Combos Browse all Suggest
- Axebane Guardian + Overgrown Battlement
- Fog Bank + Overgrown Battlement
- Angelic Wall + Overgrown Battlement
- Helm of the Host + Overgrown Battlement
- Kiora's Follower + Overgrown Battlement
- Overgrown Battlement + Umbral Mantle
- Overgrown Battlement + Staff of Domination
- Axebane Guardian + Overgrown Battlement + Shifting Wall
- Overgrown Battlement + Wall of Tanglecord
- Overgrown Battlement + Wall of Omens
Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Arena | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Gladiator | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Historic | Legal |
Historic Brawl | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pauper | Legal |
Pauper Duel Commander | Legal |
Pauper EDH | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Overgrown Battlement
Creature — Wall
: Add for each creature with defender you control.
kamarupa on The Passive Aggressive Aproach
1 week ago
Overall, I like the deck. I have a few thoughts that could be helpful. Feel free to disregard.
Mill is something a lot of players hate. I think defenders are decent way to counter some of that hate, but I'd expect very aggressive removal of your two mana dorks, Axebane Guardian and Overgrown Battlement in second games. I see you have 2xTurn Aside, which I'm sure helps, but I suspect something like Tamiyo's Safekeeping or Vines of Vastwood (there's a ton a green protection spells, really) would be more useful, as they could help with surviving blocking huge creatures in addition to foiling removal.
Banefire seems better than Bonfire of the Damned, since it can't be countered or prevented at a pretty low threshold.
Freed from the Real seems like a good fit here - lower casting cost than Sword of the Paruns and lower activation cost and no equip cost
63 is 3 too many. There are non-essential defenders that could easily be cut, and spells like Opt and Divination don't strike me as perfect fits for the deck, either. Don't get me wrong, I'm a huge fan of draw card in Modern, but I also think it's always best if you can get that draw card to come with synergy. For example, you have Wall of Runes and Gatecreeper Vine already - these seem at least 'on-theme' in a helpful way that render Opt more like filler than utility. You might also consider Wall of Omens or Drift of Phantasms instead of Divination. I'd also even favor Harmonize over Divination, as 3 cards for 4MV is a better deal than 2 cards for 3MV and more card draw off a single spell is more effective and efficient.
leovolt884_ on
5 months ago
Balaam__ There's also going all in on Overgrown Battlement and Secret Door but that's very similar to another deck in format. Unfortunately there are no other useful mana sinks on walls in pauper.
Joker4242 on Aldaan
8 months ago
Here are a few defender cards I thought of later on, in case you are interested. I would be interested to see you put the deck together. If you put it together on this website you can test it out!
Overgrown Battlement
Axebane Guardian
Vent Sentinel
Blight Pile
Also, just some cards to help you from removal because that will be how your opponent's will try to get past your defenses.
Make a Stand
Blinding Fog
Dovin's Veto
Render Silent
Best removal for Defender cards
Slaughter the Strong
zegmoth on des MURS et des PORTES
9 months ago
Coucou, j'ai pas m'empêcher d'aller voir et a ma grande suprise j'ai pas trouvé d' Overgrown Battlement ou d' Axebane Guardian
J'ai vu que t'as d'autres trucs pour ramper donc si ça se trouve c'est volontaire ;)
SufferFromEDHD on The Walls are closing in!!!
1 year ago
SufferFromEDHD on Hmm, These Walls Are Made of Wall
1 year ago
Wall of Tears aggressive.
Wall of Nets really aggressive.
Wall of Hope kind of epic.
Sylvan Caryatid very epic.
Overgrown Battlement is a power creeped Vine Trellis.
enpc on Defending budget commander deck
2 years ago
Of those, Sword of the Paruns is the cheapest money wise and also works with Overgrown Battlement (not to mention gives your creatures greater toughness). You do also have Shalai, Voice of Plenty which is another infinite mana outlet.
legendofa on Defending budget commander deck
2 years ago
How do you feel about infinite combos? With a way to untap a creature for only a mana payment, like Sword of the Paruns, Freed from the Real, or Pemmin's Aura, Axebane Guardian and Overgrown Battlement can produce all the mana you will ever need. At minimum, Assault Formation (which could also fit in here) gives all your creatures effectively infinite power and toughness for a turn.