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TritonX - Modern Collected Company Merfolk




I've been piloting Merfolk decks for a while in both Modern and Legacy, and never have I ever attempted a splash in this deck. I am a firm believer that mono-blue is the way to go and that the benefits that come with splashing colours have thus far not outweighed the drawbacks. The consistency that we get from only playing one colour makes up for the [relative] lack of interaction blue has. I have personally always been able to find reasonable answers without having to sacrifice my mana-base, through cards with Phyrexian mana (Dismember and Gut Shot) but especially through the use of artifacts (Relic of Progenitus, Chalice of the Void and i suspect that very soon, it will be the turn for Sorcerous Spyglass). Countermagic has taken care of everything else for me.

Whilst the cards from Ixalan have admittedly been a disappointment overall for the mono-blue Merfolk players (the only real cards worth incorporating being the aforementioned Spyglass and Kopala, Warden of Waves, the latter particularly in a BGX meta), it has presented an unprecedented opportunity to splash green, of all colours (one would have expected white, given that has been the most successful splash in Merfolk to date with cards like Path to Exile, Worship and other sideboard options such as Stony Silence, probably followed by red for Lightning Bolt and Blood Moon). The main incentive to doing so has a name and it's called Merfolk Branchwalker, easily winning the prize for best Merfolk of the entire set.

The more traditional Modern Merfolk players will probably tinker ever so slightly with the mana-base in order to incorporate Branchwalker or more likely, outright dismiss it completely for being in the wrong colour pie. There is undoubtedly potential for what is essentially Silvergill Adept 2.0 to be jammed into the mono-blue shell, but as I wait for Ixalan to hit the shelves to get my play-set of Spyglasses, I will entertain the idea of taking things a step further and designing a blue-green deck from the bottom up to deliver a different vision for Merfolk altogether. Mono-blue Modern Merfolk has historically been misclassified by the uninitiated in the art of Fish as an aggro deck when it in fact leans more towards a midrange deck. For this blue-green version, I have decided to lean back to aggro and to help me do so, there is nothing better than: Collected Company.


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Date added 6 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

36 - 0 Rares

14 - 6 Uncommons

8 - 9 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.95
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