Dream Twist

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Dream Twist


Target player puts the top three cards of his or her library into his or her graveyard.

Flashback 1{U}

wallisface on Blue Mill 3.0

1 year ago

Some thoughts:

  • for the same reason that Shock is terrible in burn decks, Tome Scour just isn’t viable in mill - it just doesn’t do enough for the card-cost. I would also add Memory Sluice, and Dream Twist, into this “doesn’t do enough” bucket. I’d suggest grabbing some copies of Fractured Sanity instead.

  • Mill decks generally can’t go fast enough to race the quicker decks in modern. This is why its super important to run interaction. Most mill decks include black so that they can run cards like Fatal Push, Drown in the Loch, and Surgical Extraction.

  • Your sideboard currently just reads like a bunch of cards that couldn’t fit in the main. You should be using those 15 slots to protect yourself from bad matchups, and dealing with problem cards.

  • i’m not sure what Elixir of Immortality, Tormod's Crypt, and Memory Erosion are doing in this deck. None of them feel particularly useful.

wallisface on Mill,mill and mill....

1 year ago

It feels like this list should be far more optimised than it is, considering the $$$ investment. Some thoughts:

I have my own competitive mill deck here which may help inspire you.

wallisface on Mill fun

2 years ago

Some thoughts:

  • Mill spells typically need to get at least 8 cards to be worth it, otherwise losing the card from your hand/resources just isn’t worth it. I would suggest ditching both of Dream Twist and Compelling Argument.

  • Mill decks typically only want the crabs as their creatures. Phyrexian Metamorph feels weak just because it’s going to be coming down sooo late in the game, and so unlikely to provide much value. While Snapcaster Mage is good in a lot of blue decks, it really has no place in Mill… i’d suggest ditch both.

  • You currently have no interaction. Letting your opponent do what they want is going to cause you major problems - a mill-decks strategy should always be to find a way to prevent the opponent getting a quick win, and milling them thereafter… we’re terrible at winning “races”. Stuff like Fatal Push and Inquisition of Kozilek would go a long way here, as well as a playset of either Surgical Extraction or Extirpate.

  • Your sideboard looks really un-optimal at the moment. 16 is too many sideboard cards (limit is 15). The two Crypt Incursion should be mainboard. The creatures are all really bad sideboard choices. I think you should focus your sideboard in dealing with problem matchups/cards instead of trying to do some kind of transformative creatute-thing

wallisface on

2 years ago

Some thoughts:

  • your land count is waaay too low, especially as you have some high mana cards, but also need to enable the crabs. For a mill deck i’d suggest 22-23 minimum (leaning towards more lands if you don’t have fetches).

  • Compelling Argument, Dream Twist and Tome Scour don’t even get close to milling enough to be worth it. Mill decks need to be very efficient, as even top-tier builds are likely to run out of hand resources before delivering the final blow, if they’re not careful. A mill card needs to mill at least 8 cards, bare minimum, to be worth it. Anything lower, and its hurting you more than helping you (you just end up empty handed while your opponents deck is still full)

  • I’d also ditch Traumatize. By the time you have 5 lands, your opponent should have <15 cards in their deck, if the game isn’t already over by then. 5 mana for at-best 7 cards isn’t worth it.

  • Fraying Sanity is a bit if a trap card. Drawing one is usually ok, but drawing two of these in a game, will often cost you the game. The card does nothing by itself, and it’s often better just to be running a solid mill-spell in its place. I would say to not run more than a single copy of this in your deck.

  • you need more interaction. Mill decks generally want some way to slow an opponents tempo. Just trying to win-the-race is often a bad idea. Both Fatal Push and Extirpate would work wonders here. Stuff like Crypt Incursion can also buy you massive amounts of time.

  • other cheap mill cards I can suggest are Fractured Sanity, Maddening Cacophony, and Ruin Crab

Balaam__ on Balaam__

2 years ago

lespaul977 I don’t mind offering advice, but I’m not exactly a tier 1 player myself. So I’d definitely recommend shopping the idea for this deck around and collecting as much perspective as you can on it before you invest any time or money in finalizing it.

This may sound excessive but I’d cut

Djinni Windseer (doesn’t contribute)

Eternal of Harsh Truths (doesn’t contribute)

Homarid Explorer (cmc too high, not enough value)

Laboratory Maniac (useless, you’re milling the opponent and not yourself)

Minister of Inquiries (it’s ok, but with no way to get more energy counters his value fades fast. Blinking him to get more energy counters is not efficient)

Screaming Swarm (cmc way too high, won’t see play often and mill decks rarely have more than a handful of creatures, none of which are used for attacking)

Soulknife Spy (doesn’t contribute)

Essence Flux (Blink is ineffective here)

Trepanation Blade (seems good but rarely is, not to mention you won’t be attacking)

Curiosity (doesn’t contribute, your other draw spells are much better)

Wizard Class (doesn’t contribute)

So that’s what I’d cut. Dream Twist and Visions of Beyond are great and synergize well, Unsummon is good but Vapor Snag is better; I’d replace that with it if possible. I’d fill the remainder of the slots with Crabs if it’s an option (see below), countermagic (Counterspell, Mana Leak, Spell Pierce etc) and if you are adding (again, see below) there are oodles of instants/sorceries to choose from. If not, try to accommodate as many mono direct mill spells as possible.

I guess we have to address some of the elephants in the room. If you’re intent on keeping this mono , then you’ll miss out on what the complimentary color brings to the Mill archetype: cards like Breaking / Entering and Glimpse the Unthinkable.

Which brings us to the next obstacle, budget. If you’re looking to keep the price down and/or only build from your current collection, that also complicates things. Cards like Archive Trap and Tasha's Hideous Laughter are Mill staples, but are also costly. There are alternatives, like Fractured Sanity and Maddening Cacophony which are both cheap and mono , so that can help fill the gaps.

Third, you’ll want to run the crabs. Hedron Crab is pricey, but Ruin Crab is doable. Ideally you’d run both, but one is ok. You’ll be capitalizing on every possible opportunity to mill like this; every land played mills, nearly all your spells should mill, etc.

Hope this helps, and again—I’m no expert. But I’ve built one mill deck (check my page if interested, I think it’s called Trouble at the old mill or something like that) and have another in the works so I’m somewhat familiar with how they play. Ask around, collect info and don’t be afraid to inspect the ones the pros play for some ideas.

RNR_Gaming on Izzet Defender Idea (Pauper)

2 years ago

There was a deck like this awhile back I'm sure if you do a little digging on mtg goldfish it's probably still there. Basically, ran the cards you're talking about + Kiln Fiend, Assault Strobe and Dream Twist

T_Dog345 on T_Dog345

4 years ago

Alright, let's see if maybe this will help. I'm really new to everything on here sorry. //Lands 2 Dismal Backwater 1 Dimir Guildgate 2 Submerged Boneyard 4 Evolving Wilds 2 Desert of the Mindful 1 Arcane Lighthouse 1 Reliquary Tower 1 Temple of the False God

//Spells 4 Duress 2 Ghoulcaller's Chant 3 Macabre Waltz 3 Sleep 4 Slip Through Space 2 Taigam's Scheming 4 Tome Scour 4 Lich's Caress 4 Sovereign's Bite 4 Resourceful Return 3 March of the Returned 1 In Garruk's Wake 1 Army of the Damned 1 Dutiful Return 1 Decompose 1 Worst Fears 1 Rise of the Dark Realms 4 Hubris 4 Countermand 1 Tezzeret's Touch 1 Paranoid Delusions 1 Coerced Confession 2 Mind Sculpt 1 Compelling Argument 1 Index 1 Redirect 1 Dream Twist 2 Gift of Tusks 2 Rewind 3 Thought Scour 2 Psychic Spiral 1 Gigadrowse 4 Negate 1 Overwhelming Denial 1 Dramatic Reversal 1 Impulse 2 Cremate 3 Crypt Incursion 2 Grim Harvest 1 Scarab Feast 1 Grim Return 1 Gravepurge 1 Dark Ritual 4 Font of Return 3 Death's Approach 2 Cast into Darkness 1 Triskaidekaphobia 1 Grave Betrayal 1 Endless Ranks of the Dead 3 Invisibility 2 Curiosity 4 Curse of the Bloody Tome 3 Illusory Wrappings 3 Ice Over 1 Chronic Flooding 1 Navigator's Ruin 1 Chant of the Skifsang 3 Bone Saw 3 Millstone 3 Tormod's Crypt 2 Trepanation Blade 1 Ghoulcaller's Bell 1 Masterwork of Ingenuity 1 Sol Ring 1 Nihil Spellbomb 1 Illusionist's Bracers 1 Codex Shredder 1 Profane Memento 1 Loxodon Warhammer 1 Bonehoard 1 Trusty Machete 1 Mirari 1 Argentum Armor

//Creatures 1 Archetype of Finality 1 Overeager Apprentice 1 Agent of Erebos 1 Butcher Ghoul 1 Risen Executioner 1 Dutiful Attendant 1 Sly Requisitioner 1 Sepulchral Primordial 2 Zombie Assassin 1 Nightmare 1 Marshmist Titan 3 Graven Abomination 4 Workshop Assistant 4 Guardians of Meletis 2 Phyrexian Revoker 2 Ornithopter 1 Juggernaut 2 Veilborn Ghoul 2 Minotaur Abomination 4 Undead Servant 3 Gravedigger 2 Mogis's Marauder 2 Bogstomper 4 Walking Corpse 3 Corpse Hauler 4 Gravewaker 2 Returned Phalanx 3 Faerie Miscreant 1 Master of Predicaments 2 Benthic Giant 1 Stormtide Leviathan 4 Screeching Skaab 2 Seer of the Last Tomorrow 1 Floating-Dream Zubera 3 Fog Bank 1 Possessed Skaab 3 Armored Skaab 2 Murmuring Phantasm 1 Wall of Frost 4 Doorkeeper 1 Clever Impersonator 1 Jace's Mindseeker 1 Oculus 1 Mindshrieker 1 Willbreaker 1 Spellweaver Eternal 1 Wall of Mist 1 Sultai Skullkeeper 1 Diregraf Captain

stensiagamekeeper on What a nice deck you have, well had

4 years ago

I have some suggestions Drown in the Loch , Drowned Secrets , Psychic Strike and Merfolk Secretkeeper all seem great. I have a hunch that replacing all the creatures and artifacts with the third and fourth copies of Mind Sculpt , Dream Twist , Tome Scour and Thought Scour would probably raise the power level slightly without costing you too much.

If you feel like splurging Drowned Secrets has nice synergy with Merfolk Secretkeeper and Dream Twist and a deck with play sets of all 4 would be quite formidable.

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