Harsh Judgment

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Harsh Judgment


As Harsh Judgment enters the battlefield, choose a color.

If an instant or sorcery spell of the chosen color would deal damage to you, it deals that damage to its controller instead.

Balaam__ on Balaam__

3 months ago

Found some more for your FPP deck legendofa.


Uphill Battle

Seal of Doom

Troll-Horn Cameo

Manacles of Decay


Buried Alive

Last Rites

Skeletal Scrying


Arrest view might not be from the spearholder’s perspective. Tough call.

Magistrate's Scepter hands coming from off screen, but separate perspective.

Shoving Match might be from the viewpoint of the falling man; maybe not.

Mind Swords definitely first person, but the hands aren’t coming in from out of frame.

Seal of Cleansing, Seal of Fire, Seal of Removal and Seal of Strength all are a bit too far off center to be first person I think, but they’re all very similar to Seal of Doom which does feel FPP. Not sure if you want to add them for consistency’s sake.

Angel of Mercy unsure if it’s the perspective of whatever’s getting killed or not.

Urborg Emissary not sure if it’s the lizard’s perspective or not.

Harsh Judgment I think this qualifies due to the sword in the bottom right clearly not belonging to the soldier with the shield on the same side. I think we’re seeing this from the viewpoint of whoever is holding that sword closest to the camera.

Tigereye Cameo same deal as the seals mentioned above. The angle is off, but some of the other cameos do qualify.

Magma Burst we might be seeing things from the point of view of that poor unfortunate dinosaur.

Darigaaz's Charm, Crosis's Charm, Dromar's Charm, Rith's Charm and Treva's Charm are all ‘maybe but not quite’ perspectives.

SufferFromEDHD on

1 year ago

Harsh Judgment closest thing I could find in my collection.

m_to_the_three on Anti Red

5 years ago

Conversion , Volcanic Eruption , and Glaciers to mess with his mountains.

Flash Flood and Flashfreeze for red removal.

Surge of Righteousness to get rid of red creatures.

Chill to tax red cards.

Baleful Stare to draw a lot of cards.

Teferi's Moat name red for ultimate protection. Harsh Judgment for more red protection.

don't forgot some neutral cards like Path to Exile , Swords to Plowshares , and Grasp of Fate just in case you aren't playing against red guys. If you want to keep the theme of color hose, Mana Maze and Drought are fun.

Finally, if you want to drop 400 dollars against your friend. Invoke Prejudice .

I hope that helps.

BlackWitch on Of Hate-and-a-laugh Tales

7 years ago

@BlackWitch: Well, you made some great points there against the Conscription as well as for it. I'm definitely for just because of the raw power it gives me: +10/+10. Imagine it on the Inkmoth Nexus! Yes, it will be buried in my end step when the Moth becomes a land again, but, well, I don't need it anymore after my opp is dead. :)

Yeah, the Oblation was on its way out anyway. It got eventually kicked out and replaced by Path to Exile.

I am not interested in blinking by creatures too much. Sure, the Eldrazi Displacer can do that, but it's in the deck for extra protection and to tap opponent's creatures if needed.

Well, mana disappears after each phase so yes, it will last only during the upkeep.

I did playtest New Benalia and it didn't do much for me. Scrying Sheets on the other hand looks great. It is a little more on the pricey side, so it has to wait a while but I definitely want to try it out!

Fountain Watch, Lost Auramancers and Harsh Judgment all look nice! I will probably get myself a copy of each but they will probably be more of a 'sideboard' more than in the main because of their dependence on the situation. I got rid of the Leonin Abunas because of it too. most of the times it was just a 2/5 piece of wood.

Prison Term indeed is nice, but not really suiting the theme nor the requirements.

Thank you for yet another in-depth look at my foxie.

@HideyoshiYaoi: Antler Skulkin is a really interesting card. I really like all the deer, but it is just too expensive! I do get the 'immortality' for 2 instead of 3 with the Fox, but then, I have to pay 5 for this, so it would have to be used at least 5 times to equal the balance with using the Fox instead. Not really worth it, especially not worth the place in the deck.
Mass removals are another story. Here it will definitely help a lot, but then again: I did have Twilight Shepherd in the deck for most of the time but eventually I got rid of it because it wasn't worth to keep him. The Antler would be just a little worse version of him so ultimately -it fails.

Great thanks for the input anyway! I really appreciate the good will, mate. Cheers!

BlackWitch on Of Hate-and-a-laugh Tales

8 years ago

Hi again Warxuaroz, long time no see ;)

I've got yet another propositions for You. Mostly I've been thinking about protecting Eldrazi Conscription

Fountain Watch would be a bit better than Leonin Abunas. It will help your Kitsune, so he wouldn't be that busy. AND it will protect your precious aura. I know it is 3, but you might consider it.

Lost Auramancers - You pay for this 3/3 creature 2, keep it safe for 3 turns with Eight-and-a-Half-Tails and c-mon ! Eldrazi Conscription hits the board! You don't have to worry for it to be countered.

Harsh Judgment as sideboard for red ?

Prison Term is nice.


Antler Skulkin is really, really nice against mass removals, but isn't it a bit expensive ?