaranteed poison hits. (Mana-free no less!) These can also be used strategically in certain instances to prevent opponent's from having the color mana they require to cast a spell.

  • Witch's Vengeance might make a good Sideboard replacement for use against Tribal builds over Yahenni's Expertise . This lets your limited Infect creatures remain in play and it's also less mana to cast.

  • Even though it's 1 more CMC, you might consider Inscription of Ruin over Collective Brutality since the options themselves aren't as limiting, and I struggle to see situations with this build where you'd actually want to be discarding from your own hand to pay for additional costs on this. A little "graveyard to play" for some of your cheap CMC Infect creatures certainly isn't an awful thing to have with a construction like this.

  • Call of the Death-Dweller might make the list too; at least on the Sideboard since it can fish out any creature in your current build. I notice you already touched on this topic above, which is why Inscription of Ruin might interest you; just the option among many, rather than mono-effect spells like Unearth .

  • Bloodchief's Thirst is superior to Fatal Push in my opinion, because options. Fatal Push isn't all that great as a mid-to-late game draw. Plus, Planeswalker hate = good.

Hope some of this helps, but either way I like your direction!

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