This deck plays all the EPIC spells.

Commander / EDH Carmasem


Ziembski says... #2

Ok, I got carried.

But still, You could add all copy spells and cast Epic Experiment for X=100 so You can copy them at least few times.

Additional points for Swarm Intelligence and Mirari also Mirrorpool.

July 28, 2017 4:34 a.m.

RazortoothMtg says... #4

I would add some more big wraths like Obliterate, Jokulhaups, Armageddon, Ravages of War, etc, so that everyone is on nothing when you have the epic spells.

July 29, 2017 2:53 p.m.

ahraines9 says... #5

You realize unless you cast all of the epic spells at once, putting them all on stack, after the first resolves, the epic will stop you from casting any of the others. You demon doesn't let you cast them at instant speed for free, it just lets you cast them for free...experiment works because you cast all the spells as part of the resolution.

Also Proteus Staff doesn't stack the deck like you want it to. If you staff your general and dig 30 cards until you hit the demon then you only get to put those 30 cards on the bottom in any more, not your entire deck. Proteus staff can only stack a deck if there is one creature in an entire deck, and this deck runs two. You want to put the creature you want on the bottom of your library, you then reveal your entire library, but the creature back onto the field and then stack your deck how you want. Meaning you'd want to just tutor for your demon and not play your general at all.

Over all...even for a casual deck...this is pretty bad. Most epic edh's (which I wouldn't recommend playing anyways because even if you do get all 5 epic's out, you can still easily die before you can do anything) involve putting all 5 epics in your hand, resolving an omniscience, and then casting them all at once using things like Leyline of Anticipation or Vedalken Orrery.

July 29, 2017 5 p.m.

Good Morning ahraines9............ You do realize that when you use Proteus Staff for the second time it reorganizes your library to ANY way you want. Now if you put all 5 epics in the top 6 cards and deal combat damage you will GASP have ALL 5 on the STACK at the SAME TIME (WOW!!!) so when Hellcarver Demon triggers, they will all exile at the same time and you can ONLY cast them during the damage step of combat. So because hellcarver's trigger says "You May Cast..." that means if you DON'T cast one or more, and then you move to your main phase, they remain exiled and you don't get the chance to cast them again.

In regards to Proteus Staff and how it "doesn't stack the deck like you want it to" you do realize that instead of putting tazri on the bottom of your library, you can move it to the command zone and there is STILL ONLY ONE CREATURE (I wonder who it is...) so now GASP AGAIN you get to reorganize your library with anything you want on top on your second activation of proteus staff.

SO... now that that is settled, you may be thinking, "but hey stupid idiots, you can still die easily before you can do anything" and to that I say "hey stupider idioter, did you know that can happen in any game of magic and it's not specific to this deck? Wow!" Also your small mind may not understand this, but when you cast Enduring Ideal, it will get you a Paradox Haze, and on your next upkeeps you get to have a Solemnity as well as a Decree of Silence. Now if you still think we're going to die, I invite you to name a realistic scenario where this won't completely lock your opponents out of the game. If you manage to think of one, then good for you, we'll take our chances against a one in a thousand counter to that scenario.

Now, if you really want to try and one-up this deck by making one that relies on putting 5 epics, a vedalken orrery, and an omniscience into your hand, then have fun taking 10 turns to do nothing but tutor only to realize you've been killed by someone playing an actual deck. We made this deck in good fun and banter, so of course we're not looking for turn 2 wins in competitive magic like you seem to think is what we're going for. If you're going to point out a flaw in a deck using mechanics that are completely foreign to you, maybe do your research, because we sure did, and we know it works.

July 29, 2017 5:48 p.m.

nyark22 says... #7

drop tazari for horde of notions or protogenitus

July 29, 2017 8:30 p.m.

RazortoothMtg says... #9

I assume Tazri is just there because it's easier to cast than Horde of Notions or Progenitus. if you were to switch to another 5-color legend, Sliver Queen would be a much better option as you can activate if you have it out and have cast an epic spell.

July 29, 2017 9:54 p.m.

RazortoothMtg Sliver Queen could be a good suggestion.. the only issue is that she's a lot harder to cast, but it would definitely facilitate the combo and could be a handy token producer. She might also scare our opponents into thinking we're playing slivers which would make us a target. We shall conspire among ourselves and decide.

nyark22 Progenitus wouldn't work since it can't be targeted by Proteus Staff on top of being very difficult to cast.

July 30, 2017 1:22 a.m.

Carmasem says... #11

Good morning RazortoothMtg. The thing about the mass land desturuction (MLD) is that I already run it in a few of my other decks and some people at FNM do get tired of it (toothless being among them). Because of this, we decided to avoid any MLD (though Planar Cleansing is still being debated). As for the commander, the General herself will likely remain in her place for the time being, but if we do decide to change it up it would likely have to come with an upgrade to the manabase and ramp.Thanks for your comments!

July 30, 2017 4:14 a.m.

Carmasem says... #12

Good morning ahraines9. I appoligize for toothless' rude behavior but I must say it was justified. You attempted to suck the fun out of this crazy brainchild of ours without taking the time to understand it. Everything he said concerning the rules is accurate and i would invite you to check it yourself if you're still unconvinced. EDH is about doing crazy things and not just comboing with Niv-Mizzet every game. I already have decks like Narset and Toothless has Teferi, we just enjoy this more. Try building an outlandish deck and see that it's a ton of fun when it actually works. I hope you soon learn the spirit of EDH and can enjoy stuff like this as much as we do. Also have you seen other epics decks? They're not all that common you know. I bet none of them have a Solemnity.

July 30, 2017 4:25 a.m. Edited.

Carmasem says... #13

Good morning Ziembski. While effects like that are good, Epic Experiment is really only a backup in case something happens to Hellcarver Demon. He's much more reliable than having to set up an infinite combo and a way to not deck yourself because of it. I do however enjoy putting Reiterate as the 6th card to cast with the Demon.Thanks for your suggestions!

July 30, 2017 4:35 a.m.

NicolBolasFTW says... #14

Wouldn't the text of Epic spells prevent you from casting more than one per game, even if they were zero mana? Or can you cast them all simultaneously?

July 31, 2017 10:25 p.m.

RazortoothMtg says... #15

Both hellcarver and epic experiment cast them all at once.

August 1, 2017 12:15 a.m.

NicolBolasFTW if we were to resolve one, we wouldn't be able to cast any others, but because of the Hellcarver Demon and Proteus Staff combo we run, whenever Hellcarver hits a player, we can cast all 5 at the same time. There's a more detailed explanation in the description.

August 1, 2017 12:16 a.m.

NV_1980 says... #18

Yes, this can work. Though only once per playgroup at most (unless you're playing against some really newb/thick players). After that, everyone knows exactly how your deck works and will know exactly what to do to stop you, which will be relatively easy since you're only relying on a few cards to win. If I were you, I'd add a few more strategies and wincons to this deck. Otherwise I believe this deck will cease to be fun to play very, very quickly.

August 1, 2017 3:19 a.m.

LuminAutopsy says... #19

why are you running skeleton shard? unless im missing something it doesnt seem to do anything

August 1, 2017 4:34 a.m.

LuminAutopsy we misread the card and thought it said "Artifact or Creature" but that wasn't the case.. thanks for pointing it out, it's been removed.

August 1, 2017 2:53 p.m.

LTmiller says... #21

LuminAutopsy it gets back his Proteus Staff if it's milled or destroyed or countered, etc.

August 1, 2017 3:06 p.m.

LTmiller that's what we thought at first, but Skeleton Shard only gets back artifact creatures so we made a mistake by putting it in.

August 1, 2017 3:10 p.m.

Carmasem says... #23

NV_1980 thank you for your very honest comment but I do believe you are overlooking a few important facts. First of all this deck has quite a few ways to save the combo pieces if you look. Second, this is a colaberation effort between 2 people and we both have equal claim on the deck. As I'm sure you are aware, sharing cards between good friends is no problem and also helps keep things interesting. We also have a playgroup of over 30 people at least. You also know that when you have many EDH decks, there's no need to play the same one too much. We built this deck because we wanted to make a totally out of the box kind of deck. I would invite you to try something similar and see how fun it is.

August 2, 2017 1:16 a.m.

NV_1980 says... #24

Yeah I saw the many counters you have in place to save your combo's :) Concerning your second point, I'm very aware how much fun a collaboration like yours can be. This is exactly how I started playing in 1993. If you have such a large playgroup and many different EDH decks, playing this one every so often won't make MTG boring at all; so good on you (and your friend)! the MTG cards I use are owned by my wife and me. We've built many decks together, though I'm usually the one putting them on TappedOut haha.

Another way to keep your combo's safe is by adding cards like Grand Abolisher, Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir, Mana Web or Defense Grid.

Have fun!

August 2, 2017 1:28 a.m.

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